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Or contact your local HUD office | August 10, 2000 |
WASHINGTON - Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo today announced the 100 community housing programs selected by HUD for the most innovative use of HUD assistance in improving residents' lives. Cuomo made the announcement at HUD's Second Annual Best Practices and Technical Assistance Symposium.
"This is an incredible story -- how your successes have made this country stronger through all of the good work that you do in every state and territory," said Cuomo.
The conference, Building a Better Tomorrow: Sharing, Preparing and Succeeding, concluded after four days today in Washington D.C.
Cuomo also released the report, A Promise
Being Fulfilled: The Transformation of America's Public Housing,
which chronicles how the Clinton Administration, in partnership with public
housing authorities, families, local communities and Congress, has transformed
the public housing program.
The report describes how:
- From 1993 to 1995, HUD began the reforms by stepping up technical assistance to and intervention in the management of poorly managed public housing authorities (PHAs) and by implementing the HOPE VI program Congress included in appropriations legislation.
- In 1995 and 1996, HUD worked administratively and under piecemeal appropriations laws to put together a strategy for public housing reform: demolish and replace the worst projects; facilitate and demand better management, especially of "troubled" PHAs; bolster security by demanding increased resident responsibility, as well as providing steady funding; and promote resident self-sufficiency, through incentives that reward work and linkages to vital supportive services.
- In 1997, Secretary Cuomo supplied a key missing piece by announcing the 2020 Management Reform Plan, which restructured HUD's operations to make HUD a more effective partner and included fundamental initiatives such as independent physical inspections of public housing.
- In 1998, after six years of legislative effort and with progress evident in public housing, Congress and the President agreed upon the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998, also known as the Public Housing Reform Act (PHRA). PHRA is the largest overhaul of the public housing and voucher programs in the programs' history.
- Together, Management 2020 and PHRA set a framework for lasting reform that is producing a dramatic turnaround in the public housing system.
The report says that HUD has transformed the public housing stock by providing large-scale funding for demolishing and replacing deteriorating housing and creating more communities through HOPE VI, which through 1999 has delivered $3.7 billion in grants to revitalize more than 120 neighborhoods nationwide.
The report also says that approximately 100,000 obsolete units that have been approved for demolition, and about 50,000 of these have actually been demolished. About 45 percent of the demolished units will be replaced with public housing and about 55 percent with vouchers.
Best Practices Winners
The Best Practices stamp of excellence is awarded to HUD-funded programs that significantly improve the lives of residents in the communities they serve.
"I salute today's Best Practices winners," Cuomo said. "They're our success stories at using HUD assistance for innovative programs that revitalize communities and bring new opportunities to American families. By honoring their efforts, we help communities across the nation learn from each other."
A HUD best practice is defined as a program
or project, management tool, or technique that fulfills at least two of
the following characteristics:
- Generates a significant positive impact on those it is intended to serve or manage.
- Can be replicated in other areas of the country, region, or local jurisdiction.
- Demonstrates the effective use of partnerships among government agencies, non-profit organizations, or private businesses.
- Displays creativity in addressing a problem, and demonstrates effective leveraging of resources.
The 100 winners were selected from more than
2,800 nominations in the following categories: Fighting for Fair Housing,
Increasing Affordable Housing and Homeownership, Reducing Homelessness,
Promoting Jobs and Economic Opportunity, Empowering People and Communities,
and Restoring Public Trust.
The full text of "A Promise Being Fulfilled: The Transformation of America's Public Housing" can be accessed on the HUD website at pubhouse/amerpubhousing.html. A list of the Best Practices recipients is attached.
Bright Beginnings Preschool (Andalusia, Alabama)
Martha Carter, executive director of the Andalusia Housing Authority, a
120-unit public housing authority in southern Alabama, created a "bright
beginning" to assist the public housing children who could not afford
to attend private preschools. The long-term goals are to reduce aggressive
behaviors and school failure when the children enter kindergarten and elementary
Marrulut Eniit Assisted Living Facility (Dillingham,
The Bristol Bay Housing Authority, through a collaboration with the Alaska
Housing Finance Corporation, Cordes Development of Sunset Beach, CA, Bristol
Bay Health Corporation, and HUD, developed the Marrulut Eniit Assisted Living
Facility, the first state-licensed assisted living facility in remote Alaska.
The completion of this facility enables the elders to remain in the local
area and interact with family, youth and the greater community, and have
quality living accommodations under the supervision of licensed caretakers
24 hours per day.
Rio Puerco Acres (Fort Defiance, Arizona)
Rio Puerco Acres will provide 100 new, single-family homes on tribal lands
held in trust for the Navaho Nation. The project replaces a 28-year old
structurally deteriorating multifamily development with energy efficient,
three and four bedroom homes. Fifty full-time construction jobs have been
created and four families will be employed in the long-term maintenance
and management of the project. Some of the project's cash flow is funding
an aggressive training program for semi-skilled construction workers.
United Community Health Center (Green Valley,
In a medically under-served rural area of Southern Arizona, United Community
Health Center delivers primary health care at three clinics. Its staff of
40 has an active patient base of 5,500. The center works proactively with
school districts, churches and community groups by sending staff into neighborhoods
and schools to raise public health awareness through education campaigns.
South Tenth Avenue Historic Preservation Project
(Tucson, Arizona)
In Tucson, Arizona, the South Tenth Avenue Historic Preservation project
rehabilitated historic homes in Barrio Historico and increased affordable
housing while providing job training opportunities for the homeless and
at-risk high school students.
Wilson School Coalition (Phoenix, Arizona)
The Wilson School Coalition was formed in response to deteriorating conditions
in their neighborhood, to provide needed services for families and children
attending the Wilson. Coalition members provide resources for afterschool
programs, field trips, reading programs, student job internships, private
high school tuition and ongoing tutoring, career fairs, training and job
placement for parents of Wilson students, primary medical and dental care,
new housing construction and renovation, neighborhood clean up and crime
prevention. Early results include an increase in student test scores and
infusion of funding from outside the community of more than $13 million
for rehabilitation of 300 apartments and construction of four single-family
Ragon Homes (Fort Smith, Arkansas)
Ragon Homes, was a crime-infested haven of drug dealers and gangs. The vacancy
rate was about 50 percent and it was hardly a healthy environment in which
to live and raise families. Determined to change this environment, the Fort
Smith Housing Authority and the City of Fort Smith worked in concert to
eliminate crime, renovate the physical plant, provide residents with opportunities
to improve their quality of life and establish an atmosphere that would
allow families to grow and thrive in the project.
Mather Community Campus (Mather, California)
A pioneer in creating the first transitional housing on a former military
base, Mather Community Campus provides housing and job training and employment
programs for 300 previously homeless adults and children.
Centro del Pueblo and Plaza del Sol (San Francisco,
Centro del Pueblo is San Francisco's first nonprofit-owned, mixed-use office
and affordable housing complex. The 52-unit Plaza del Sol serves low- and
moderate-income San Francisco residents who receive a variety of direct
services and advocacy on site from Centro del Pueblo agencies.
Parker-Kier Building (San Diego, California)
The Parker-Kier Building, a 34-unit rental housing facility, provides affordable
housing to an underserved population of homeless persons living with mental
illness while preserving a piece of San Diego's architectural heritage.
Parker-Kier houses 22 low-income mentally ill adults whose rent is subsidized
through Shelter Plus Care funds from the HUD, and 11 very low-income adults.
Fremont Family Resource Center (Freemont,
The Fremont Family Resource Center is a "one-stop" source of family-friendly
services provided through a consortium of 22 city, county, state, and private
nonprofit organizations. he career center attracts 120 participants daily.
Accessible childcare has allowed families to participate in the Welfare-to-Work
program and to attend youth and family service workshops.
The Telemedicine Program in Public Housing
(Monterey Park, California)
The Telemedicine Program in Public Housing demonstrates an innovative use
of technology to bridge the health care gap in urban communities. Using
advanced telecommunications technology, the program provides public housing
residents with on-site access to early diagnosis and treatment.
Renaissance Entrepreneur Center (San Francisco,
Hailed as the nation's first micro-enterprise training and incubator
program, the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center helps low and moderate
income residents develop small businesses and grow existing ones.
HomeAccess Program (Denver, Colorado)
A pilot project between the Colorado Department of Human Services and key
partners has become a valuable resource to low-income persons with disabilities
who want to become homeowners. Eligible families obtain loans through participating
lenders who sell the loans to the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority
through the agency's HomeAccess Program which in turn offers comprehensive
mortgage assistance.
Precision Wood Products (Hartford, Connecticut)
Precision Wood Products (PWP) is a nonprofit furnishings and millwork precision
manufacturing plant designed to train and employ those who have multiple
challenges to sustainable wage employment its first year, PWP achieved sales
of $30,000, which grew to $1 million in the second year of operation. In
the year 2000, the program expects to more than double last years record
and reach $2 million in sales.
Neighborhood Action Initiative (Washington,
The Neighborhood Action Initiative engages citizens in the decision-making
processes of Washington, DC, government by linking their priorities to the
planning and budget processes. More than 3,000 people participated in a
Citizen Summit that included a seven-hour, facilitated discussion about
their priorities for the city and their neighborhoods.
Wilmington Housing Project (Wilmington, Delaware)
The Wilmington Housing Partnership is a consortium of financial, corporate
and governmental institutions that have committed more than $4 million to
initiatives aimed at addressing the city's housing problems. The Partnership
developed a number of new, innovative activities for prospective homebuyers
and renters, including a transfer tax waiver program, a vacant house auction
program, and a renter assistance program. As a result of the Partnership,
the city has provided down payment and settlement assistance to 210 first-time
homebuyers and assisted 37 first-time homebuyers with a transfer tax waiver.
Through its citywide vacant building auction program, the Partnership helped
43 low- and moderate-income families purchase homes.
Delaware Rural Housing Consortium (Dover,
The Delaware Rural Housing Consortium is comprised of seven rural housing
nonprofit developers that are doing together what they could not do aloneproviding
housing assistance to low-income, homeless and special needs populations
in rural Delaware. The consortium fostered awareness of rural housing needs
through the Rural Housing Summit held in fall 1999, a video called "More
Than Bricks and Mortar," and a report, Ten Ways To Increase the Supply
of Affordable Rental Housing in Rural Delaware. The three-year Housing Development
Plan, established in January 2000, will have a dramatic impact on low-income
households in rural Delaware because it calls for the construction of 11
new housing projects yielding 750 new housing units.
Habijax Lot Preparation (Jacksonville, Florida)
Habijax Lot Preparationa Habitat for Humanity projectprovides
homeownership for low- and moderate-income families who are unable to obtain
home financing through conventional means.
HOPE VI (Jacksonville, Florida)
The Jacksonville Housing Authority was awarded a 1996 HOPE VI grant to restore
Florida's oldest public housing development, Durkeeville, built in 1936.
This had been a vibrant community and a stable neighborhood full of small
businesses, recreation, schools, and churches. Over the years, as homeowners
aged and died or left the community, businesses began to close, and the
dynamics of the neighborhood changed. The Jacksonville HOPE VI is intended
to revitalize the Durkeeville community and create economic development
by building the area's first new shopping complex full of minority
owned businesses, a medical clinic, road replacement and the Durkeeville
Historical Society.
Cease Fire Tampa (Tampa, Florida)
The goal of Cease Fire is to decrease the number of injuries and deaths
due to firearm violence, particularly among children. The group has developed
a gun buy-back for unwanted guns, an innovative firearm safety education
program for third graders, and an evening community education program for
the entire family. Free gun locks are also offered to participants.
HomeStretch (Roswell, Georgia)
Housing Initiative of North Fulton addresses the lack of emergency, transitional
and affordable housing in North Fulton County through HomeStretch, a transitional
housing program. Staff and volunteers collaborate to assist homeless families
better manage their life, money and future to return to housing self-sufficiency.
PASSAGE Program (Atlanta, Georgia)
PASSAGEPromoting Alternatives, Suggesting Solutions and Generating
Excellence, is a technology based, after-school program that has served
over 1,200 public housing children and youth over a six-year period. Its
primary goal is to support and educate children and youth by increasing
individual and group development, and encouraging alternative lifestyles
that prevent high-risk behavior.
Hampton East Mixed Use (Albany, Georgia)
Hampton East is a development in Albany that was created as a replacement
for the unprecedented number of low-to moderate-income homes that were destroyed
in a 1994 flood. The flood damaged 5,805 housing units, or 23 percent of
the housing units in the Albany area. Approximately 90 acres of mostly vacant
land was developed to provide modern, affordable housing for an estimated
200 low- and moderate-income families, some of whom were flood victims.
Hampton East is an 87-acre development in Albany that can be a model for
combined-use subdivision development. This planned community provides, not
only affordable housing, but a daycare center, recreation facilities, a
shopping center and small business development opportunities as well.
The Pavilion at Campbell-Stone (Atlanta, Georgia)
Campbell-Stone Apartments, a Section 202-funded senior facility, added an
assisted living center to serve its growing number of patients suffering
from Alzheimer's disease.
Alternative Structures International (Waianae,
Alternative Structures International, doing business as Ohana Ola O Kahumana,
works within the HUD Continuum of Care model to help residents move from
homelessness to permanent housing.
Homeward Bound (Boise, Idaho)
Homeward Bound is a model comprehensive two-year transitional housing program
for homeless families with children. Homeward Bound client families are
offered a full range of social services including career development, education,
case management and counseling, budgeting and credit sessions, nutrition,
home maintenance, and parenting workshops.
Deborah's Place II (Chicago, Illinois)
Deborah's Place II Apartments, a 39-unit permanent housing complex,
provides affordable housing and a variety of other human services for the
homeless women of Chicago. To help residents combat mental, emotional and
physical disabilities, as well as unemployment, substance abuse, physical
or sexual abuse, and chronic health problems, Deborah's Place works
with Northwestern Memorial Hospital, St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital and other
medical centers to provide a full range of medical and counseling services.
Community and Economic Development Program
(Chicago, Illinois)
Mid-America Leadership Foundation's (MLF) Community and Economic Development
Program was established to help low-income families in impoverished communities.
MLF's program combines matched savings accounts, financial literacy
training, workforce enhancement, and business opportunities to help these
families realize the dream of owning their own home.
Back Home in Indiana (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Back Home in Indiana assists people with disabilities to become homeowners.
Tibbs Court (Indianapolis, Indiana)
The Westside Community Development Corporation and the Indianapolis Housing
Agency established the Tibbs Court Homeownership Preparedness Program for
the development's residents. By participating in this program, residents
can reside in one of the Tibbs Court units, while attending a series of
classes on homeownership.
NAACP Community Development Resource Center
(Gary, Indiana)
To help the citizens of Gary increase homeownership, the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People's Community Development Resource
Center developed and offered a homebuyer workshop program, providing first-time
homebuyers with the knowledge and tools necessary to benefit from the city's
down payment assistance program.
Housing Trust Fund (Polk County, Iowa)
The Polk County Housing Trust Fund is a public-private partnership working
to improve and increase affordable housing for low-income families. The
trust fund has financed 838 units of affordable housing and funds six programs
that include a wide range of supportive services to support the housing
need of low and moderate income families in Polk County.
Building Blocks for a Better Tomorrow (Des
Moines, Iowa)
The mission of the Community Housing Development Corporation is to provide
safe, decent, affordable homeownership opportunities for families with incomes
below 80 percent of the area median income. This year, 50 homes will have
been completed, generating more than $1.2 million annually in construction
projects and $50,000 in owner-occupied repair services.
Stay N Play Child Care Center (Clinton, Iowa)
The Clinton Housing Authority, with the assistance of HUD and many local
and state partners, has created a child care center that enables Section
8 and public housing parents to obtain quality child care at an affordable
price. The Stay N Play Child Care Center offers age-appropriate activities,
including a structured "preschool," a summer camp for school-aged
children that centers around daily field trips and community involvement.
NHS Homeownership Mobile Unit (DesMoine, Iowa)
Neighborhood Housing Services, a central Iowa-based nonprofit, acquired
a 35-foot Winnebago recreational vehicle and converted it into a mobile
field office for use as a local point of contact and outreach in rural communities.
Shorey Estates Subdivision (Topeka, Kansas)
The City of Topeka has successfully redeveloped a city-owned, vacant parcel
of land that was once the site of 100 severely deteriorated public-housing
units. The land has been re-platted to support a new 24-unit single family
subdivision for low- to moderate-income families.
Owensboro Shelter and Information System (Owensboro,
This comprehensive program is designed to assist the most vulnerable of
the homeless population -- battered women and their children -- who have
complex problems that could not be addressed by a 30-day emergency program.
The project evolved from an emergency shelter for domestic violence victims
and now includes more comprehensive domestic violence services, drug and
alcohol treatment, mental health services, medical assessment and wellness,
career development and child development services.
Reach Higher (Bowling Green, Kentucky)
Reach Higher assists a large number of public housing and Section 8 residents
living solely on welfare assistance. REACH HIGHER offers a six-month work
and training program culminating in job placement. This program will provide
training and job placement opportunities for women in the construction trades,
including accreditation for 72.5 hours of apprenticeship training and a
two-month internship with a local construction company. To date, 137 individuals
have graduated from the REACH HIGHER and approximately 84 percent are still
Community Support Program, Inc. (Shreveport,
Community Support Programs, Inc., serves persons diagnosed with severe and
persistent mental illness through transitional shelter. Its provides individualized
services and fosters independence, resulting in programs designed to fit
the individual. Crossroads is a 45-day emergency shelter for homeless, chronically
mentally ill adults.
Bayview Heights Community Collaborative (Brunswick,
Bayview Heights Community Collaborative purchased and renovated a building
for senior residents. By partnering with Kids Katering and the Stone Soup
Kitchen, the Collaborative offers culinary and food service training to
at risk youths and homeless individuals.
1000 in 2000 (Annapolis, Maryland)
The Annapolis Housing Authority developed the "1000 in 2000" initiative
after a resident survey revealed that 80 percent wanted greater access to
computers and the Internet. USi and Annapolis provided computer teachers,
security, and workstations in neighborhood community centers, allowing for
two daily after-school training sessions at each location, as well as an
adult session twice a week. As of April 2000, more than 350 residents received
certificates in computer skills.
Baltimore Coalition to End Predatory Lending
(Baltimore, Maryland)
The South East Community Organization in Baltimore convened the Baltimore
Coalition to End Predatory Lending in order to curb predatory real estate
practices in the city. With representatives from community and nonprofit
organizations, city agencies, and HUD, the coalition simultaneously works
to help victims of predatory lending find alternative housing and assists
the victims' lawyers in getting sub-prime lenders to establish appropriate
mortgages in line with the real value of each property.
Lead-Safe Cambridge (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Lead-Safe Cambridge, a lead hazard control program serving low- and very
low-income residents of Cambridge, Mass., targets the most at-risk neighborhoods
in Cambridge to prevent childhood lead poisoning and create affordable lead-safe
housing. By providing services, such as financial and technical assistance,
lead inspections, blood lead testing, patient education, soil lead testing
and mitigation, and community outreach and education, Lead-Safe Cambridge
has deleaded more than 300 affordable housing units.
GrandFamilies House (Boston, MA)
Boston Aging Concerns, Young and Old United and other nonprofits have formed
the GrandFamilies House. The GrandFamilies House is the first housing development
in the country to serve the physical and economical needs of grandparents
raising their grandchildren without any assistance from the parents.
Families in Transition Program (Grand Rapids,
The Families in Transition Program helps move high-risk families with children
toward stability, self-sufficiency, and permanent housing. Scattered-site
housing in neighborhoods throughout the city, coupled with the appropriate
supportive services, attracts the participation of homeless families who
are reluctant to or who have been prohibited from joining a structured social
services program because of factors such as erratic rental histories, substance
abuse, or poor credit standing.
H.O.M.E. Program (Jackson, Mississippi)
The Mississippi Regional Housing Authority provides a comprehensive homeownership
program to qualified families called the H.O.M.E. program. The housing authority
uses its Section 8 Administrative Fee reserves to purchase single family
houses from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's
(HUD) foreclosure inventory, and makes them available for purchase by qualified
low-income persons who successfully complete the housing authority's Family
Self-Sufficiency Program.
Home of Your Own Program (Hattiesburg, Mississippi)
The Home of Your Own (HOYO) program of The Institute for Disability Studies:
Mississippi's University Affiliated Program, helps residents with disabilities
realize the dream of home ownership. Through proven relationships with coalition
members, disability service providers, housing organizations, lenders and
project volunteers, individuals with disabilities receive counseling that
promotes long-term homeownership.
SAVE, Inc. (Kansas City, Missouri)
Since its inception in1986, SAVE, Inc. has been the only provider of housing
and housing-related services to individuals who are both infected and affected
by HIV/AIDS in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. For more than
two decades, it has successfully housed and/or assisted some 1,800 individuals
in the 15-county service area. SAVE provides a continuum of services, including
short-term emergency housing, intermediate-term transitional housing, permanent
housing, hospice care, and housing assistance for vouchers and other subsidies
for scattered-site housing.
St. Louis HUD Sweat Equity Program (St. Louis,
The Sweat Equity Program developed by the St. Louis HUD office permits any
homebuyers who are applying for a FHA-insured loan to exchange manual labor
on their new home for a percentage of their down payment. Prospective homeowners
can plant grass seed around their house for a 1 percent discount on their
down payment and can paint the inside of their home for a 2 percent discount.
Doorways Interfaith Program (St. Louis, Missouri)
Doorways is an Interfaith Program, which provides innovative residential
settings in which HIV affected individuals, and families can receive coordinated
community resources. Doorways operates four programs: The Residential Program,
the Own Home Program, the Clearinghouse, and the Supportive Housing Program.
Doorways also houses up to 450 persons each month through its rent/mortgage
subsidies, and independent and supportive living facilities. In the near
CHFA's future, the program plans to expand its work into other St.
Louis neighborhoods.
Montana Preservation Project (Statewide, Montana)
Eight apartment complexes scattered throughout western Montana were sold
to nonprofit sponsors preserving their affordability to lower-income households
without a fixed expiration point in the future. 410 units, have been preserved
for lower-income elderly and families.
Montana Homeownership Network (Helena, Montana)
The Montana Homeownership Network is a partnership of organizations that
work together to increase homeownership in Montana, particularly in rural
areas.. The network has had positive, tangible results: more than 1,000
low- income families have bought homes, more than $21 million in mortgages
and 255 loans to rural communities in three years.
New Creations Transitional Housing Program
(Omaha, Nebraska)
As the result of a Supportive Housing Program Grant and a sponsorship by
the Siena/Francis House, a pastor from the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church created
the New Creations Transitional Housing Program, a program that provides
housing and treats the chronically-addicted homeless.
Resident Empowerment and Housing Preservation
Project (Lockwood, Nevada)
Residents of the Lockwood Mobile Home Park formed a nonprofit organization
to purchase their park from the IRS. The majority of residents are senior
citizens, disabled, or female heads of households. Low- and moderate-income
residents occupy more than 60 percent of the park, which has 94 spaces for
manufactured housing and 12 manufactured housing apartments.
Home Ownership for Permanency Program (Trenton,
New Jersey)
The Home Ownership for Permanency Project creates affordable home ownership
opportunities for low- and moderate-income potential adoptive families and
relative caregivers to reduce the number of special needs children in foster
care. Under the Home Ownership for Permanency Project, the New Jersey Housing
Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) provides homebuyer mortgages at below market
interest rates of 1 to 4 percent, with 100 percent financing if needed for
those faced with inadequate or unaffordable housing.
Regional Opportunity Counseling Program (East
Orange, New Jersey)
The Regional Housing Opportunity Counseling Program promotes strategies
that help low-income residents use Section 8 vouchers to choose neighborhoods
that offer better housing, education and employment opportunities.
Brother to Brother (East Orange, NJ)
Now in its fourth year of operation the Isaiah House's Residential Program
for Adolescent Boys, Brothers with Brothers, supports 14 homeless inner
city males ages 15 to 19 with housing, 3 meals per day supported by full
social, emotional, and recreational services for up to 4 years.
Project FOCUS Neighborhood Networks (Albuquerque,
New Mexico)
The Sandia Vista: Project Focus, using funds awarded under a HUD Drug Elimination
Grant, has helped create a more cohesive and economically healthy community
through concentrated efforts to eliminate drugs and gangs at the property.
Schenectady Inner City Ministry (Schenectady,
New York)
SICM is an ecumenical partnership of 53 congregations working together to
"relate the resources of the churches to the human needs of the city."
A wide range of services are offered from running the county's largest emergency
food to serving the needs of people infected with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS.
Locally well-known programs in this group include Project SAFE and SAFE
HOUSE (outreach to prostitutes and runaway youth) Bethesda House (downtown
day shelter for the homeless), and Hill and Vale Affordable Housing (a community
land trust).
Home Ownership Services (Rochester, New York)
The Home Ownership Services Program of the Housing Council in Rochester, NY,
is a one-stop shop for addressing the needs of potential homebuyers who
are at low- to moderate-income levels. The program helps first-time buyers
prepare for homeownership by enhancing their consumer skills and explaining
the homebuying process through pre-purchase counseling.
StoreWorks (New York, New York)
The StoreWorks Project is the purchase, redevelopment and return to private
ownership of vacant, deteriorated, city owned, mixed-use buildings. These
buildings generally contain a storefront at street level and one to eight
residential units above. By bringing new occupants into these renovated
storefronts and the apartments above them, a StoreWorks building speeds
the recovery of the neighborhood in which it is located.
READS Program (Durham, North Carolina)
The Housing Authority of the City of Durham and Learning Assistance, Inc.
established the READS program as an education-oriented nonprofit organization.
READS provides post-secondary educational scholarships and stipends to eligible
individuals residing in public housing. Students from area schools who have
been accepted to attend a college or university are eligible to receive
a scholarship.
Entrepreneur Training Program (Minot, North
The Entrepreneur Training Program promotes self-employment as a legitimate
option for low-income participants to become self-sufficient. etiquette,
and dressing for success provide participants with the tools for success
in business. The program has created an entrepreneurial support system that
features a small loan-pool for start-up businesses, a mentoring program,
and job placement support for those program participants who are not ready
to start a business.
Better Housing League (Cincinnati, Ohio)
The Better Housing League has established a pilot programthe Emergency
Mortgage Assistance Programto provide grants and homeownership counseling
to very low-income households in the Greater Cincinnati area.
Volunteers of America Crossroads (Sandusky,
The Volunteers of America Crossroads assists homeless individuals and families
in obtaining and maintaining appropriate permanent housing. The organization
operates a 1,500 sq. ft. emergency shelter for homeless individuals and
a transitional housing program for homeless veterans, individuals and families.
Choctaw Nation Modular Home Program (Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma)
The Choctaw Nation Indian Housing Authority operates a Modular Home Program
that provides affordable housing for low-income Native Americans. The benefit
of modular construction is that these homes are not subject to the elements
and can be built faster than conventionally built units. The Modular Home
Program also provides employment for Choctaw tribal members and an opportunity
for training in a skilled craft.
May 3rd Tornado Recovery (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
On May 3, 1999, a rash of tornadoes swept through the central portion of
Oklahoma. Forty-six people were killed and another 800 were injured. Eight
thousand buildings were either heavily damaged or destroyed. It was the
most expensive tornado in U.S. history with $1.5 billion in damages. The
Oklahoma City HUD office immediately activated an Advance Team (A Team)
and a Response Team (R Team) to address the recovery efforts.
Bi-State Regional Housing and Community Development
Partnership (Portland, Oregon)
The Portland-Vancouver working group is actively exploring ways to increase
the supply of affordable housing. By establishing a concrete regional work
plan despite the existence of state boundaries, the Portland partnership
demonstrates to others that regional housing and community development cooperation
is possible.
Reading Buddies (Philadelphia, PA)
In Philadelphia, through an innovative mentoring program called Reading
Buddies, elderly volunteers are helping inner city youth learn to read.
HUD-subsidized housing communities are partnering with local churches, schools
and the community to organize this low-cost, easily replicable volunteer
program that matches up elderly residents with children from the Philadelphia
school district.
Universal Companies (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Universal Companies is a consortium of nonprofit organizations that takes
a holistic approach to community revitalization in promoting opportunities
for positive community change through real estate development, workforce
development and education in South Central Philadelphia. Universal Companies
provides quality, affordable housing, education for children and adults,
employment opportunities and economic development, including scores of well-designed
and maintained new and rehabilitated townhouses, a charter school, a new
small business support center and a six-story workforce development center.
Saint James Manor (Scranton, Pennsylvania)
With only 14 units of transitional housing available for homeless individuals
with special needs in Lackawanna County, the county ran out of available
space. A long-vacant building in Scrantoncentral to a day shelter,
soup kitchen and emergency shelterfit the bill for location and availability
for renovation. Several local, county and state agencies and nonprofit organizations
contributed resources to renovate the Saint James Manor into a 16-unit furnished
transitional housing facility for individuals and families with special
needs, including homeless veterans, chronic mentally ill individuals and
homeless individuals who completed substance abuse treatment programs.
"Rayo de Luz (Ray of Light)" (Ponce,
Puerto Rico)
This comprehensive 2-year project is slated to assist six public housing
communities in three municipalities of Puerto Rico, which suffered severe
effects on their economic and service infrastructures due to the passage
of Hurricanes Hortense in 1996 and Georges in 1998.The program offers job
training and employment search components, self-improvement and individual
and group counseling opportunities and academic tutoring and computer training.
Building Blocks for a Better Tomorrow (Des
Moines, Iowa)
The mission of the Community Housing Development Corporation is to provide
safe, decent, affordable homeownership opportunities for families with incomes
below 80 percent of the area median income. This year, 50 homes will have
been completed, generating more than $1.2 million annually in construction
projects and $50,000 in owner-occupied repair services.
Help at Home (Coventry, Rhode Island)
The Help at Home Program provides assisted living services to residents
in their own homes, including three meals a day, medication monitoring,
wellness and health intervention and education, personal care assistance,
transportation, day care, friendly visitor, case management and a caregiver
support group.
World of Work Plus (Providence, Rhode Island)
World of Work (WOW+) services help TANF, Section 8 and public housing recipients
find stable employment. The program offers case management services, a six-week
job readiness program in English and Spanish, community work experience,
job placement and retention services, and adult education services.
Voorhees-Denmark Community Center (Denmark,
South Carolina)
The Voorhees-Denmark Community Development Center (VDCDC) is a buzzing one-stop
resource for more than 1200 low- and moderate-income residents, including
students, female heads of households, at-risk youth, and senior adults each
year. The VDCDC was created to provide facilities and resources to enhance
social and economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income residents
of the community.
Green Hills I Development (Sioux Falls, South
The South Dakota Housing Development Authority, Sioux Empire Housing Partnership,
Costello Companies, Stencil Construction, Security Mortgage Corporation
and Citibank partnered to obtain low-interest financing to acquire and develop
land for the construction and sale of affordable single-family homes and
lots in Sioux Falls.
Lane Garden Apartments (Nashville, Tennessee)
Through quick response, community education and partnership building, a
HUD team and its community partners relocated 186 very low-income families
to better and safer affordable housing when the owner notified them of its
intention to prepay the FHA mortgage and opt out of the Section 8 Program.
The HUD team immediately turned to the community, calling upon the local
housing authority, private landlords, community organizations, churches,
charities, rental management agents, and government agencies.
Austin Works Together (Austin, Texas)
The Housing Authority of the City of Austin developed the Austin Works Together
Project to help welfare recipients and other eligible individuals make the
transition from welfare dependence to self-sufficiency. Case managers assess
client interests, strengths and needs and tailor the services accordingly.
The program then provides partners for education, training and job placement
Texoma Housing Partners (Bonham, TX)
Texoma Housing Partners is a regional partnership of public housing authorities
(PHAs) covering four north central Texas counties. The one large entity
is more efficient, and more powerful than 16 smaller separate entities.
In addition, capital improvements such as foundation issues are now being
addressed, vacancy rates are improving as a result of capital improvements
and improved marketing, and HUD monitoring staff can now work with one administrative
Central Dallas Ministries-Church Health Ministries
(Dallas, Texas)
Central Dallas Ministries provide food pantries, GED training and life skill
programs, kids' summer camp and a variety of social services. The program
was expanded to include a preventive clinic that offers physicals, pap smears,
well-women exams, cancer screenings and other health services. Services
continue to expand and now include a no-cost, walk-in clinic at a neighborhood
community church.
The Village at Fox Creek (Killeen, Texas)
The Village at Fox Creek provides low and moderate income families access
to new housing units located near a main thoroughfare as well as life enhancing
amenities. This is the first affordable housing development within the community
that combines housing units near multiple servicesemployment opportunities,
shopping and medical servicesspecifically for the low- and very low-income
Habitat for Humanity (Lubbock, Texas)
A partnership between Lubbock Habitat for Humanity and Lubbock Independent
School District provides Vocational Education for students and results in
housing for low- to very low-income families. Lubbock Habitat provides materials
and the licensed labor needed to build a house, and the students build it.
Job Creation through Small Business Development
(Marshall, Texas)
The community of Marshall undertook four programs that have responsible
for the creation or expansion of 61 micro-businesses, resulting in 195 jobs
benefiting low and moderate-income workers.
Sidewalk Job Training Project (Wichita Falls,
The CDBG Sidewalk Job Training Project fulfills two purposes: sidewalks
at existing public facilities are reconstructed and meaningful job training
opportunities are provided. This unique program is a six-month job training
opportunity for unemployed or low/no skill workers that teaches participants
the basics of concrete work using sidewalk construction.
Northeastern Housing Partnership (Roosevelt,
The Northeastern Housing Partnership is an innovative solution to producing
quality affordable housing units while at the same time teaching job skills
to inmates in the local prison. On average, it takes between three to four
months to complete a home, which cost between $55,000 to $58,000 while other
homes in the area cost approximately $86,240 to build. The cost savings
allow the homes to be affordable for low-income families.
Habitat for Humanity Northern Utah (Salt Lake
City, Utah)
Habitat for Humanity Northern Utah is building townhouse-style units in
Brigham City for low-income families. Upon completion in December of 2000,
the Habitat's City Creek Estate Project will have 17 critically needed
homes for families who have no other way of becoming homeowners. The units
will be sold to low-income families with 0 percent interest and no profit
Section 8 Lease Up Extravaganza (Salt Lake
City, Utah)
The Housing Authority of Salt Lake City (HASLC) hosted a Section 8 Lease
Up Extravaganza to put the 200 Welfare-to-Work Vouchers it was awarded in
January of 2000 to immediate use by extremely low-income families. The program
allowed the State of Utah's Department of Workforce Services to successfully
establish a maximum lifetime benefit in the amount of 36 months for welfare
recipients. Furthermore, the program resulted in 200 extremely low-income
families living in the safe and sanitary housing of their choice.
Homeless Veterans Apartment Complex (Salt
Lake City, Utah)
The Housing Authority of Salt Lake City (HASLC) brought together nontraditional
funding partners to acquire and rehabilitate a 14-unit complex for homeless
veterans who were willing to enter into a lease requiring a mandatory work
component. The goal is to give the residents an opportunity to learn new
marketable skills and transition into the private sector for both employment
and affordable housing.
Good News Garage (Burlington, Vermont)
Good News Garage (GNG) provides safe, reliable and affordable means of transportation
to low-income residents and puts them on the road to self-sufficiency. The
GNG seeks and receives donated vehicles, which are restored and provided
to low-income applicants.
Statewide Homeownership Center (Burlington,Vermont)
The Vermont Housing Finance Authority initially funded four area nonprofits
to create homeownership centers to assist low- and moderate-income people
trying to find and purchase affordable housing. The centers provide a full
range of housing services, including homebuyer education, housing counseling,
loss mitigation services, rehabilitation counseling and limit funding for
rehabilitation, post-ownership and credit counseling.
The Housing and Communities Show (Burlington,
The "Housing and Communities" television program educates approximately
140,000 Chittenden County, VT, viewers whom otherwise might not have access
to information on housing and community development issues. The program
provides information on topics such as homeownership opportunities, affordable
housing development, homeless issues, and community and economic development
Chesapeake Affordable Homeownership Partnership
(Chesapeake, Virginia)
The Chesapeake Affordable Homeownership Partnership is a public-private
nonprofit partnership of the Chesapeake Redevelopment and Housing Authority,
Habitat for Humanity and the Tidewater Builders Association. The partnership
provides quality, affordable housing for low-income residents in Chesapeake,
New Road Community Development Group (Exmore,
The New Road Community Development Group of Exmorea community-based
nonprofit organization located on the Virginia eastern shore peninsulawas
established in 1992 to fight for a new sewer and water system that would
provide services to 90 substandard housing units in the New Road community.
Fair Housing Accessibility (Richmond, Virginia)
HUD reviewed the nation's four model building codes to assess the extent
to which they were consistent with the requirements for accessibility outlined
in national fair housing legislation. Because the Fair Housing Act is a
civil rights law, rather than a building regulation, it is not a "required"
component of building codes. However, the Act encourages state and local
jurisdictions to review their permitting processes and adopt building codes
that comply with the Act.
Cultivating Communities (Seattle, Washington)
Cultivating Communities, a community-supported agriculture enterprise in
Seattle, Washington, operates market gardens at three of Seattle Housing
Authority's large public housing garden communities. Many of the housing
authority's public housing residents are recent immigrants from Ethiopia,
Cambodia, Somalia, Laos, Vietnam and other countries where agriculture is
a way of life. These immigrants had little or no preparation for life in
urban America. Many of them are learning a new language, obtaining citizenship
and finding employment.
Housing at Sand Point (Seattle, Washington)
In the mid-1990s, the U.S. Navy decommissioned the 151-acre Sand Point Naval
Station. Following a three-year re-use planning process involving neighborhood
groups, civic organizations, and homeless service providers, the property
was transferred to the city of Seattle for the provision of housing, supportive
services and employment opportunities for people who are homeless.
YWCA Transitional Housing Project (Charleston,
West Virginia)
The YWCA Transitional Housing Project in Charleston, WV, provides affordable
apartments and supportive services to homeless and battered women and children.
Residents may stay up to 24 months. They receive a variety of supportive
services to help them become self-sufficient, such as case management, adult
education, budgeting guidance, job training and parenting education.
Replacement Housing Program (LaCrosse, Wisconsin)
The program uses Community Development Block Grants to buy and demolish
dilapidated housing. After a parcel is cleared for construction, Home Investment
Partnerships fundsapproximately $186,000are used to finance
the construction of a new home. The students of the Wood Technologies class
at Western Wisconsin Technical College do the actual construction of the
Wind River Reservation (Riverton, Wyoming)
Housing Partners, Inc. developed a program to increase homeownership at
the Wind River Reservation, home to the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone
Tribes. By coordinating the activities of nonprofits, businesses, schools,
and the Tribes, Housing Partners addresses some of the challenges to private
homeownership on the Reservation's trust lands.