Highlights of Major HUD Funding

Highlights of Major HUD Funding
Fiscal Year 2001 Proposed

Program FY 2000 FY 2001 Proposed
Community Development Block Grant 100,000 106,000
HOME Investment Partnership 0 0
Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS 0 0
Emergency Shelter Grant 0 0
Continuum of Care (Homeless Assistance) 10,898 11,919
Community Development Programs * 2,000 5,000
Public Housing Operating Subsidies 343,000 348,000
FY 2001 New Incremental Vouchers - Dollar Value   0
FY 2001 New Incremental Vouchers - Number of Vouchers   0
Total $ 455,898 $ 470,919
FY 2001 Increase   $15,021

* Community Development Programs include: Community Gun Safety and Violence Reduction Initiative, Youthbuild, Community and Interfaith Partnerships Initiative, Brownfields, Regional Connections, and Rural Housing and Economic Development.

Content Archived: December 13, 2009