Congressional Justifications for 1998 Budget Estimates

Budget Outlays of Discretionary and Mandatory Programs

(Dollars in Millions)
Discretionary Programs
Housing Programs
Housing for Special Populations $15 $225 $417 $791 $918
Housing Certificate Fund 5,177 8,838 11,328 12,992 14,391
Annual Contributions for Assisted Housing 15,912 11,570 8,493 6,492 5,436
Preserving Existing Housing Investment 3,534 4,279 4,990 5,620 6,034
Public Housing Operating Fund 29 ... ... ... ...
Housing Counseling Assistance 3 ... ... ... ...
Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing Projects 397 496 560 539 546
Drug Elimination Grants for Low-Income Housing 344 291 297 305 312
Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Fund 3 3 3 3 3
    Total, Housing Programs
25,414 25,702 26,088 26,742 27,640
Community Planning and Development
Community Development Block Grants 4,644 4,890 4,785 4,862 4,982
Community Development Loan Guarantees Program Account 36 34 35 36 37
HOME Investment Partnershis Program 1,443 1,468 1,467 1,487 1,498
Homeless Assistance Grants 475 775 895 1,040 959
Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) 165 175 185 201 208
Youthbuild 15 4 1 1 ...
    Total, Community Planning and Development
6,778 7,346 7,368 7,627 7,684
Federal Housing Administration
FHA Funds:
    MMI Program Account
366 379 393 407 422
    GI/SRI Program Account
394 398 414 410 416
    Total, FHA Funds
760 777 807 817 838
Government National Mortgage Association
Guarantees of Mortgage-Backed Securities Program Account $9 $9 $10 $10 $10
Policy Development and Research
Research and Technology 35 35 37 37 38
Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity
Fair Housing Activities 27 32 31 32 33
Management and Administration
Salaries and Expenses, HUD 433 449 467 483 501
    Transfers (FHA/GNMA/CPD)
[580] [601] [623] [646] [669]
      Subtotal, Salaries & Expenses, HUD
[1,013] [1,050] [1,090] [1,129] [1,170]
Salaries and Expenses, OIG 39 40 41 43 44
    Transfers (FHA/PIH)
[21] [22] [23] [23] [24]
S&E, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight 17 17 18 18 19
    Total, Management and Administration
489 506 526 544 564
Subtotal, HUD Discretionary Outlays (Gross) $33,512 $34,407 $34,867 $35,809 $36,807
Liquidating Programs
Homeless Assistance:
    Supportive Housing program
144 115 72 ... ...
    Shelter Plus Care
49 49 49 49 50
    Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation SRO
51 51 51 51 51
    Innovative Homeless Initiatives Demonstration program
17 16 6 ... ...
Urban Development Action Grants 45 25 6 ... ...
Capacity Building for Community Devel and Affordable Housing 3 ... ... ... ...
Congregate Services 7 7 1 ... ...
HOPE Grants 59 38 24 14 ...
Other Assisted Housing Programs 678 676 673 673 672
Flexible Subsidy Fund 10 (50) (54) (50) (48)
Nehemiah Housing Opportunity Fund 21 ... ... ... ...
    Subtotal, Liquidating Programs
1,084 927 828 737 725
Total, HUD Discretionary Outlays (Gross) (Incl Liq Prgms) $34,596 $35,334 $35,695 $36,546 $37,532
    Deductions for Offsetting Receipts
(513) (530) (546) (564) (583)
Total, HUD Discretionary Outlays (Net) $34,083 $34,804 $35,149 $35,982 $36,949
Mandatory Programs
Low-Rent Public Housing--Loans and Other Expenses $97 ... ... ... ...
Revolving Fund (Liquidating Programs) (39) ($37) ($34) ($33) ($31)
Community Development Loan Guarantees Liquidating Account (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Homeownership Assistance Fund (4) (4) (6) (6) (7)
FHA MMI Liquidating Account (520) (623) (752) (882) (1,042)
FHA GI/SRI Liquidating Account 1,496 1,431 1,520 1,584 1,739
Housing for the Elderly of Handicapped Fund Liquidating Account (312) (402) (453) (498) (537)
Interstate Land Sales 1 1 1 1 1
Manufactured Home Inspection and Monitoring 15 16 18 19 21
GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities Liquidating Account (562) (486) (418) (404) (374)
Total, HUD Mandatory Outlays (Gross) $168 ($108) ($128) ($223) ($234)
    Deductions for Offsetting Receipts
(1,315) (1,637) (1,712) (1,793) (1,953)
Total, HUD Mandatory Outlays (Net) ($1,147) ($1,745) ($1,840) ($2,016) ($2,187)
Total HUD Budget Outlays $32,936 $33,059 $33,309 $33,966 $34,762


Content Archived: January 20, 2009