Congressional Justifications for 1998 Budget Estimates

Total Budget Outlays by Program
Comparative Summary

Fiscal Years 1999-2002


(Dollars in Millions)
Discretionary Programs
Housing Programs
Housing for Special Populations $160 $255 $510 $418
    Elderly (Sec 202)
[123] [186] [375] [269]
    Disabled (Sec 811)
[37] [69] [135] [148]
Housing Certificate Fund 9,498 12,079 13,125 14,024
Annual Contriubtions for Assisted Housing 10,715 7,246 5,621 4,832
Public Housing Operating Fund 2,880 2,833 2,801 2,800
Public Housing Capital Fund 950 1,561 2,049 2,314
    Economic Development and Supportive Services
[38] [50] [50] [50]
    Technical Assistance
[21] [43] [45] [45]
    Tenant Opportunity Program
[7] [5] [5] [5]
Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing Projects: 579 635 514 452
Housing Counseling Assistance 16 17 18 17
Drug Elimination Grants for Low-Income Housing 311 296 292 295
Native American Block Grants 205 296 385 446
    Indian Housing Assistance
[116] [154] [190] [220]
    Indian Housing Development
[60] [48] [48] [28]
[10] [68] [114] [161]
    Housing Management Services
[6] [6] [6] [6]
    Housing Services
[4] [11] [18] [22]
    Crime Prevention and Safety
[1] [2] [1] [1]
    Model Activities
[4] [5] [5] [5]
    Technical Assistance/Training set-aside
[4] [3] [3] [3]
Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Fund 3 3 3 3

Subtotal, Housing Programs

25,317 25,221 25,318 25,601
Community Planning and Development
Community Development Block Grants 4,845 4,633 4,438 4,216
    Economic Development Initiative
[25] [43] [48] [50]
    Homeownership Zones
[18] [41] [48] [50]
[5] [9] [10] [10]
    Habitat for Humanity
[4] [8] [10] [10]
    National Community Development Initiative
[3] [5] [5] [5]
Brownfields Redevelopment 10 21 24 24
Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities 36 80 59 17
Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program Account 31 30 30 30
HOME Investment Partnerships Program 1,440 1,346 1,223 1,105
Homeless Assistance Grants 771 882 1,013 912
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) 176 185 199 203
Youthbuild 7 11 16 20

Subtotal, Community Planning and Development

7,316 7,188 7,002 6,527
Federal Housing Administration
FHA Funds:

Mutual Mortgage Ins and Coop Management Housing Ins Funds:

Program Account

333 333 333 333
    General Insurance and Special Risk Insurance Funds:

      Program Account
364 369 354 349
    Subtotal, FHA Funds
697 702 687 682
Government National Mortgage Association
Guarantees of Mortgage-Backed Securities:

    Program Account
9 9 9 9
Policy Development and Research
Research and Technology $36 $34 $32 $32
Office of Lead Hazard Control
Lead Hazard Control (funded within CDBG) [88] [70] [53] [50]
Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity
    Fair Housing Assistance Program
15 15 15 14
    Fair Housing Initiatives Program
19 20 19 16
      Subtotal, Fair Housing Activities
35 35 34 30
Management and Administration
    Salaries and Expenses, HUD
404 362 354 354
    Salaries and Expenses, OIG
36 35 35 35
    S&E, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
16 16 16 16
      Subtotal, Management and Administration
456 413 405 405
    Liquidating Programs
      Homeless Assistance:

        Supportive Housing Program
115 72 ... ...
        Shelter Plus Care
49 49 49 50
        Sec 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single-Room Occupancy
51 51 51 51
        Innovative Homeless Initiatives Demonstration Program
16 6 ... ...
      Homeownership and Oppor for People Everywhere Grants (HOPE)
32 18 10 ...
      Other Assisted Housing Programs
676 673 673 672
      Flexible Subsidy Fund
(50) (54) (50) (48)
      Urban Development Action Grants
25 6 ... ...
      Congregate Services
7 1 ... ...
          Total, Unfunded Programs
921 822 733 725
    Subtotal, HUD Discretionary Outlays (Gross)
$34,787 $34,424 $34,220 $34,011
      Deductions for Offsetting Receipts
(484) (486) (490) (494)
    Total, HUD Discretionary Budget Outlays (Net)
$34,303 $33,938 $33,730 $33,517

Mandatory Programs

    Homeownership Assistance Fund
(4) (6) (6) (7)
    Housing for the Elderly or Handicapped Liquidating Account
(402) (453) (498) (537)
    FHA MMI Funds Liquidating
(623) (752) (882) (1,042)
    FHA GI/SRI Funds Liquidating
2,330 2,384 696 670
    Community Development Loan Guarantees Liquidating Account
(4) (4) (4) (4)
    Interstate Land Sales
1 1 1 1
    Manufactured Home Inspection and Monitoring
16 18 19 21
    Revolving Fund (Liquidating Programs)
(37) (34) (33) (31)
    Ginnie Mae Liquidating Account
(486) (418) (404) (374)
    Subtotal, HUD Mandatory Outlays (Gross)
$791 $736 ($1,111) ($1,303)
      Deduction for Offsetting Receipts
(2,180) (2,253) (2,370) (2,576)
    Total, HUD Mandatory Outlays (Net)
($1,389) ($1,517) ($3,481) ($3,879)
    Total, HUD Outlays
$32,914 $32,421 $30,249 $29,638


Content Archived: January 20, 2009