Energy Star Change a Light Day in Covington, Tennessee

Friday, December 15, 2006

"*WHEREAS, if every home in Covington made this one change, our city would save 2,386,566 kWh of electricity, the environmental equivalent of removing 60 cars from the road while also reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions going into the air by 3,766,035 pounds." Excerpt from Mayor Gordon's Proclamation.

[Photo 1:  L-R Ed Timberlake, Robert Hagewood and, Yvonne Leander]
L-R Ed Timberlake, Robert Hagewood giving remarks, Yvonne Leander

On October 4, 2006, officials of HUD, Department of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency kicked off the Energy Star National "Change a Light, Change the World" Campaign. The HUD Memphis Field Office took the campaign on the road to Covington, TN where Mayor David Gordon issued an Energy Star Change a Light Day Proclamation. While Mayor Gordon was in Nashville on Tennessee's Governor Breseden's business, Vice Mayor Ed Timberlake (yes, Justin is in the family tree) presented the proclamation to the citizens of Covington, some of who are residents of public housing units run by Covington Housing Authority. He said the city has saved $26,000 this year after converting lights and fixtures in city buildings to Energy Star equipment. HUD Memphis Field Office Director Yvonne Leander opened the ceremony announcing the pledge drive and defining the overall difference the new light would make.
[Photo 2: Audience of citizens of Covington, TN]
Audience of citizens of Covington, TN, some of who are Covington Housing Authority residents
She explained "changing one bulb saves an average of $30 or more in energy costs over the bulb's lifetime, uses at least two-thirds less energy and lasts 10 times longer than the average bulb". Robert Hagewood, Manager of Covington Electric, endorsed Energy Star products, the pledge drive and gave valuable information about the advantages of using Energy Star products on the environment. Karl Kucen, HUD Director of the Public and Indian Housing Hub in Tennessee gave closing remarks focused on Energy Star Change a Light Day as an important issue for public housing. Housing authorities nation-wide spend about $1.3 billion a year on utilities, or about 25 percent of the cost of public housing. Energy efficient bulbs, appliances and building standards can reduce costs, conserve energy and cut greenhouse gases. The Memphis HUD staff gave one hundred energy star bulbs to residents, compliments of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

[Photo 3: Ed Timberlake and Yvonne Leander]
Ed Timberlake and Yvonne Leander present proclamation

Going in its 7th year, the campaign builds national momentum throughout the summer and early fall with a central rallying point on Energy Star Change a Light Day, Wednesday, October 4th 2006. The energy and environmental savings can add up. Individuals who pledged to change a light in 2005 alone have the potential to save more than $2 million in energy costs and prevent more that 33 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions! This year's goal is to encourage at least 500,000 individuals to take the Energy Star Change a Light Pledge. If we changed a bulb for every child in America, this would prevent more than 30 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions and save enough energy to light more than 15 million homes for an entire year.

HUD Memphis Field Office continues to partner with agencies to encourage the use of Energy Star products and Change a Light - Change the World campaign at program area events.

Content Archived: September 09, 2009