FY 1998 SuperNOFA Guidebook

Part III: Coordinating HUD Programs

The primary reason for moving to the SuperNOFA process is to help you create and implement comprehensive, coordinated strategies to address community problems and opportunities. Based on what we have learned from our grantees, HUD is encouraging more widespread involvement and coordination in addressing the array of problems facing communities. Increased coordination can be achieved in at least four ways: coordination with the Consolidated Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, coordination of different competitive grant programs (that is, those announced through the SuperNOFAs), coordination among applicants, and coordination of HUD's competitive and formula-based programs.

This section discusses these types of coordination and provides hypothetical examples of each, but the examples do not cover all possible ways to coordinate HUD's programs. In fact, they barely scratch the surface. We hope that they will spawn thinking to generate creative approaches to coordination.

This section has been written to assist both new and current users of HUD programs. Many of you may already be familiar with these examples. For all HUD customers, Secretary Cuomo has created a new Community Builder position. For more ideas on coordinating HUD funding, please call your local HUD office and speak with your community's Community Builder.

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Content Archived: July 19, 2012