FY 1998 SuperNOFA Guidebook

Technical Assistance

HOME Technical Assistance (HOME-TA). The HOME Investment Partnerships Program provides funds to States and local governments based on a formula to implement local housing strategies designed to increase the supply of housing for low- income persons. HOME-TA is designed to improve the ability of participating jurisdictions (PJs) to effectively design and implement HOME strategies. HOME-TA provides funds to the following entities:

    • HOME PJs.
    • Agencies of HOME PJs.
    • For profit or nonprofit Professional and technical services firms with demonstrated capacity to provide TA.
    • Public purpose organizations responsible to chief elected officials of PJs established pursuant to State or local legislation.
    • Agencies or authorities established by two or more PJs to carry out activities consistent with the purposes of HOME.
    • National or regional nonprofit organizations that have memberships comprised predominantly of entities, officials of entities of PJs, or PJs' agencies or established organizations.

The funding may be used for the following activities:

    • To facilitate the exchange of HOME-related information.
    • To improve the ability of HOME participants to design and implement housing strategies.
    • To encourage private lenders and for-profit developers of low-income housing to participate in public-private partnerships to achieve the purposes of HOME.
    • To improve the ability of participants in low-income housing development to incorporate energy efficiency into affordable housing.
    • To facilitate the establishment and efficient operation of employer-assisted housing programs.
    • To facilitate the establishment and efficient operation of land bank programs.

Program Office: Community Planning and Development

Community Housing Development Organization Technical Assistance (CHDO-TA). A CHDO is a private, community-based nonprofit organization whose purposes include the provision of decent affordable housing to low-income persons. A portion of HOME funding is set aside for housing developed, sponsored, or owned by CHDOs. CHDO-TA funds nonprofit intermediary organizations that customarily provide services to CHDOs�in more than one community�that are related to affordable housing or neighborhood revitalization. Funding may be used for the following:

    • Organizational support, housing education, or programwide support of nonprofit development and management.
    • Benevolent loan funds.
    • Community development banks and credit unions.
    • Community land trusts.
    • Facilitation of women in homebuilding professions.

Program Office: Community Planning and Development

Supportive Housing Program Technical Assistance (SHP-TA). SHP-TA is designed to enhance the planning, development, administration, and/or evaluation skills of providers of supportive housing and/or supportive services for homeless persons. The purpose of enhancing these skills is to promote the development of supportive housing and supportive services as part of a Continuum of Care approach to homelessness. SHP-TA provides funding to States, units of general local government, and nonprofit or for-profit groups�including educational institutions and areawide planning organizations�qualified to provide TA. The funds are used to provide technical assistance to prospective applicants, applicants, recipients, or other providers of supportive housing or services for homeless, for supportive housing projects. Types of assistance can include written information, person-to-person exchanges, and training (for example, seminars, classes, workshops, meetings, and computer-based training).

Program Office: Community Planning and Development

Community Development Block Grant Technical Assistance (CDBG-TA). CDBG-TA is designed to improve the skills, knowledge, management, and administrative practices of CDBG grantees as they relate to the CDBG program. It funds technical assistance services and products, such as publications, training materials, peer learning, seminars, workshops, and training sessions that enhance the ability of CDBG recipients to meet national and local CDBG program objectives. The funding is provided competitively to State and local governments, and public and private nonprofit or for-profit groups�including educational institutions and areawide planning organizations�qualified to provide TA on CDBG programs.

Program Office: Community Planning and Development


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Content Archived: July 19, 2012