FY 1998 SuperNOFA Guidebook

Additional Competitive Programs

Descriptions of the following programs are included in this section.

  • Community Development Block Grants for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages (Indian CDBG)
  • HOPE VI Demolition
  • Section 8 Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program Coordinators

Community Development Block Grants for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages (Indian CDBG). The objective of the Indian CDBG program is the development of viable Indian and Alaska Native communities, including decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. The Indian CDBG program provides funds Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages on a competitive basis for housing rehabilitation, land to support new housing, new housing construction, community infrastructure, community buildings, and economic development. Approximately $67 million is allocated to the Indian CDBG program for FY98.

Because of the unique relationship between the Government of the United States and the governments of Indian tribes, the programs that serve this population are often unique to HUD. The NOFA for the Indian CDBG Program is a separate document from the SuperNOFA because of the unique statutory requirements of the program. However, every effort has been made to be consistent with the SuperNOFA where possible and to publish this NOFA on the same date in the Federal Register.

Anyone with questions regarding the Indian CDBG program or NOFA should contact their area Office of Native American Programs (ONAP). A list of the area ONAPs is provided in Appendix B.

Program Office: Public and Indian Housing

HOPE VI Demolition. The HOPE VI Demolition program provides funding to public housing agencies for the demolition and minimal site restoration of obsolete public housing units without revitalization, where demolition would otherwise not occur due to lack of available resources. For FY98 approximately $60 million has been allocated to the HOPE VI Demolition program.

The HOPE VI Demolition program is not included in the SuperNOFAs, because applications to the program will not be rated and ranked. HUD expects to fund all applicants that meet the eligibility criteria for this program.

Program Office: Public and Indian Housing

Section 8 Family Self-Sufficiency Program Coordinators. The Section 8 Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program Coordinators program is designed to facilitate the effective delivery of supportive services in Family Self-Sufficiency Programs run by public housing agencies (PHAs). The program funds small PHAs currently operating Section 8 FSS programs to employ or otherwise retain the services of up to one FSS program coordinator for 1 year. Under the FSS program, PHAs are required to coordinate supportive services to enable participating families in public and Section 8 housing to achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency. An FSS program coordinator provides oversight of all FSS program activities and is responsible for ensuring that program participants are linked to supportive services (for example, education and training and child care) that they need to achieve self-sufficiency. For FY98 approximately $25.5 million is allocated to this program.

The Section 8 FSS Program Coordinators program is not included in the SuperNOFAs, because applications to the program will not be rated and ranked. HUD expects to fund all applicants that meet the eligibility criteria for this program.

Program Office: Public and Indian Housing


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Content Archived: July 19, 2012