FY 1998 SuperNOFA 1

Public Housing Drug Elimination Program

Billing Code 4340-10
[Docket No. FR-4340-N-01]
Super Notice of Funding Availability (SuperNOFA)
for Housing and Community Development Programs

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, HUD.

ACTION: Super Notice of Funding Availability (SuperNOFA) for Housing and Community Development Programs.

SUMMARY: Approximately $288,498,934 is available in FY 1998 for the Public Housing Drug Elimination Program (PHDEP). The PHDEP provides funds for public housing authorities and tribally designated housing entities to develop and finance drug and drug-related crime elimination efforts in their developments. Funds may be used for enhancing security within the developments, making physical improvements to improve security or developing and implementing prevention, intervention and treatment programs to help curtail the use of drugs in public and Indian housing. Approximately $44.9 million in FY 1997 funds is available only for public and Indian housing authorities that have not already received an award of FY 1997 PHDEP funds.

APPLICATION DUE DATES: Completed applications (an original and two copies) must be submitted no later than 6:00 pm local time on June 15, 1998 at the address shown below. See the General Section of this SuperNOFA for specific procedures governing the form of application submission (e.g., mailed applications, express mail, overnight delivery, or hand carried).

An original and two copies of the application must be received by the application due date at the local Field Office with delegated public or assisted housing responsibilities attention: Director, Office of Public or Assisted Housing, or, in the case of the Native American population, to the local HUD Administrator, Area Office of Native American Programs (AONAP), as appropriate.


For Application Kits. For an application kit and any supplemental information, please call the SuperNOFA Information Center at 1-800-HUD-8929. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may call the Center's TTY number at 1-800-483-2209, or, from the local HUD Field Office HUB with delegated housing responsibilities over an applying housing agency, or from the AONAPs with jurisdiction over the Tribally Designated Housing Entity preparing an application or by calling HUD's Drug Information and Strategy Clearinghouse (DISC) at 800-578-3472. When requesting an application kit, please refer to the Public Housing Drug Elimination Program (PHDEP). Please be sure to provide your name, address (including zip code, and telephone number (including area code). The application kit contains information on all exhibits, forms, and certifications required for the PHDEP under this SuperNOFA.

For Further Information and Technical Assistance. For further information or technical assistance, please contact the local HUD Field Office HUB with delegated housing responsibilities over an applying housing agency, or from the AONAPs with jurisdiction over the Tribally Designated Housing Entity preparing an application or by calling HUD's Drug Information and Strategy Clearinghouse (DISC) at 800-578-3472.


I. Authority; Purpose; Amount Allocated; and Eligibility.

(A) Authority. The Chapter 2, Subtitle C, Title V of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 ((42 U.S.C. 11901 et. seq), as amended by section 581 of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (Pub.L. 101-625, approved November 28, 1990) (NAHA), and section 161 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (Pub.L. 102-550, approved October 28, 1992 (HCDA 1992). The regulations for this program are found in 24 CFR part 761, Drug Elimination Programs.

(B) Purpose. HUD is making FY 1997 PHDEP funds available to public housing agencies (PHAs) and former Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs) (PHAs and IHAs are collectively referred to as HAs) that have not already received an award of FY 1997 PHDEP funds, and FY 1998 PHDEP funds available to PHAs and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) for use in eliminating drug-related crime. In FY 1998, HUD is not announcing a separate competition for the Youth Sports Program, although youth sports-type activities are eligible under "Programs to Reduce/Eliminate Drug Activities."

HUD strongly encourages housing agencies to work closely with law-enforcement agencies and target the drug elimination resources to improve safety and security in public and Indian housing communities. These resources shall be made available and leveraged with other resources focusing on violent crime and drug-related crime within public housing authorities through programs such as the Operation Safe Home Program and Operation Weed and Seed. Operation Weed and Seed, conducted through the Department of Justice, is a comprehensive multi-agency approach to combating violent crime, drug use, and gang activity in high crime neighborhoods. Through Operation Weed and Seed, the approach is to "weed" out crime from targeted neighborhoods and then "seed" the sites with a wide range of crime and drug prevention programs.

HUD encourages grantees to establish collaborative relationships with, and increase over and above existing levels, the efforts of local municipal police departments and/or other law enforcement agencies, local social and/or religious organizations, and other public and private nonprofit organizations who provide community-wide services to offer substance abuse prevention, intervention, treatment, aftercare, education, assessment, and referral programs and services for residents of public housing. The applicants shall include "One Strike and You're Out" activities underway to ensure the broadest range of tools for making and maintaining a safe residential community.

(C) Amount Allocated.

    (1) FY 1998 Funding. FY 1998 HUD Appropriations Act appropriated $310,000,000 for the Public Housing Drug Elimination Program. Of the total $310,000,000 appropriated, approximately $243,563,000 is being made available for Public Drug Elimination grants through this SuperNOFA.

    (2) FY 1997 Funding. The Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, (Pub.L. 104-204, approved September 26, 1996, (the FY 1997 HUD Appropriations Act) appropriated $290 million for the Public Housing Drug Elimination Program to remain available until expended. A approximately $250,649,052 was made available for competitive funding in a NOFA published on May 23, 1997 (62 FR 28538). HUD made 533 awards for a total of approximately $205,714,118 under that FY 1997 NOFA.

    In this SuperNOFA, approximately $44.9 million of FY 1997 funds is being made available to housing authorities that did not receive an award under the May 23, 1997, PHDEP NOFA. Any housing authority that has already received an FY 1997 PHDEP award is not eligible to apply under this PHDEP notice for these FY 1997 funds. Housing authorities applying for FY 1997 PHDEP funding shall complete a separate proposal and budget and submit these documents in order to be considered for funding.

    (3) Maximum Grant Award Amounts. HUD is distributing grant funds for PHDEP under this SuperNOFA on a national competition basis. Maximum grant award amounts are computed for the Public Housing Drug Elimination Program on a sliding scale, using an overall maximum cap, depending upon the number of housing authority units.

      (a) PHAs: The unit count includes rental, Turnkey III Homeownership and Section 23 leased housing bond-financed projects,

      (b) IHAs and TDHEs: The unit count includes rental, Turnkey III and Mutual Help units which have not been conveyed to a homebuyer, and Section 23 lease housing bond-financed projects. Such units must be counted as Current Assisted Stock under the Indian Housing Block Grant Program.

      Eligible units are those units which are under management, fully developed, and occupied. However, applicants should note that in determining the unit count for PHA-owned or Native American rental housing, a long-term vacancy unit, as defined in 990.102 or 24 CFR 950.102 (as revised May 1, 1996), is still included in the count. Applicants for Native American housing developments must certify that the targeted units were covered by an Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) on September 30, 1997. Eligible PHA projects must be covered by an ACC during the period of the grant award.

      (c) Minimum and Maximum FY 1998 grant awards.

        (i) For housing authorities and TDHEs with 1-1,250 units: the minimum grant award amount is $50,000 or a maximum grant award cap of $300.00 per unit;

        (ii) For housing authorities and TDHEs with 1,251-24,999 units: the maximum grant award is a maximum grant award cap of $260.00 per unit;

        (iii) For housing authorities and TDHEs with 25,000-49,999 units the maximum grant award is a maximum grant award cap of $230.00 per unit; and

        (iv) For housing authorities and TDHEs with 50,000 or more units: the maximum grant award is a maximum cap of $200.00 per unit up to, but not to exceed, a maximum grant award of $30 million.

      (d) Minimum and Maximum FY 1997 grant awards.

        (i) For HAs with 1-499 units: the maximum grant award amount is either $50,000 or a grant award cap of $500.00 per unit, whichever is greater;

        (ii) For HAs with 500-1,249 units: the maximum grant award is either $250,000 or a maximum grant award cap of $300.00 per unit, whichever is greater;

        (iii) For HAs with 1,250-49,999 units: the maximum grant award is either $375,000 or a maximum grant award cap of $250.00 per unit, whichever is greater; and

        (iv) For HAs with 50,000 or more units: the maximum grant award is $200.00 per unit, not to exceed a maximum grant award of $12 million.

    (D) Eligible Applicants. Eligible entities qualified to receive grants include for FY 1998 funding public housing agencies and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs); and for FY 1997 funding, public housing agencies and Indian housing authorities. IHAs applying for FY 1997 funding must have been eligible to apply for funding as September 30, 1997 and continue to own and/or manage the targeted developments. Resident Management Corporations (RMCs) may continue to receive funding from housing authority grantees as sub-grantees, to develop security programs and substance abuse prevention programs involving site residents as they have in the past.

    (E) Eligible Activities. The following is a listing of eligible activities under this program and guidance as to their parameters (the term TDHEs includes those IHAs applying for FY 1997 funding:

    (1) Physical Improvements to Enhance Security.

        (a) Physical improvements that are specifically designed to enhance security are permitted under this program. These improvements may include (but are not limited to) the installation of barriers, speed bumps, lighting systems, fences, surveillance equipment (e.g., Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), software, fax, cameras, monitors, components and supporting equipment) bolts, locks; and the landscaping or reconfiguration of common areas so as to discourage drug-related crime in the housing authorities and development(s) proposed for funding.

        (b) An activity cost that is funded under any other HUD program, such as the modernization program at 24 CFR part 968, shall not also be funded by this program. Housing authorities are encouraged to fund physical security improvements under their approved modernization programs whenever possible since the PHDEP program is designed essentially to fund "soft" costs rather than "hard" costs. The applicant must demonstrate program compliance, accountability, financial and audit controls of PHDEP funds and prevent duplication of funding any activity. Housing authorities shall not co-mingle funds of HUD multiple programs such as: CIAP, CGP, OTAR, ED/SS, TOP, IHBG, HOPE projects, Family Investment, Elderly Service Coordinator, and Operating Subsidy.

        (c) Funding is not permitted for physical improvements that involve the demolition of any units in a development.

        (d) Funding is not permitted for any physical improvements that would result in the displacement of persons.

        (e) Funding is not permitted for the acquisition of real property.

        (f) Funding is permitted for purchase or lease of house trailers used for eligible community policing, educational, employment, and youth activities.

        (g) All physical improvements must also be accessible to persons with disabilities. For example, some types of locks, buzzer systems, etc. are not accessible to persons with limited strength or mobility or to persons who have hearing impairments, and should not be utilized. Accessible alternatives should be utilized. All physical improvements must meet the accessibility requirements of 24 CFR part 8.

    (2) Programs to Reduce/Eliminate the Use of Drugs (Prevention, Intervention, Treatment, Short/Long Range Structured Aftercare and Individual Support Systems). Programs that reduce/eliminate drug-related crime "in and around" the premises of the housing authority/development(s), including substance abuse prevention, intervention, and referral programs, and programs of local social and/or religious and other organizations that provide treatment services [contractual or otherwise] for dependency/remission, and structured aftercare/support system programs, are permitted under this program.

    The applicant must establish a confidentiality policy regarding medical and disability-related information. For purposes of this section, the goals of this program are best served by focusing resources directly upon housing authority residents and families. Successful strategies (best practices) have incorporated substance abuse prevention, intervention and treatment (dependency/remission and short and long term aftercare) activities into a "continuum of care" approach that assists persons that are using or are at-risk of using drugs and/or committing drug-related crime by providing alternative activities, such as education, training and employment development opportunities.

    The applicant's goal must be to reduce/eliminate drug-related crime through a program designed to provide education, training and employment opportunities for residents. Such programs create a prime opportunity for housing authorities to leverage resources and bring additional Federal, State, local and Tribal resources into the housing authority community. While housing authorities provide space and other infrastructure, other public or private agencies can provide staff and other resources with limited cost or no cost. Applicants are encouraged to use the PHDEP resources in this fashion.

    A community-based approach requires a culturally appropriate strategy. Curricula, activities, and staff should address the cultural issues of the local community, which requires familiarity and facility with the language and cultural norms of the community. As applicable, this strategy should discuss cultural competencies associated with Hispanic, African-American, Asian, Native American or other racial or ethnic communities. Applicants are encouraged to develop a substance abuse/sobriety (remission)/treatment (dependency) strategy to facilitate substance abuse prevention, intervention, treatment, and structured aftercare efforts, that include outreach to community resources, youth activities, and that facilitate bringing these resources onto the premises, or providing resident referrals to treatment programs or transportation to out-patient treatment programs away from the premises.

    Funding Is Permitted for reasonable, necessary and justified purchasing or leasing (whichever can be documented as the most cost effective) of vehicles for grant administration, resident youth and adult education, and training and employment opportunity activities directly related to reducing/eliminating drug-related crime. Based upon the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association dated May 1994, as it applies to substance abuse, dependency and structured aftercare, related activities and programs are eligible for funding under this program. For additional information regarding the DSM Manual contact APPI, 1400 K. Street, NW,Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005 on 1 (800) 368-5777 or World Wide Web site at http://www.appi.org.

    Funding Is Permitted for reasonable, necessary and justified program costs, such as meals, beverages and transportation, incurred only for training, education and employment activities, as set forth in OMB Circular A-87, directly related to reducing/eliminating drug-related crime.

    (a) Prevention. Prevention programs that will be considered for funding under this notice should provide a comprehensive prevention approach for the housing authority resident(s) that addresses the individual resident and his or her relationship to family, peers, and the community and that reduces/eliminates drug-related crime. Prevention programs should include activities designed to identify and change the factors present in housing authorities that lead to drug-related crime, and thereby lower the risk of drug usage. Many components of a comprehensive approach, such as refusal and restraint skills training programs or drug, substance abuse/dependency, and family counseling, may already be available in the community of the applicant's housing developments.

      (i) Educational Opportunities. Providing young people with the working knowledge and skills they need to reject illegal drugs has been identified by the Office of National Drug Control Policy as one of the top five goals and objectives to address in its 10-Year Strategy Commitment. The causes and effects of illegal drug/substance abuse must be discussed in a culturally appropriate and structured setting. Grantees may contract (in accordance with 24 CFR 85.36) with professionals to provide such knowledge and skills with training programs or workshops. The professionals contracted to provide these services shall be required to base their services upon the needs assessment and program plan of the grantee. These educational opportunities may be a part of resident meetings, youth activities, or other gatherings of public and Indian housing residents.

      (ii) Family and Other Support Services. For purposes of this section, the term "supportive services" means services to provide housing authority families with access to prevention, educational and employment opportunities, such as: child care; employment training; computer skills training; remedial education; substance abuse counseling; assistance in the attainment of certification of high school equivalency; and other services to reduce drug-related crime. In addition, substance abuse and other prevention programs must demonstrate that they will provide directly, or otherwise make available, services designed to distribute substance/drug education information, to foster effective parenting skills, and to provide referrals for treatment and other available support services in the housing development or the community for housing authority families.

      (iii) Adult and Youth Services. Prevention programs must demonstrate that they have included groups composed of young people as a part of their prevention programs. These groups should be coordinated by adults with the active participation of youth to organize youth leadership, sports, recreational, cultural and other activities involving housing authority youth. The dissemination of information designed to reduce drug-related crime, such as prevention programs, employment opportunities; employment training; literacy training; computer skills training; remedial education; substance abuse and dependency/remission counseling; assistance in the attainment of certification of high school equivalency; and other appropriate services and the development of peer leadership skills and other prevention activities must be a component of youth services.

      (iv) Economic and Educational Opportunities for Resident Adult and Youth Activities. Prevention programs must demonstrate a capacity to provide housing authority residents the opportunities for interaction with, or referral to, established higher education or vocational institutions with the goal of developing or building on the residents' skills to pursue educational, vocational and economic goals. Programs such as computer learning centers for both adults and youth, employment service centers coordinated with Federal, Tribal, State and local employment offices, and micro-business centers are eligible under this program.

      The application should demonstrate that the proposed activities will provide housing authority residents the opportunity to interact with private sector businesses in their immediate and surrounding communities for the same desired goals. Economic and educational opportunities for residents and youth activities should be discussed in the context of "welfare to work" and related Federal, Tribal, State and local government efforts for employment training, education and employment opportunities related to "welfare to work" goals.

      Limited educational scholarships are permitted under this section. No one individual award may exceed $500.00, and there is a total maximum scholarship program cap of $25,000. Educational scholarship FY 1997 PHDEP funds must be obligated and expended during the term of the grant. The applicant must demonstrate in its plan and timetable the scholarship strategy; the financial and audit controls that will be used; and projected outcomes. Student financial assistance is permitted for individual public and Indian housing scholarship activities. These activities must be reasonable, necessary and justified.

    (b) Intervention. The aim of intervention is to provide housing authority residents substance abuse/dependency remission services, and assist them in modifying their behavior and maintaining remission, and in obtaining early substance abuse, treatment and structured aftercare, if necessary.

    (c) Substance Abuse/Dependency Treatment.

      (i) Treatment funded under this program should be "in and around" the premises of the housing authority/development(s) proposed for funding. HUD has defined the term "in and around" to mean within, or adjacent to, the physical boundaries of a public or Indian housing development. The intent of this definition is to make certain that program funds and program activities are targeted to benefit, as directly as possible, public and Indian housing developments, the intended beneficiaries of PHDEP. The goals of this program are best served by focusing its resources directly upon the residents of housing authorities and development(s). The applicant must establish a confidentiality policy regarding medical and disability-related information.

      (ii) Funds awarded under this program shall be targeted towards the development and implementation of sobriety maintenance, substance-free maintenance support groups, substance abuse counseling, referral treatment services and short or long range structured aftercare, or the improvement of, or expansion of, such program services for housing authority residents.

      (iii) Each proposed drug program must address, but is not limited to, the following goals:
        (1) Increase resident accessibility to treatment services;

        (2) Decrease drug-related crime "in and around" the housing authority/development(s) by reducing and/or eliminating drug use among residents; and

        (3) Provide services designed for youth and/or adult drug abusers and recovering addicts, e.g., prenatal and postpartum care, specialized family and parental counseling, parenting classes, or other supportive services such as domestic or youth violence counseling.

      (iv) Independent approaches that have proven effective with similar populations will be considered for funding. Applicants must consider in the overall strategy the following criteria:
        (1) Formal referral arrangements to other treatment programs in cases where the resident is able to obtain treatment costs from sources other than this program.

        (2) Family/youth counseling.

        (3) Linkages to educational and vocational training and employment counseling.

        (4) Coordination of services from and to appropriate local substance abuse/treatment agencies, HIV-related service agencies, mental health and public health programs.

      (v) As applicable, applicants must demonstrate a working partnership with the Single State Agency or local, Tribal or State license provider or authority with substance abuse program(s) coordination responsibilities to coordinate, develop and implement the substance dependency treatment proposal.

      (vi) Applicants must demonstrate that counselors (contractual or otherwise) meet Federal, State, Tribal, and local government licensing, bonding, training, certification and continuing training re-certification requirements.

      (vii) The Single State Agency or authority with substance abuse and dependency programs coordination responsibilities must certify that the proposed program is consistent with the State plan; and that the service(s) meets all Federal, State, Tribal and local government medical licensing, training, bonding, and certification requirements.

      (viii) Funding is permitted for drug treatment of housing authority residents at local in-patient medical (contractual or otherwise) treatment programs and facilities. PHDEP funding for structured in-patient drug treatment under PHDEP funds is limited to 60 days, and structured drug out-patient treatment, which includes individual/family aftercare, is limited to 6 months. The applicant must demonstrate how individuals that complete drug treatment will be provided employment training, education and employment opportunities related to "welfare to work," if applicable.

      (ix) Funding is permitted for detoxification procedures designed to reduce or eliminate the short-term presence of toxic substances in the body tissues of a patient.

      (x) Funding is not permitted for maintenance drug programs. Maintenance drugs are medications that are prescribed regularly for a short/long period of supportive therapy (e.g. methadone maintenance), rather than for immediate control of a disorder.

      (xi) All activities described in this section I.(E)(8) of this PHDEP notice to reduce/eliminate the use of drugs and reduce/eliminate drug-related crime should demonstrate efforts to coordinate with Federal, Tribal, State and local employment training and development services, "welfare to work" efforts, or other new "welfare reform" efforts related to education, training and employment of housing authority residents receiving Federal, Tribal, State or local assistance, in public and Indian housing authorities/development(s).

      (xii) Funding is permitted to contractually hire organizations and/or consultant(s) to conduct independent assessments and evaluations of the effectiveness of the PHDEP program.

    (3) Resident Management Corporations (RMCs), Resident Councils (RCs), and Resident Organizations (ROs). Funding under this program is permitted for housing authorities' RMCs and incorporated RCs and ROs to develop security and substance abuse prevention programs involving site residents. Such programs may include (but are not limited to) voluntary tenant patrol activities, substance abuse education, intervention, and referral programs, youth programs, and outreach efforts. For the purposes of this Section I(E)(9) of this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA. the elimination of drug-related crime within housing authorities/developments requires the active involvement and commitment of public housing residents and their organizations.

    To enhance the ability of housing authorities to combat drug-related crime within their developments, Resident Councils (RCs), Resident Management Corporations (RMCs), and Resident Organizations (ROs) will be permitted to undertake program management functions specified in this part, notwithstanding the otherwise applicable requirements of 24 CFR parts 1000 and 964. In order to implement the approved activity, the housing authority shall be the grantee and enter into a sub-contract with the RMC/RC/RO setting forth the amount of funds, applicable terms, conditions, financial controls, payment mechanism schedule, performance and financial report requirements, special conditions, including sanctions for violation of the agreement, and monitoring.

    Expenditures for activities under this section will not be incurred by the housing authority (grantee) and/or funds will not be released by the local HUD Field Office until the grantee has met all of the above requirements. Activities described in this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA should demonstrate efforts to coordinate with Federal, Tribal, State and local employment training and development services, "welfare to work" efforts, or other new but related "welfare reform" efforts related to education, employment training and employment of housing authority residents receiving Federal, Tribal, State or local assistance.

    (4) Employment of HA Security Personnel. Employment of HA security personnel is permitted under this section. Employment of security personnel is divided into two categories: security personnel services, and housing authority police departments. The following requirements apply to all employment of security personnel activities funded under this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA:

      (a) Compliance. Security guard personnel and public housing authority police departments funded under this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA must meet, and demonstrate compliance with, all relevant Federal, State, Tribal or local government insurance, licensing, certification, training, bonding, or other similar law enforcement requirements.

      (b) Law Enforcement Service Agreement. The applicant and the local law enforcement agency, and if relevant, the contract provider of security personnel services, are required to enter into a law enforcement service agreement, in addition to the housing authority's cooperation agreement, that describes the following:

        (i) The activities to be performed by security guard personnel or the public housing authority police department; the scope of authority, written policies, procedures, and practices that will govern security personnel or public housing authority police department performance (i.e., a policy manual and how security guard personnel or the public housing authority police department shall coordinate activities with the local law enforcement agency;

        (ii) The types of activities that the approved security guard personnel or the public housing authority police department are expressly prohibited from undertaking.

      (c) Policy Manual. Security guard personnel services and public housing authority police departments funded under this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA shall be guided by a policy manual that directs the activities of its personnel and contains the policies, procedures, and general orders that regulate conduct and describe in detail how jobs are to be performed. The policy manual must exist before execution of the grant agreement. The housing authority shall ensure all security guard personnel and housing authority police officers are trained, at a minimum, in the following areas that must be covered in the policy manual: use of force, resident contacts, enforcement of HA rules, response criteria to calls, pursuits, arrest procedures, reporting of crimes and workload, feedback procedures to victims, citizens' complaint procedures, internal affairs investigations, towing of vehicles, authorized weapons and other equipment, radio procedures internally and with local police, training requirements, patrol procedures, scheduling of meetings with residents, reports to be completed, record keeping and position descriptions on all personnel, post assignments, monitoring, and self-evaluation program requirements.

      (d) Data Management. A daily activity and incident complaint form approved by the housing authority must be used by security personnel and officers funded under this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA for the collection and analysis of criminal incidents and responses to service calls. Security guard personnel and housing authority police departments funded under this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA must establish and maintain a system of records management for the daily activity and incident complaint forms that appropriately ensures the confidentially of personal criminal information. Management Informational Systems (MIS) (computers, software, and associated equipment) and management personnel in support of these activities are eligible for funding.

    (5) Security Personnel Services. Contracting for, or direct housing authority employment of, security personnel services in and around housing development(s) is permitted under this program. Contracts for security personnel services must be awarded on a competitive basis.

      (a) Eligible Services - Over and Above. Security guard personnel funded by this program must perform services that are over and above those usually performed by local municipal law enforcement agencies on a routine basis. Eligible services may include patrolling inside buildings, providing personnel services at building entrances to check for proper identification, or patrolling and checking car parking lots for appropriate parking decals.

      (b) Employment of Residents. Housing authorities are permitted and encouraged to demonstrate in plans the employment of qualified resident(s) as security guard personnel, and/or to contract with security guard personnel firms that demonstrate in a proposed contract a program to employ qualified residents as security guard personnel. An applicant's program of eliminating drug-related crime should promote "welfare to work" in housing authorities and development(s).

    (6) Employment of Personnel and Equipment for HUD Authorized Housing Authority Police Departments. Funding for equipment and employment of housing authority police department personnel is permitted for housing authorities that already have their own public housing authority police departments. The below-listed twelve (12) housing authorities have been identified by HUD as having eligible public housing police departments/agencies under the FY 1998 PHDEP:

    • Baltimore Housing Authority and Community Development, Baltimore, MD
    • Boston Housing Authority, Boston, MA
    • Buffalo Housing Authority, Buffalo, NY
    • Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago, IL
    • Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority, Cleveland, OH
    • Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
    • Housing Authority of the City of Oakland, Oakland, CA
    • Philadelphia Housing Authority, Philadelphia, PA
    • Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
    • Waterbury Housing Authority, Waterbury, CT
    • Virgin Islands Housing Authority, Virgin Islands
    • District of Columbia Housing Authority, Washington, DC

      (a) On September 22, 1995, HUD issued Notice PIH 95-58 (Guidelines for Creating, Implementing and Managing Public Housing Authority Police Departments in Public Housing Authorities). This notice identifies the prerequisites for creating public housing police departments and provides guidance regarding technical assistance to housing authorities to assist in making decisions regarding public housing security, analysis of security needs, and performance measures and outcomes.

      (b) Housing authorities that have established their own public housing authority police departments, but are not included on this list, shall file a written request to be recognized by HUD as a public housing authority police department by contacting the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Assisted Housing Delivery, Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Room 4126, 451 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20410. This request must be submitted and approved by HUD prior to the submission of the FY 1998 PHDEP application.

      (c) An applicant seeking funding for this activity must describe the current level of local law enforcement agency baseline services being provided to the housing authority/development(s) proposed for assistance. Local law enforcement baseline services are defined as ordinary and routine services provided to the residents as a part of the overall city and county-wide deployment of police resources, to respond to crime and other public safety incidents, including: 911 communications, processing calls for service, routine patrol officer responses to calls for service, and investigative follow-up of criminal activity.

      (d) Applicants for funding of housing authority public housing authority police department officers must have car-to-car (or other vehicles) and portable-to-portable radio communications links between public housing authority police officers and local municipal law enforcement officers to assure a coordinated and safe response to crimes or calls for services. The use of scanners (radio monitors) is not sufficient to meet the requirements of this section. Applicants that do not have such links must submit a plan and timetable for the implementation of such communications links, which is an activity eligible for funding. A housing authority funded under the FY 1994, 1995, 1996 and/or 1997 PHDEP for public housing police departments shall demonstrate in its plan what progress has been made in implementing its communications links. HUD will monitor results of the housing authority's plan and timetable.

      (e) Public housing authority police departments funded under this program that are not employing a community policing concept must submit a plan and timetable for the implementation of community policing. A housing authority funded under the FY 1994, 1995, 1996 or 1997 PHDEP for public housing police departments shall demonstrate in its plan what progress has been made in implementing its community policing program. HUD will monitor results of the housing authority's plan and timetable.

        (i) Community policing has a variety of definitions; however, for the purposes of this program, it is defined as follows: Community policing is a method of providing law enforcement services that stresses a partnership among residents, police, schools, churches, government services, the private sector, and other local, State, Tribal, and Federal law enforcement agencies to prevent crime and improve the quality of life by addressing the conditions and problems that lead to crime and the fear of crime.

        (ii) This method of policing involves a philosophy of proactive measures, such as foot patrols, bicycle patrols, motor scooters patrols, KOBAN activities (community police officers who operate through community-based facilities in housing authorities (e.g., community center, police mini-station) providing human resource activities with inner-city youth who demonstrate high risk behaviors which can lead to drug-related crime), and citizen contacts. For additional information regarding KOBAN community policing contact Marvin Klepper, (202) 708-1197, extension 4229. This concept empowers police officers at the beat and zone level and residents in neighborhoods in an effort to: reduce crime and fear of crime; assure the maintenance of order; provide referrals of residents, victims, and the homeless to social services and government agencies; assure feedback of police actions to victims of crime; and promote a law enforcement value system on the needs and rights of residents.

      (f) Housing authority police departments funded under this program that are not nationally or state accredited must submit a plan and timetable for such accreditation. Housing authorities may use either their State accreditation program, if one exists, or the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) for this purpose. Use of grant funds for public housing police department accreditation activities is permitted. Housing authorities receiving grants for funding (public housing police departments) are required to hire a public housing police department accreditation specialist to manage the accreditation program. Housing authority police departments must submit a plan and timetable in order to be funded for this activity. Any public housing police department funded under the FY 1994, 1995, 1996 or 1997 PHDEP shall demonstrate in its plan what progress has been made in implementing its accreditation program and the projected date of accreditation. HUD will monitor results of the housing authority's plan and timetable. Future funding will be based on an evaluation its accreditation status and accomplishments to maintain its accreditation status.

      (g) Housing authorities that have been identified by HUD as having authorized public housing police departments are permitted to use PHDEP funds to purchase or lease any law enforcement clothing or equipment, such as, vehicles, uniforms, ammunition, firearms/weapons, police vehicles; including cars, vans, buses, and protective vests, or any other equipment that supports their crime prevention and security mission. Housing authorities not identified by HUD as having an authorized public housing police department are not permitted to use PHDEP funds to directly purchase any clothing or equipment for use by local municipal police departments and/or other law enforcement agencies.

    (7) Reimbursement of Local Law Enforcement Agencies for Additional (Supplemental - Over and Above Local Law Enforcement Baseline Services) Security and Protective Services. Additional (supplemental) security and protective services are permitted under this program, but such services must be over and above the local police department's current level of baseline services. Housing authorities and TDHEs are required to identify the level of local law enforcement services that they are required to receive pursuant to their local cooperation agreements, as well as the current level of services being received. For purposes of PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA, local police department baseline services are defined as ordinary and routine services, including patrols, police officer responses to 911 communications and other calls for service, and investigative follow-up of criminal activity, provided to housing authority residents as a part of the overall deployment of police resources by the local jurisdiction in which the housing authority is located.

    (8) Employment of Investigators. Employment of and equipment for one or more individuals is permitted under this program to investigate drug-related crime "in and around" the real property comprising any housing authority's development(s) and provide evidence relating to any such crime in any administrative or judicial proceedings.

      (a) Housing authorities that employ investigators funded by this program must meet and demonstrate compliance with all relevant Federal, Tribal, State or local government insurance, licensing, certification, training, bonding, or other similar law enforcement requirements.

      (b) The housing authority and TDHE (grantee), and the provider of the investigative services are required to enter into and execute a written agreement that describes the following:

        (i) The nature of the activities to be performed by the housing authority investigators, their scope of authority, reports to be completed, established policies, procedures, and practices that will govern their performance (i.e., a Policy Manual and how housing authority investigators will coordinate their activities with local, State, Tribal, and Federal law enforcement agencies); and

        (ii) The types of activities that the housing authority investigators are expressly prohibited from undertaking.

      (c) Under this section, reimbursable costs associated with the investigation of drug-related crimes (e.g., travel directly related to the investigator's activities, or costs associated with the investigator's testimony at judicial or administrative proceedings) may only be those directly incurred by the investigator.

      (d) Housing authority and TDHE investigator(s) shall report on drug-related crime and other part I and part II crimes in the housing authority and developments. Housing authorities shall establish, implement and maintain a system of records management that ensures confidentiality of criminal records and information. Housing authority-approved activity forms must be used for the collection, analysis and reporting of activities by housing authority investigators funded under this section. Management Information Systems (MIS) (Computers, software, hardware, and associated equipment) and management personnel are encouraged and are eligible program expenses in support of a housing authority's crime and workload data collection activity and its crime prevention and security mission.

      (e) Funding is permitted for housing authority investigator(s) to use PHDEP funds to purchase or lease any law enforcement clothing or equipment, such as vehicles, uniforms, ammunition, firearms/weapons, or vehicles; including cars, vans, buses, protective vests, and any other supportive equipment, to support the activities of the investigators.

      (f) Expenditures for activities under this section will not be incurred by the housing authority (grantee) and funds will not be released by the local HUD Field Office until the grantee has met all of the above requirements.

    (9) Voluntary Tenant Patrols. Active voluntary tenant patrol activities, to include purchase of uniforms, equipment and related training, are permitted under this section. For the purposes of this section, the elimination of drug-related crime within and around the housing authority/development(s) requires the active involvement and commitment of residents and their organizations.

      (a) The provision of training and equipment (including uniforms) for use by voluntary tenant patrols acting in cooperation with officials of local law enforcement agencies is permitted under this program. Members must be volunteers and must be residents of the housing authority's development(s). Voluntary tenant patrols established under this program are expected to patrol in the housing authority's development(s) proposed for assistance, and to report illegal activities to appropriate housing authority staff, and local, State, Tribal, and Federal law enforcement agencies, as appropriate. Housing authorities are required to obtain liability insurance to protect themselves and the members of the voluntary tenant patrol against potential liability for the activities of the patrol under this program. The cost of this insurance is an eligible program expense.

      (b) The housing authority (grantee) and cooperating local law enforcement agency, and the members of the voluntary tenant patrol are required, prior to expending any grant funds, to enter into and execute a written housing authority/local municipal police department agreement that describes the following:

        (i) The nature of the activities to be performed by the voluntary tenant patrol, the patrol's scope of authority, assignment, the established policies, procedures, and practices that will govern the voluntary tenant patrol's performance and how the patrol will coordinate its activities with the law enforcement agency;

        (ii) The types of activities that a voluntary tenant patrol is expressly prohibited from undertaking, including, but not limited to, the carrying or use of firearms or other weapons, nightstick, clubs, handcuffs, or mace in the course of their duties under this program;

        (iii) The initial and follow-up voluntary tenant patrol training the members receive from the local law enforcement agency (training by the local law enforcement agency is required before putting the voluntary tenant patrol into effect); and

        (iv) Voluntary tenant patrol members must be advised that they may be subject to individual or collective liability for any actions undertaken outside the scope of their authority and that such acts are not covered under a housing authority's liability insurance.

      (c) Uniforms, communication and related equipment eligible for funding under this program shall be reasonable, necessary, justified and related to the operation of the voluntary tenant patrol and must be otherwise permissible under local, State, Tribal, or Federal law.

      (d) Under this program, bicycles, motor scooters, all season uniforms and associated equipment to be used, exclusively, by the members of the housing authority's voluntary tenant patrol are eligible items. Voluntary tenant patrol uniforms and equipment must be identified with specific housing authority/development(s) identification and markings.

      (e) PHDEP grant funds shall not be used for any type of financial compensation, such as any full-time wages or salaries for voluntary tenant and/or patrol participants. Funding for housing authority personnel or resident(s) to be hired to coordinate this activity is permitted.

    (F) Ineligible Activities. PHDEP funding is not permitted for any of the activities listed below, unless otherwise specified in this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA.

    (1) Costs incurred before the effective date of the grant agreement (Form HUD-1044), including, but not limited to, consultant fees related to the development of an application or the actual writing of the application.

    (2) The purchase of controlled substances for any purpose. Controlled substance shall have the meaning provided in section 102 of the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 802).

    (3) Compensation of informants, including confidential informants. These should be part of the baseline services provided and budgeted by local law enforcement agencies.

    (4) Direct purchase or lease of any law or military enforcement clothing or equipment, such as vehicles, including cars, vans, buses, uniforms, ammunition, firearms/weapons, protective vests, and any other supportive equipment. Exceptions are public housing police departments, and investigator activities listed in this NOFA.

    (5) Wages or salaries for voluntary tenant patrol participants. Housing authorities and TDHEs are permitted to fund housing authority/resident coordinator(s) to be hired for this activity. Staffing must be reasonable, necessary and justified. Excessive staffing is not permitted.

    (6) Construction of any facility space in a building or unit, although funding is permitted for the costs of retrofitting/modifying existing building space owned by the housing authorities and TDHEs for eligible activities/programs such as: community policing mini-station operations, adult/youth education, and employment training facilities. The goal of this funding is to reduce/eliminate drug- related crime and form partnerships with Federal, Tribal, State and local government resources.

    Program costs are permitted if shared among other HUD programs. The applicant must demonstrate the use of program compliance, accountability, financial and audit controls of PHDEP funds and controls to prevent duplicate funding of any activity. Housing authorities shall not co-mingle funds of multiple programs such as CIAP, CGP, OTAR, TOP, EDSS, IHBG, Family Investment Center, Elderly Service Coordinators, and Operating Subsidy. House trailers of any type that are not designated as a building are eligible items for purchase or lease for specific community policing, educational, employment, and youth activities.

    (7) Organized fund raising, advertising, financial campaigns, endowment drives, solicitation of gifts and bequests, rallies, marches, community celebrations and similar expenses.

    (8) Costs of entertainment, amusements, or social activities and for the expenses of items such as meals, beverages, lodgings, rentals, transportation, and gratuities related to these ineligible activities. However, under Section I.(E)(8) of this PHDEP notice, funding is permitted for reasonable, necessary and justified program costs, as defined in OMB Circular A-87, such as meals, beverages and transportation, incurred only for prevention programs, employment training, education and youth activities directly related to reducing/eliminating drug-related crime.

    (9) Costs (such as court costs and attorneys fees) related to screening or evicting residents for drug-related crime. However, housing authority and TDHE investigators funded under this program may participate in judicial and administrative proceedings as provided in and listed under section I.(E)(5) (Employment of Investigator(s)), of this NOFA.

    (10) Although participation in activities with Federal drug interdiction or drug enforcement agencies is encouraged, the transfer of PHDEP grant funds to any Federal agency.

    (11) Establishment of councils, resident associations, resident organizations, and resident corporations since HUD funds these activities under a separate NOFA.

    (12) Indirect costs as defined in OMB Circular A-87 are not permitted under this program (only direct costs are permitted).

    (13) Supplant existing positions/activities. For purposes of the PHDEP, supplanting is defined as "taking the place of or to supersede".

    (14) The PHDEP is targeted by statute at controlled substances as defined at section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802). Since alcohol is a legal substance, alcohol-exclusive activities and programs are not eligible for funding under this NOFA, although activities and programs may address situations of multiple abuse involving controlled substances and alcohol.

    Eligible Activities for the Youth Sports Program. (1) Any qualified entity that receives a grant may use the funds to assist in carrying out a youth sports program in the following manner:

    (2) Provision of public services, including salaries and expenses for staff or youth sports programs and cultural activities, educational programs relating to drug abuse, and sports and recreation equipment.

      (a) Non-profit programs that have partnered with housing authorities that provide scheduled organized sports competitions, cultural, educational, recreational, or other activities designed to involve public housing youth as alternatives to drug related criminal activity are eligible activities.

      Examples include but are not limited to professional sports and/or national prevention organizations for youth, nationally and locally recognized youth programs such as Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCAs, YWCAs, Scouts, National Association of Midnight Basketball Leagues, national or local sports figures, etc.

      (b) The purchase of recreational equipment to be used by program participants is permitted under this program.

      (c) Cultural and recreational activities, such as ethnic heritage classes, art, dance, drama and music appreciation and instruction programs are eligible Youth Sports Program activities.

      (d) Youth leadership skills training for program participants is permitted under this program. These activities must be designed to involve youth in peer leadership roles in the implementation of program activities, for example, as team or activity captains, counselors to younger program participants, assistant coaches, and equipment or supply managers. Grantees may contract with youth trainers to provide services which may include training in peer pressure reversal, resistance or refusal skills, life skills, goal planning, parenting skills, and other relevant topics.

      (e) Transportation costs directly related to youth sports activities (for example, leasing a vehicle to transport a youth sports team to a game) are eligible program expenses and liability insurance costs directly related to youth sports activities are eligible program expenses.

II. Program Requirements.

In addition to the program requirements listed in the General Section of this SuperNOFA, applicants are subject to the following requirements:

    (A) Threshold Requirements. Housing authorities applying for PHDEP funds are required to submit the following threshold information:

      (1) Applicants must submit a program plan/evaluation specifically demonstrating how the activities under this program will be evaluated. This is an eligible expense.

      (2) A description of how PHDEP resources will be used to establish collaborative relationships with, and increase over and above existing levels, the efforts of local municipal police departments and/or other law enforcement agencies, local social and/or religious organizations, and other public and private nonprofit organizations who provide community-wide services to offer substance abuse prevention, intervention, treatment, aftercare, education, assessment, and referral programs and services.

      (3) A discussion, in their comprehensive anti-crime strategies, of how the proposed PHDEP drug and crime prevention activities will be coordinated with larger Empowerment and Enterprise Zone strategies and Welfare Reform efforts, especially in the areas of training and employment of PHA residents. The PHDEP application may include specific opportunities for resident employment and training with such activities as contracting or hiring of residents as security guard personnel, housing authority police officers, and for referrals to employment and training opportunities. The applicant must demonstrate how the employment and training qualifies as an eligible activity. PHDEP applicants should coordinate with Federal, Tribal, State and local agencies to increase employment and training opportunities for low-income residents, and thereby decrease drug-related crime. Many communities are already developing and providing such services, and housing authorities are strongly encouraged to provide community facility space to allow the provision of these services for residents living "in and around" housing authorities.

      (4) A description of how the applicant plans to increase the use of housing authority community facilities, and bring back a community focus to housing authority properties. Expenses related to community policing; police mini-stations; and resident training, substance abuse prevention, intervention, treatment, structured aftercare, and other human resources programs that comply with the requirements of this program are eligible program expenses. HUD encourages applicants to use housing authority community facilities in all eligible PHDEP activities. Community policing, resident training, substance abuse prevention, intervention and treatment (dependency, structured aftercare, and support systems) are all activities most effectively implemented in housing authority community facilities. While all PHDEP activities must be carried out "in and around" housing authorities, often the use of the community facilities is taken for granted, and not considered when planning effective implementation of PHDEP activities. HUD encourages applicants to consider current and future use of their community facilities for eligible activities, and to incorporate a strategy regarding facilities for on-site service delivery.

      (5) As applicable, incorporate "One Strike and You're Out" elements in applications to ensure PHAs have available the broadest range of tools for making and maintaining a safe residential community. "One Strike and You're Out" activities in applications may be eligible program expenses but to qualify as eligible activities, they must be included in the plan to address the crime problem in public and Indian housing developments required by this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA. Factors related to the One Strike initiative, such as screening applicants and lease enforcement, are addressed in this PHDEP section of the SuperNOFA. As a part of the Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP), PHA performance will be measured, in part, by PHMAP indicator #8, "Security", which was included in the revised PHMAP rule published on December 30, 1996, (61 FR 68894). Any successful, comprehensive anti-crime strategy in public housing only (PHMAP does not apply to Indian housing) should address the elements of the PHMAP security indicator: tracking and reporting crime-related problems, screening applicants, enforcing lease requirements, and stating and achieving anti-crime strategies/goals in appropriate HUD grant programs.

    (B) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. The first two sentences of the requirement in Section II(D) of the General Section of this SuperNOFA do not apply to this program.

III. Application Selection Process.

    (A) Rating and Ranking. Applications will be evaluated competitively and ranked against all other applicants that have applied for Drug Elimination grants. HUD will review each application to determine that it meets the requirements of this SuperNOFA and to assign points in accordance with the rating factors.

    HUD will select and fund the highest ranking applications based on score, and continue the process until all funds allocated to it have been awarded or to the point where there are insufficient acceptable applications for which to award funds.

    In the event of a tie, HUD will select the highest ranking application that can be fully funded. In the event that two eligible applications receive the same score, and both cannot be funded because of insufficient funds, the applicant with the highest score in rating factor two will be funded. If rating factor two is scored identically, the scores in rating factors one and four will be compared in that order, until one of the applications receives a higher score. If both applications still score the same then the application which requests the least funding will be selected in order to promote the more efficient use of resources. Each application submitted will be evaluated on the basis of the selection criteria set forth below.

    (B) Factors For Award to Evaluate and Rank Applications. The factors for rating and ranking applicants and maximum points for each factor, are provided below. The maximum number of points for this program is 102. This includes two EZ/EC bonus points, as described in the General Section of the SuperNOFA.

    Rating Factor 1: Capacity of the Applicant and Relevant Organizational Experience (20 Points).

    This factor addresses the extent to which the applicant has proper organizational resources necessary to successfully implement the proposed activities in a timely manner. The rating of the "applicant" or the "applicants organization and staff" for technical merit or threshold compliance, unless otherwise specified, will include any subcontractors, consultants, sub-recipients, and members of consortia which are firmly committed to the project. In rating this factor, HUD will consider the following:

      (1) The knowledge and experience of the staff and administrative capability to manage grants, including administrative support functions, procurement, lines of authority, and fiscal management capacity.

        (a) For PHAs (and TDHEs that had previously applied as IHAs), HUD will consider such measurement tools as PHMAP, uniform crime index, physical inspections, agency monitoring of records, Line of Credit Control System Reports (LOCCS), audits and such other relevant information available to HUD on the capacity of the owner or manager to undertake the grant.

        (b) For owners of multifamily housing, HUD will consider the most recent Management Review (including Rural Development Management Review), HQS review, State Agency review and such other relevant information available to HUD on the capacity of the owner or manager to undertake the grant.

        (c) A description of established performance goals to define the results expected to be achieved by all major grant activities proposed in the grant application, and a description of the goals expressed in an objective, quantifiable, and measurable form. The goals must be outcome or result-oriented and not out-put related. Outcomes include accomplishments, results, impact and the ultimate effects of the program on the drug or crime problem in the target/project area.

      (2) The applicant's performance in administering Drug Elimination funding in the previous 5 years.

        (a) For PHAs the applicant's past experience will be evaluated in terms of their ability to attain demonstrated measurable progress in tracking drug related crime, enforcement of screening and lease procedures in implementation of the "One Strike and You're Out Initiative" (as applicable), the extent to which the applicant has formed a collaboration with Tribal, State and local law enforcement agencies and courts to gain access to criminal conviction records of applicants to determine their suitability for residence in public housing. Such data will be measured and evaluated based on the Public Housing Management Assessment Program at 24 CFR part 901.

        (b) The applicant must identify their participation in HUD grant programs within the preceding three years and discuss the degree of the applicant's success in implementing and managing (program implementation, timely drawdown of funds, timely submission of required reports with satisfactory outcomes related to the plan and timetable, audit compliance, whether there are any unresolved findings from prior HUD reports (.e.g. performance or finance) reviews of audits undertaken by HUD, the Office of Inspector General, the General Accounting Office or independent public accountants.

      (3) Submission of evidence that applicants have initiated other efforts to reduce drug-related crime by working with Operation Safe Home, SNAP, Weed and Seed, or tenant and/or law enforcement groups.

      (4) The applicant's performance in administering other Federal, State or local grant programs.

    Rating Factor 2: Need/Extent of the Problem (25 Points)

      This factor addresses the extent to which there is a need for funding the proposed program activities to address a documented problem in the target area (i.e., the degree of the severity of the drug-related crime problem in the project proposed for funding). In responding to this factor, applicants will be evaluated on the extent to which a critical level of need for the proposed activities is explained and an indication of the urgency of meeting the need in the target area. Applicants must include a description of the extent and nature of drug-related crime "in or around" the housing units or developments proposed for funding.

      Applicants will be evaluated on the following:

        (1) (15 points) "Objective Crime Data" relevant to the target area. For objective crime data, an applicant can be awarded up to 15 points. Such data should consist of verifiable records and not anecdotal reports. Where appropriate, the statistics should be reported both in real numbers and as an annual percentage of the residents in each development (e.g., 20 arrests in a two-year period for distribution of heroin in a development with 100 residents reflects a 20% occurrence rate). Such data may include:

          (a) Police records or other verifiable information from records on the types or sources of drug related crime in the targeted developments and surrounding area;

          (b) The number of lease terminations or evictions for drug-related crime at the targeted developments; and

          (c) The number of emergency room admissions for drug use or that result from drug-related crime. Such information may be obtained from police Departments and/or fire departments, emergency medical service agencies and hospitals. The number of police calls for service from housing authorities developments that include resident initiated calls, officer-initiated calls, domestic violence calls, drug distribution complaints, found drug paraphernalia, gang activity, graffiti that reflects drugs or gang-related activity, vandalism, drug arrests, and abandoned vehicles.

        For PHAs, such data should include housing authority police records on the types and sources on drug related crime "in or around" developments as reflected in crime statistics or other supporting data from Federal, State, Tribal or local law enforcement agencies.

        (2) (10 Points) Other Crime Data: Other supporting data on the extent of drug-related crime. For this section, an applicant can received up to 10 points. To the extent that objective data as described above may not be available, or to complement that data, the assessment must use data from other verifiable sources that have a direct bearing on drug-related crime in the developments proposed for assistance under this program. However, if other relevant information is to be used in place of objective data, the application must indicate the reasons why objective data could not be obtained and what efforts were made to obtain it and what efforts will be made during the grant period to begin obtaining the data. Examples of the data should include (but are not necessarily limited to):

          (a) Surveys of residents and staff in the targeted developments surveyed on drug-related crime or on-site reviews to determine drug/crime activity; and government or scholarly studies or other research in the past year that analyze drug-related crime activity in the targeted developments.

          (b) Vandalism cost at the targeted developments, to include elevator vandalism (where appropriate) and other vandalism attributable to drug-related crime.

          (c) Information from schools, health service providers, residents and Federal, State, local, and Tribal officials, and the verifiable opinions and observations of individuals having direct knowledge of drug-related crime and the nature and frequency of these problems in developments proposed for assistance. (These individuals may include Federal, State, Tribal, and local government law enforcement officials, resident or community leaders, school officials, community medical officials, substance abuse, treatment (dependency/remission) or counseling professionals, or other social service providers).

          (d) The school dropout rate and level of absenteeism for youth that the applicant can relate to drug-related crime. If crime or other statistics are not available at the development or precinct level the applicant must use other verifiable, reliable and objective data.

          (e) To the extent that the applicant's community's Consolidated Plan identifies the level of the problem and the urgency in meeting the need, references to these documents should be included in the response. The Department will review more favorably those applicants who used these documents to identify need, when applicable.

    Rating Factor 3: Soundness of Approach - (Quality of the Plan) (35 Points)

    This factor addresses the quality and effectiveness of the applicant's proposed work plan. In rating this factor, HUD will consider the impact of the activity; if there are tangible benefits that can be attained by the community and by the target population.

    An application must include a detailed narrative describing each proposed activity for crime reduction and elimination efforts for each development proposed for assistance, the amount and extent of resources committed to each activity or service proposed, and process used to collect, maintain, analyze and report Part I and II crimes as defined by the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR System), as well as police workload data. The process must include the collection of police workload data such as, but not limited to, all calls for service at the housing authority by individual development, pattern over a period of time, type of crime, and plans to improve data collection and reporting.

    In evaluating this factor, HUD will consider the following:

    (1) (15 Points) The quality of the applicant's plan to address the drug- related crime problem, and the problems associated with drug-related crime in the developments proposed for funding, the resources allocated, and how well the proposed activities fit with the plan.

    (2) (10 Points for (2) and (3)) The anticipated effectiveness of the plan and proposed activities in reducing or eliminating drug-related crime problems immediately and over an extended period, including whether the proposed activities enhance and are coordinated with on going or proposed programs sponsored by HUD such as Neighborhood Networks, Campus of Learners, Computerized Community Connections, Operation Safe Home, "One Strike and You're Out," Department of Justice Weed and Seed Efforts, or any other prevention intervention treatment activities.

    (3) The rational for the proposed activities and methods used including evidence that proposed activities have been effective in similar circumstances in controlling drug-related crime. Applicants that are proposing new methods for which there is limited knowledge of the effectiveness, should provide the basis for modifying past practices and rationale for why they believe the modification will yield more effective results.

    (4) (10 Points for (4) and (5)) The process it will use to collect, maintain, analyze and report Part I and II crimes as defined by the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR System), as well as police workload data. The applicant's proposed analysis of the data collected should include a method for assessing the impact of activities on the collected crime statistics on an on-going basis during the award period.

    (5) Specific steps the applicant will take to share and coordinate information on solutions and outcomes with other law-enforcement and governmental agencies, and a description of any written agreements in place or that will be put in place.

    (6) The extent to which the applicant's elimination of crime in a development or neighborhood will expand fair housing choice and will affirmatively further fair housing.

    Rating Factor 4: Leveraging Resources - (Support of Residents, the Local Government and the Community in Planning and Implementing the Proposed Activities) (10 Points)

    This factor addresses the ability of the applicant to secure community and government resources which can be combined with HUD's program resources to achieve program purposes.

    (1) In assessing this factor, HUD will consider the following:

    Evidence of commitment of funding, staff, or in-kind resources, partnership agreements, and on-going or planned cooperative efforts with law enforcement agencies, memoranda of understanding, or agreements to participate. Such commitments must be signed by an official of the organization legally able to make commitments for the organization. This evidence of commitment must include organization name, resources, and responsibilities of each participant. This also includes interagency activities already undertaken, participation in local, state, Tribal or Federal anti-drug related crime efforts such as: education, training and employment provision components of Welfare Reform efforts, Operation Weed and Seed, Operation Safe Home, local law enforcement initiatives and/or successful coordination of its law enforcement, or other activities with local, state, Tribal or Federal law enforcement agencies.

    (2) In evaluating this factor, HUD will also consider the extent to which these initiatives are used to leverage resources for the housing authority community, and are part of the comprehensive plan and performance measures outlines in Rating Factor 3, Soundness of Approach - Quality of the Plan.

      (a) An application must describe what role residents in the targeted developments, applicable community leaders and organizations, and law enforcement agencies have had in planning the activities described in the application and what role they will have in carrying out such activities.

      (b) The application must include a discussion of the extent to which community representatives and Tribal, local, state and Federal Government officials, including law enforcement agency officials were actively involved in the design and implementation of the applicant's plan and will continue to be involved in implementing such activities during and after the period of PHDEP funding.

      (c) The application must demonstrate the extent to which the relevant governmental jurisdiction has met its local law enforcement obligations under the Cooperation Agreement with the applicant (as required by the grantees Annual Contributions Contract with HUD). The applicant must describe the current level of baseline local law enforcement services being provided to the housing authority/developments proposed for assistance.

    Rating Factor 5: Comprehensiveness and Coordination (10 Points).

    This factor addresses the extent to which the applicant coordinated its activities with other known organizations, participates or promotes participation in a Community's Consolidated Planning Process, and is working towards addressing a need in a holistic and comprehensive manner through linkages with other activities in the community. In evaluating this factor, HUD will consider the extent to which the applicant demonstrates it has:

    (1) Coordinated its proposed activities with those of other groups or organizations prior to submission in order to best complement, support and coordinate all known activities and if funded, the specific steps it will take to share information on solutions and outcomes with others. Any written agreements, memoranda of understanding in place, or that will be in place after award should be described.

    (2) Taken or will take specific steps to become active in the community's Consolidated Planning process (including the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice) established to identify and address a need/problem that is related to the activities the applicant proposes.

    (3) Taken or will take specific steps to develop linkages to coordinate comprehensive solutions through meetings, information networks, planning processes or other mechanisms with:

      (a) Other HUD-funded projects/activities outside the scope of those covered by the Consolidated Plan; and

      (b) Other Federal, State, or locally funded activities, including those proposed, or on-going in the community.

IV. Application Submission Requirement.

Each applicant must comply with the submission requirements listed in Section IV of the General Section of the SuperNOFA. In addition, each application must specify whether it is for the FY 1997 or the FY 1998 funding competition. To qualify for a grant under this program, the application submitted to HUD shall also include those requirements listed under Section III of the PHDEP section of this SuperNOFA, including the plan to address the problem of drug-related crime in the developments proposed for funding. The applicant must accurately complete the form for HUD's application database entry. The form, with examples, is provided in the application kit.

V. Corrections to Deficient Applications.

The General Section of this SuperNOFA provides the procedures for corrections to deficient applications.

VI. Environmental Requirements.

It is anticipated that activities under the PHDEP will be categorically excluded under 24 CFR 50.19(b)(4),(b)(12), or (b)(13). If grant funds will be used to cover the cost of any non-exempt activities, HUD will perform an environmental review to the extent required by 24 CFR part 50, prior to grant awards.


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Content Archived: July 23, 2012