FY 1998 SuperNOFA 1

Public and Indian Housing
Drug Elimination Technical Assistance Program

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Approximately $2 million is available for funding short-term, technical assistance services for the Public and Indian Housing Drug Elimination Technical Assistance (PHDE-TA) Program. The purpose of this program is to provide short-term (90 days for completion) technical assistance consultant services to assist public housing agencies (PHAs), Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs), resident management corporations (RMCs), incorporated resident councils (RCs) and resident organizations (ROs) in responding immediately to drug and drug-related crime in public and Tribal housing communities.

APPLICATION DUE DATE: One original application must be received at the Office of Community Safety and Conservation (OCSC), Room 4112 at the HUD Headquarters Building at 451 Seventh Street, SW, Washington DC, 20410, no later than 12:00 midnight on June 15, 1998. See the General Section of this SuperNOFA for specific procedures governing the form of application submission (e.g., mailed applications, express mail, overnight delivery, or hand carried).

A copy of the application must be submitted to the appropriate HUD Field Office HUB with delegated housing responsibilities over an applying housing entity, or from the AONAPs with jurisdiction over the Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities.

Applicants will also be required to submit with their applications to OCSC, a Confirmation Form documenting that the appropriate HUD Field Office received the TA application (this form is a threshold requirement).

PHDE-TA applications will be reviewed on a continuing basis until [Insert date 75 days after date of publication in the Federal Register], or until funds available under this program are expended. Due to the reduced availability of funds in FY 1998, HUD encourages early submission of applications. There is no application deadline for consultants or for HUD-initiated Public Housing Drug Elimination Technical Assistance (PHDE-TA).

ADDRESS FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS: Office of Community Safety and Conservation, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Room 4112, 451 Seventh Street, SW, Washington DC, 20410.


For Application Kits. For an application kit and any supplemental information, please call the SuperNOFA Information Center at 1-800-HUD-8929. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may call the Center's TTY number at 1-800-843-2209. An application kit also will be available on the Internet through the HUD web site. When requesting an application kit, please refer to the Public Housing Drug Elimination Technical Assistance Program,and provide your name, address (including zip code) and telephone number (including area code).

For Further Information and Technical Assistance. For answers to your questions or for technical assistance, please call the local HUD Field Office HUB with delegated housing responsibilities over an applying housing entity, or the AONAPs with jurisdiction over the Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities. The list of local HUD Field Office with jurisdiction over the applicant is provided in the application kit.


I. Authority; Purpose; Amount Allocated; Eligibility

(A) Authority. The FY 1998 HUD Appropriations Act under the heading, "Drug Elimination Grants for Low-Income Housing (Including Transfer of Funds)."

(B) Purpose. The funds for the Drug Elimination Technical Assistance (TA) Program are strictly used to hire HUD-registered consultants, whose fields of expertise address the strategies requested to eliminate drugs and drug-related crimes in public housing authorities (PHAs), Tribes, and tribally-designated housing entities (TDHEs), resident management corporations (RMCs), resident councils (RCs) or resident organizations (ROs) nationwide.

(C) Amount Allocated. For FY 1998, up to $2 million in funding is available for Public Housing Drug Elimination Technical Assistance.

(D) Eligible Applicants. Public housing agencies (PHAs), Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs), incorporated resident councils (RCs), resident organizations (ROs) in the case of Tribes and TDHEs, and resident management corporations (RMCs) are eligible to receive short-term technical assistance services under this PHDE-TA Program section of the SuperNOFA. More specific eligibility requirements follow:

    (1) An eligible RC or RO must be an incorporated nonprofit organization or association that meets all seven of the following requirements:

      (a) It must be representative of the residents it purports to represent.

      (b) It may represent residents in more than one development or in all of the developments of a PHA or Tribe or TDHE, but it must fairly represent residents from each development that it represents.

      (c) It must adopt written procedures providing for the election of specific officers on a regular basis (but at least once every 3 years).

      (d) It must have a democratically elected governing board. The voting membership of the board must consist of residents of the development or developments that the resident organization or resident council represents.

      (e) It must be supported in its application by a public housing authority or a Tribe or TDHE.

      (f) It must provide evidence of incorporation.

      (g) It must provide evidence of adopted written procedures for electing officers.

    (2) An eligible RMC must be an entity that proposes to enter into, or that enters into, a management contract with a PHA under 24 CFR part 964, or a management contract with a Tribe or TDHE. An RMC must have all seven of the following characteristics:

      (a) It must be a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State or Indian tribe where it is located.

      (b) It may be established by more than one resident organization or resident council, so long as each: approves the establishment of the corporation; and has representation on the Board of Directors of the corporation.

      (c) It must have an elected Board of Directors.

      (d) Its by-laws must require the Board of Directors to include representatives of each resident organization or resident council involved in establishing the corporation.

      (e) Its voting members must be residents of the development or developments it manages.

      (f) It must be approved by the resident council. If there is no council, a majority of the households of the development must approve the establishment of such an organization to determine the feasibility of establishing a corporation to manage the development.

      (g) It may serve as both the resident management corporation and the resident council, so long as the corporation meets the requirements of 24 CFR part 964 for a resident council. (In the case of a resident management corporation for a Tribe or TDHE, it may serve as both the RMC and the RO, so long as the corporation meets the requirements of this PHDE-TA Program section of the SuperNOFA for a resident organization.)

    (3) Applicants can only submit one application per award period. Applicants are eligible to apply to receive technical assistance if they are already receiving technical assistance under this program, as long as the request creates no scheduling conflict with other PHDE-TA requests. For HUD-initiated TA, the recipient may receive more than one type of technical assistance concurrently unless HUD, in consultation with the recipient, determines that it may negatively affect the quality of the PHDE-TA.

    (4) Applicants are eligible to apply to receive technical assistance whether or not they are already receiving drug elimination funds under the Public and Indian Housing Drug Elimination Program.

    (5) The applicant must have substantially complied with the laws, regulations, and Executive Orders applicable to the Drug Elimination TA Program, including applicable civil rights laws.

    (E) Eligible Consultants.

    (1) HUD is seeking individuals or entities who have experience working with public or Tribal housing or other low-income populations to provide short-term technical assistance under this PHDE-TA Program section of the SuperNOFA. Consultants who have previously been deemed eligible and are part of the TA Consultant Database need not reapply, but are encouraged to update their file with more recent experience and rate justification. To qualify as eligible consultants, individuals or entities should have experience in one or more of the following general areas:

      (a) PHA/Tribe or TDHE-related experience with: agency organization and management; facility operations; program development; and experience working with residents and community organizations.

      (b) Anti-crime- and anti-drug-related experience with: prevention/intervention programs; and enforcement strategies.

      (c) Experience as an independent consultant, or as a consultant working with a firm with related experience and understanding of on-site work requirements, contractual, reporting and billing requirements.

    (2) HUD is especially interested in encouraging TA consultant

    applications from persons who are qualified and have extensive experience planning, implementing, and/or evaluating the following professional areas:

      (a) Lease, screening and grievance procedures;

      (b) Defensible space, security and environmental design;

      (c) Parenting, peer support groups and youth leadership;

      (d) Career planning, job training, tutoring and entrepreneurship;

      (e) Community policing, neighborhood watch and anti-gang work;

      (f) Strengthening resident organizing, involvement, and relations with management; and

      (g) "One Strike You're Out" programs.

    (3) Additional requirements for consultants include the following:

      (a) In addition to the conflict of interest requirements in 24 CFR part 85, no person who is an employee, agent, officer, or appointed official of the applicant may be funded as a consultant to the applicant by this Drug Elimination Technical Assistance Program.

      (b) Consultants who wish to provide drug elimination technical assistance services through this program shall not have had any involvement in the preparation or submission of any PHDE-TA proposal. Any involvement of the consultant is considered a conflict of interest, making the consultant ineligible for providing consulting services to the applicant and will disqualify the consultant from future consideration. This prohibition shall also be invoked for preparing and distributing prepared generic or sample applications, when HUD determines that any application submitted by a PHA, Tribe or TDHE, RC, RO or RMC duplicates a sufficient amount of any prepared sample to raise issues of possible conflict of interest.

    (4) HUD-registered consultants are eligible to receive funds to be reimbursed for up to $15,000 for conducting the short-term technical assistance, but long-term results are expected from each job. After the work is completed, evaluations are submitted from the housing authorities on the consultants' work performance. The evaluations are carefully reviewed to make sure the housing authorities are satisfied with the services provided through HUD. Afterwards, the consultants are reimbursed by HUD, which completes the PHDE-TA. In extreme cases of technical assistance needs, staff members of HUD headquarters and field offices may recommend specialized technical assistance for which HUD-registered consultants can receive up to $25,000 in funds. HUD encourages housing authorities/agencies and eligible resident organizations with or without a drug elimination grant in their communities to use this resource.

    (F) Ineligible Consultants. Consultants and/or companies currently debarred or suspended by HUD are not eligible to perform services under this program.

    (G) Eligible Activities.

    (1) Funding is limited to technical assistance for carrying out activities authorized under Chapter 2, Subtitle C, Title V of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. 11901 et. seq.), as amended by section 581 of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (Pub.L. 101-625, approved November 28, 1990) (NAHA), and section 161 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-550, approved October 28, 1992) (HCDA 1992).

    (2) The PHDE-TA program is intended to provide short-term, immediate assistance to PHAs, Tribes and TDHEs, RMCs, RCs, and ROs in developing and/or implementing their strategies to eliminate drugs and drug-related crime. Short-term technical assistance means that consultants shall only be reimbursed for a maximum of 30 days of work, which must be completed in less than 90 days from the date of the approved statement of work. The program will fund the use of consultants who can provide the necessary consultation and/or training for the types of activities outlined below. HUD will fund the use of consultants to assist the applicant undertaking tasks including preparing a proposed strategic or long range plan for reducing drugs and drug-related crime, or conducting a needs assessment or comprehensive crime survey. The PHDE-TA program also funds efforts in:

      (a) Assessing, quantifying and establishing performance measurement systems (including gathering baseline statistics) relating to drug and drug-related crime problems in public or Tribal housing development(s) and surrounding community(ies);

      (b) Designing and identifying appropriate anti-crime and anti-drug-related practices and programs in the following areas:

        (i) Law enforcement strategies, including negotiating with the local police, working with Federal law enforcement, Operation Safe Home, Weed and Seed, and other Federal anti-crime efforts;

        (ii) Crime data collection for establishing baseline performance measurements;

        (iii) Youth leadership development; youth anti-gang, anti-violence, anti-drug initiatives; youth peer mediation and conflict resolution to deal directly with anger/violence to prevent future violent episodes;

        (iv) Resident Patrols;

        (v) Security and physical design.

      (c) Training for housing authority staff and residents in anti-crime and anti-drug prevention practices and programs;

      (d) Evaluating current anti-crime and anti-drug-related crime programs.

    (3) The following are activities which are eligible for HUD-Initiated Technical Assistance under the Public and Indian Housing Drug Elimination Technical Assistance Program. Eligible parties may receive technical assistance initiated and approved by HUD in circumstances determined by HUD to require immediate attention because of severe drug and crime issues and the presence of one of the following circumstances:

      (a) HAs that were unsuccessful in gaining Drug Elimination Program Grants;

      (b) Applicants having demonstrated an inability to explain the nature and extent of local drug or crime activities;

      (c) Applicants with a demonstrated inability to identify or develop potential solutions to their local drug or crime problem;

      (d) Applicants unable to develop local anti-drug, anti-crime partnerships;

      (e) Applicants lacking the capability to carry out a plan due to a lack of anti-drug, anti-crime-related training;

      (f) Applicants with an inability to effectively make progress to address pervasive drug-related violence;

      (g) Applicants where there is an inability between tenants, and/or between tenants and management to effectively communicate about drug- and crime-related issues;

      (h) Applicants that need an evaluation performed on their "One Strike You're Out" program; and

      (i) Applicants lacking the capability to perform a program evaluation of current anti-drug, anti-crime activities.

    (H) Ineligible Activities. Funding is not permitted for:

    (1) Any type of monetary compensation for residents.

    (2) Any activity that is funded under any other HUD program, including TA and training for the incorporation of resident councils or RMCs, and other management activities.

    (3) Salary or fees to the staff of the applicant, or former staff of the applicant within a year of his or her leaving the housing authority or resident organization.

    (4) Underwriting conferences.

    (5) Conference speakers.

    (6) Program implementation, proposal writing, the financial support of existing programs, or efforts requiring more than 30 billable days of technical assistance over a 90 day period; the purchase of hardware or equipment, or any activities deemed ineligible in the Drug Elimination Program, excluding consultant's fees.

II. Program Requirements.

    (A) Individual Award Amounts. Applications received from HAs and qualified RCs, ROs, and RMCs; and Tribes and their Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) are eligible for a maximum amount of Technical Assistance (TA) no greater than $15,000. HUD-initiated TA is eligible for a maximum of $25,000 where HUD determines the circumstances require levels of assistance greater than $15,000, such as more than 30 billable days are required over a 90-day period for the technical assistance, as one example.

    (1) Applications for short-term technical assistance may be funded up to $15,000, with HUD providing payment directly to the authorized consultant for the consultant's fee, travel, room and board, and other approved costs at the approved government rate.

    (2) For technical assistance initiated by HUD, the TA may be for any amount up to $25,000 when HUD staff determine that more than 30 billable days of technical assistance over a 90-day period is justified.

    (B) Receipt of More than One Application. If HUD receives more than one application from a HA, or group of RCs, ROs, or RMCs in proximity to one another, HUD may exercise discretion to consider any two or more applications as one, recommending one or more consultants and executing contracts for any combination of applications.

    (C) Forms, Certifications and Assurances. In addition to the forms, certifications and assurances listed in Section IV of the General Section of the SuperNOFA, the following, as directed by the application kit, must be complied with:

    (1) Applications must be signed and certified by both the Executive Director or Tribal Council or authorized TDHE official and a resident leader, certifying the following:

      (a) That a copy of the application was sent to the local HUD Field Office, Director of Public Housing Division, or Administrator, Office of Native American Programs; and

      (b) That the application was reviewed by both the housing authority Executive Director or Tribal Council or authorized TDHE official, and a resident leader of the organization that is applying for the PHDE-TA and contains the following:

        (i) A four page (or fewer) application letter responding to each of the threshold criteria listed below in Section III(C) of the PHDE-TA section of the SuperNOFA, or the completed application forms available in the application kit; and

        (ii) A certification statement, or the form provided in the application kit, signed by the executive director of the housing authority and the authorized representative of the RMC or incorporated RC or RO, certifying that any technical assistance received will be used in compliance with all requirements in the SuperNOFA.

    (D) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. Section II(D) of the General Section does not apply to this technical assistance program.

III. Application Selection Process.

    (A) General. Applications will be reviewed on a continuing first-come, first-served basis, until funds under this PHDE-TA Program section of the SuperNOFA are no longer available or until the application deadline noted in this PHDE-TA Program section of the SuperNOFA. Applications for PHDE-TA will be reviewed as they are received. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible in the fiscal year to ensure that they avoid situations where applications are not eligible for funding. Consultant applications will be received throughout the year with no deadline. Eligible applications will be funded in the order in which negotiations for a statement of work are completed between the consultant and the PHDE-TA program administrator until all funds are expended.

    (B) Threshold Criteria for Funding Consideration.

    (1) The applicant must meet the requirements outlined in this PHDE-TA Program section of the SuperNOFA.

    (2) The application must not request an ineligible activity.

    (3) The application must answer the following questions:

      (a) What is the nature of the drug-related crime problem in your community in terms of the extent of such crime, the types of crime, and the types of drugs being used? This should include quantifiable or qualitative data on drug problems or criminal activity.

      (b) What is the nature of the housing authority's working relationships with law enforcement agencies, particularly local agencies? How will PHDE-TA be used to improve those relationships?

      (c) Are housing authority residents selling or using drugs, or committing the crimes?

      (d) What about non-residents?

      (e) What are the problem(s) you need technical assistance to address and how will you know that the technical assistance provided was successful in addressing the problem.

    Applicants cannot request PHDE-TA by answering "to conduct a needs assessment or survey;" they must be able to answer the above questions, and discuss what prevents them from identifying, describing and/or measuring the problems.

    (4) The application must answer the following questions:

      (a) Describe what type of technical assistance you need and how you will know it has been successful?

      (b) What specific output, outcome, results, or deliverables do you expect from the consultant?

    (5) The application must describe the steps you and your organization are currently taking to measure, understand or address the drug-related crime problem in your development or housing authority.

    (6) The application must describe how the proposed assistance will allow you to develop an anti-drug, anti-crime strategy; or describe how the proposed assistance fits into your current strategy.

    (7) The application must describe and provide documentation evidencing commitment to providing continued support of anti-drug and anti-crime activities. This must include the community's recommendations in developing and implementing the grant application and in working cooperatively in ensuring success occurs. Applications must include a description of how the community was involved in developing the application and resolutions of support from law enforcement officials and community service providers. The application must include a memorandum of understanding or other written agreement between the parties involved (e.g., housing authority, applicant, law enforcement officials and community service providers).

    (8) The application must include a form, "HUD Field Office/AONAP Confirmation Form."

    (C) Application Awards.

    (1) If the application is deemed eligible for funding and sufficient funds are available, the applicant will be contacted by HUD or its agent to confirm the work requirements.

    (2) If HUD receives more than one application from a HA or TDHE; or group of RCs, ROs or RMCs in proximity to one another, HUD may exercise discretion to consider any two or more applications as one, assuming that the applications are received at the same time, or before approval by the Office of Finance and Accounting and the Office of Procurement and Contracts, executing the contract, and providing notification to the consultant to proceed to work. The TA Consultant Database is then searched for at least three consultants who have:

      (a) A principal place of business or residence located within a reasonable distance from the applicant, as determined by HUD or its agent;

      (b) The requisite knowledge and skills to assist the applicant in addressing its needs; and

      (c) The most reasonable fees.

    A list of the suggested consultants is forwarded to the applicant from the consultant data base which is updated annually. From this list, the applicant recommends a consultant to provide the requested technical assistance.

    (3) The applicant must contact at least three TA consultants from the list provided. HUD may request confirmation from each recommended consultant. If HUD determines that any consultant was not contacted, HUD may consider the recommendation by the applicant void, and can choose a consultant independent of the applicant. After contacting each consultant, the applicant must send a written justification to HUD with a list of the consultants in order of preference, indicating any that are unacceptable, and stating the reasons for its preference. If the applicant finds that all referred consultants lack the requisite expertise, they must provide written documentation justifying this decision. If after HUD review, it is determined that the justification provided is adequate, the applicant will be provided with a second list of potential consultants. If the applicant does not provide HUD the written justification of consultant choice within 30 calendar days, HUD reserves the right to cancel the Technical Assistance. There is no guarantee that the applicant's first preference will be approved. Consultants will only be approved for the PHDE-TA if the request is not in conflict with other requests for the consultant's services.

    (4) HUD or its agent will work with the consultant and applicant to develop a "statement of work." The statement of work should include: a time line and estimated budget; a discussion of the kind of technical assistance and skills needed to address the problem, and how the technical assistance requested will address these needs; and a description of the current crime and drug elimination strategy, and how the requested technical assistance will assist that strategy. If the applicant does not currently have a strategy, there should be a statement of how the technical assistance will help them develop a crime and drug elimination strategy. When HUD has completed the authorization to begin work, the consultant is contacted to start work. The consultant must receive written authorization from HUD or its authorized agent before beginning to provide technical assistance under this PHDE-TA Program section of the SuperNOFA. The applicant and the relevant Field Office or Area Office of Office of Native American Programs will also be notified. Consultants will only be reimbursed for a maximum of 30 days of work, which must be completed in fewer than 90 days from the date of the approved statement of work. Work begun before the authorized date will be considered unauthorized work and may not be compensated by HUD.

    (D) Application Process for Consultants.

    (1) Individuals or entities interested in being listed in the PHDE-TA Consultant Database should prepare their applications and send them to the address specified in the application kit. Before they can be entered into the Consultant Database, consultants must submit an application that includes the following information:

      (a) The Consultant Resource Inventory Questionnaire, including at least three written references, all related to the general areas listed in this PHDE-TA Program section of the SuperNOFA. One or two of the written references must relate to work for a public housing authority, Tribe or TDHE, RC, RO or RMC;

      (b) A resume;

      (c) Evidence submitted by the consultant to HUD that documents the standard daily fee previously paid to the consultant for technical assistance services similar to those requested under this PHDE-TA Program section of the SuperNOFA.

        (i) For consultants who can justify up to the equivalent of ES-IV, or $462.00 per day, this evidence may include an accountant's statement, W-2 Wage Statements, or payment statements, and it should be supplemented with a signed statement or other evidence from the employer of days worked in the course of the particular project (for a payment statement) or the tax year (for a W-2 Statement).

        (ii) For consultants who can justify above the equivalent of ES-IV, or $462.00 per day, there must be three forms of documentation of the daily rate:

          (1) A previous invoice and payment statement showing the daily rate charged and paid, or the overall amount paid and the number of days for work of a similar nature to that offered in this PHDE-TA program;

          (2) A certified accountant's statement outlining the daily rate with an explanation of how the rate was calculated by the accountant. This should include at a minimum the total number of jobs of a similar nature completed by the consultant in the past 12 months, an explanation of the specific jobs used to calculate the rate, and the daily rates for each of the jobs used to justify the rate; and

          (3) A signed statement from the consultant that the certified daily rate was charged for work of a nature similar to that being provided for the Drug Elimination Technical Assistance Program. The accountant must be able to demonstrate independence from the consultant's business.

    (2) No one individual may have active at one time any more than three contracts or purchase orders nor be involved with more than one company at a time that has active Technical Assistance contracts. If an individual is working as a member of a multi-person firm, the key individual for the specific contract must be listed on the contract as the key point of contact. The key point of contact must be on-site more hours than any other contracted staff billing to the purchase order, and that individual may have no more than three purchase orders active at the same time.

    (3) HUD will determine a specific fee to pay a consultant based upon the evidence submitted under this PHDE-TA Program section of this SuperNOFA.

    (4) Consultants may not be requested by name in any application. HUD or its agent will recommend consultants considering at least three elements including previous experience, proximity and cost. Section I of this PHDE-TA section of this SuperNOFA explains this further.

    (5) An employee of a housing agency (HA), Tribe, or TDHE may not serve as a consultant to his or her employer. A HA employee who serves as a consultant to other than their employer must be on annual leave to receive the consultant fee.

IV. Application Submission Requirements.

In addition to the program requirements listed in the General Section of this SuperNOFA, each TA application must conform to the requirements of the Public and Indian Housing Drug Elimination Technical Assistance Application Kit, both in format and content. A PHDE-TA application must include both the descriptive letter (or form provided in the application kit) and certification statement (or form provided in the application kit) to be eligible for funding.

V. Corrections to Deficient Applications.

The General Section of the SuperNOFA provides the procedures for corrections to deficient applications.

VI. Environmental Requirements.

In accordance with 24 CFR 50.19(b)(9), the assistance provided under this program relates only to the provision of technical assistance and therefore is categorically excluded from the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and is not subject to environmental review under the related laws and authorities. This determination is based on the ineligibility of real property acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, conversion, leasing, or repair for HUD assistance under this program.


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