Richard Ravitch
Early HUD-assisted affordable housing developer (www.youtube.com/embed/ToYUVDUh2Rk)

Kent Watkins
Former Aide to 1st HUD Secretary Robert C. Weaver (www.youtube.com/embed/vSRevD80lDk)

Barney Frank
Former Massachusetts Congressman and Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee (www.youtube.com/embed/nZTXTiZFiOY)

Sister Mary
Advocate for Mentally Ill and Homeless (www.youtube.com/embed/GtUmS6lI4ss?list=PLDYbj6cykYZ8rWpsrS2d0xVEjE02552U0)

Vice President Joe Biden
Vice President Joe Biden at The Housing Affordability Opportunity Conference (www.youtube.com/embed/XwhBhOcTBCk)

Leonard Galmon
Student at Yale University (www.youtube.com/embed/7iT1miNT-Kc)

Patricia A. Hoban-Moore
Chief Administrative Officer,
Office of Administration (www.youtube.com/embed/O4Fadhi9NWc)