community buildersCommunity Builders on the Front Line

December 2000   

photo of housing fair participants

Laura Castro, Director, Nosotros group; Father Thomas Pfeffer and Sister Stella Nieth, Director, Anawim Housing talk at the fair

Iowa Community Builder Organizes Latinio Housing Fair

The Census Bureau estimates that in the last decade there has been a 100% increase in the number of Latinos living in the Des Moines area. This explosive growth has given rise to new challenges for communities. The Iowa State Office fields calls from cities across the state regarding housing for Hispanics. In response to this need, Associate Community Builder Cecilia Sommer coordinated the inaugural Des Moines area Latino Housing Fair. This event brought together over 100 people and 17 exhibitors in October.

Exhibitors and partners at the event represented government-insured programs, home purchase information, first-time homebuyers, credit counseling, rental assistance, supportive housing and housing rehabilitation. The Iowa Finance Authority translated some of their first-time homeowner materials into Spanish and the Social Security Administration staff helped as translators. Other participants included Wells Fargo, Iowa State Bank, American Red Cross and local non-profit housing organizations.

The event was successful in connecting the Hispanic community with housing agencies and lenders willing to assist them with homeownership dreams. Paula Martinez, Commissioner for Latino Affairs for the State of Iowa, said, "The Hispanic community attending the outreach obtained important and valuable information regarding homeownership. Benefits to the community and potential homeowners were immeasurable."

Success stories materialized quickly after the event. Ms. Martinez shared that, through the information she learned, her daughter was able to make an informed decision in her own home purchase. Prior to the fair, Ms. Martinez said that she was unaware of all the agency and lender activity in her community.

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