community buildersCommunity Builders on the Front Line

December 2000   

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Teaching About the New Lead-based Paint Regulations

On September 15 HUD’s final rule to control lead based paint hazards in housing receiving federal assistance went into effect. The rule applies to public housing, tenant and project based rental assistance, housing rehabilitation activities financed through the Community Development Block Grant and HOME programs; FHA insured multifamily rental housing; and federally owned housing which is being sold.

HUD published a transition plan policy notice in the Federal Register on September 11, providing an opportunity for Indian Tribes, States, and CDBG entitlement communities to delay implementation of the rule due to an inadequate supply of trained risk inspectors, paint testers or workers.

Recognizing that many housing authorities required further guidance on the rule and transition policy, Minnesota Community Builder Dale Darrow initiated contact and worked with PIH, CPD and FHEO staff and representatives from other federal and state agencies. He quickly organized and implemented a comprehensive training program to address the housing authorities concerns and needs regarding the rule and transition period policy.

Over 115 housing authority and local government CDBG administrators attended the training on November 8 in St. Cloud. The training provided by the Minnesota HUD office was designed to help those in attendance understand how HUD’s rule and other state and federal regulations would impact the tenant based rental assistance and public housing programs.

Mr. Darrow has begun to work with representatives from a number of State and professional organizations to develop six sessions focusing on lead paint issues, which are to be included in Minnesota’s Working Conference in February 2001. The conference is expected to draw over 800 people. He is also coordinating the development of a lead based paint hazard control information booth for the conference, which would be jointly staffed by representatives from HUD, the Minnesota Department of Health, OSHA, U.S. EPA, and local governments receiving funding through HUD’s lead hazard control grant program. 

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