community buildersCommunity Builders on the Front Line

December 2000   

photo of Ruby Slipper award winners

Ron Jauregui (Former CB Fellow), Thelma Archuletta (Former CB Fellow), Theresa Camiling (Acting Senior CB) and Don Valachi (CSUF Professor) pose with their Ruby Slipper Award

"There's No Place Like Home"

No expression better details the mission of the recipients of the "Wizard of Oz" inspired Ruby Slipper awards recently presented by the Building Industry Association (BIA) of Orange County, California to recognize groups and individuals for their achievements in creating Affordable Housing in Orange County. Theresa Camiling, Acting Senior Community Builder for the Santa Ana Area Office, and Professor Don Valachi of California State University at Fullerton (CSUF), were acknowledged for their accomplishment in attracting over 250 professionals to the "Affordable Housing Symposium" in March. This assembly brought together city staff members, local elected officials, for profit and non-profit community development corporations throughout the county to discuss targeted issues and projects revolving around the initiative of building affordable housing.

BIA heralded the symposium for its extensive community involvement and commitment to addressing real issues confronting the county. The symposium’s mission was simple: to highlight successful endeavors in affordable housing and detail the methodology behind them. It arose from a memo of understanding signed by CSUF, Community Builders, and the Orange County Affordable Housing Alliance which stated that the 3 organizations would partner in the effort to address the ongoing Affordable Housing Crisis in Orange County.

Shortly after the symposium, Fullerton Mayor Richard Jones declared in his State of the City address, that "we have to do something about the housing issue in our community. We can't even house our own teachers." The symposium, according to the City, opened the doors for them to consider making significant changes in their community because it alleviated some of the pre-conceived notions of what is "affordable housing." The city has since developed a revitalization strategy to incorporate housing redevelopment and economic development projects within this targeted area. This plan is now under review by its City Council. Santa Ana Community Builders were invited to attend several of the initial meetings discussing the Revitalization Strategy to provide feedback about housing projects and clarify some federal and state regulations.

This unique gathering enabled the Community Builders to assemble diverse panels of HUD representatives and our community partners. The Plenary Session was titled "Developing Affordable Housing in Orange County." The other panels addressed the development of new affordable housing in Orange County, the rental housing crunch and the creation of sustainable communities. New and exciting housing projects have developed from this conference and will be featured in the Spring 2001 session. 

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