community buildersCommunity Builders on the Front Line

December 2000   

photo of a house


A Dream Comes True Through CB/PTO and Community Partnerships

Charleston, South Carolina was the site of Housing Summit 2000 at the end of October. This summit marked the culmination of a concerted effort by HUD’s South Carolina State Office’s Community Builder corps and their partners to promote the State’s awareness and refinement of approaches and strategies for expanding affordable housing opportunities for South Carolinians. More than 250 people from public and private housing development entities from across the state attended.

Senior Community Builder William Dudley Gregorie energized the staff and served as the catalyst for structuring and presenting workshops and clinics on approaches and solutions to South Carolina’s Housing Challenge. CB David Ball initiated the planning and organization process by enlisting the participation of several housing industry partners, such as: SC Mortgage Bankers Association, SC Home Builders Association, SC Low Income Housing Association, SC Public Housing Association, SC Association of Realtors and other housing development organizations.

With a very limited budget this partnership led by the CB corps brought together a diverse range of individuals and organizations to make the summit a successful reality. The entire CB staff were instrumental in coordinating the workshops and clinics and securing the participation of facilitators and presenters. They also served as facilitators and presenters in several workshops and clinics. Support staff designed and prepared marketing materials, agendas and other mailings, secured and set-up meeting facilities, designed and prepared name tags and prepared information packets for participants.

The Field Office’s program disciplines played an integral role in the planning, organization, and presentation of the Summit as well. CPD Director Louis Bradley arranged for the Congress of National Black Churches, a technical assistance contract provider, to conduct a clinic on the Role of Faith-based Organizations in Housing, Community, and Economic Development. Senior CPD Representative Kirk Van Laan conducted on clinic on the Lead Based Paint Requirements. Single Family Housing Staff Ron Rash and Bill Snelling and Atlanta HOC Director Charles Gardner organized and presented a seminar on FHA programs and services.

Housing Summit 2000 was accomplished through the dedicated, collaborative efforts of numerous individuals and organizations. The objectives, approaches, and solutions highlighted at the Summit continue to present challenges to the staff of the HUD South Carolina State Office and our affordable housing advocacy and development partners as we continue to work to expand opportunities for South Carolinians to obtain safe, decent, and affordable housing. 

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