community buildersCommunity Builders on the Front Line

February 2001   


Alfred Curotola presents information during the HELP course

Pittsburgh CB’s provide H.E.L.P. for persons with disabilities

For persons with disabilities, the prospect of becoming a homeowner can present some very difficult challenges. With assistance from CB’s Marcia Yohe and Cheryle Campbell, CB Alfred Curotola utilized the current Homeownership Education Learning Program (H.E.L.P.) and tailored it to the meet the special needs of this group of potential purchasers. Cheryle used her extensive experience in FHEO to produced a fair housing section of the H.E.L.P. curriculum. CBs contacted the Self-determination Housing Assistance Project (SHAP), a Philadelphia-based non-profit organization, that assists persons with disabilities and used this new relationship to acquire insight on the unique needs of these purchasers while creating the curriculum.

The new H.E.L.P. curriculum to addresses the common challenges this group must overcome: insufficient income; lack of viable mortgage finance resources to purchase a home and make it ADA accessible; obtaining architectural counseling on what alterations can be made without reducing the appraised value of the home; and finding ways to reduce the costs of regular maintenance repairs.

Alfred has already conducted a pilot in Erie, PA and is close to completing the written course curriculum in hard copy. Once complete he will have the curriculum put on CD, so that persons with disabilities can either listen to it on their home computer or have it converted to Braille. 

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