community buildersCommunity Builders on the Front Line
Issue 2

"It was a fabulous opportunity for providing information and promoting our programs as well as learning first hand that there are many similar needs across the country."

New Programs Announced at Mayors’ Function

A delegation of HUD officials led by Secretary Cuomo helped "spice up" the US Conference of Mayors summer convention held in New Orleans this June. HUD’s presence was not overlooked by the hundreds of guests who not only received HUD’s local treat of "Community Building Tabasco," but also were treated to the Secretary’s announcement of several new programs that are part of HUD’s Cities 2000 Agenda.

Community Builders in attendance played a key role in connecting mayors and city leaders with HUD program officials, who offered advice and guidance on HUD’s programs and policies. Community Builders and staff from the Office of Community Planning and Development also utilized HUD’s Community 2020 software to provide each Mayor with a map detailing HUD’s resources in their jurisdiction.

"Although, I was there to provide information about HUD, I learned through Mayors’ requests and concerns about what problems there are in communities and the strategies that are being developed to meet the needs," said Community Builder Marvel Robertson. "It was a fabulous opportunity for providing information and promoting our programs as well as learning first hand that there are many similar needs across the country."

The Secretary’s announcements included the launching of the new Teacher Next Door program, which is modeled on HUD’s Officer Next Door Initiative. The new program, which will take effect on August 1, will permit any full-time public school teacher to purchase a HUD home at a 50% discount if the house is located in a revitalization area within the teacher’s school district.

"When we help teachers save money on homes in poor neighborhoods, we help revitalize those neighborhoods," Cuomo said. "The Teacher Next Door Initiative will attract teachers to live and work in the urban school districts where they are needed most, and will give them new opportunities to mentor their students outside the classroom."

Cuomo also unveiled the Raise the Roof Initiative, an effort to raise awareness of the significant need for affordable housing in this country. Raise the Roof Day will mobilize thousands of volunteers from around the country on October 16th to rehabilitate deteriorated and abandoned houses and apartments. In hundreds of cities across the nation, HUD will bring together national and local non-profit groups, faith-based organizations, and local governments to recruit and work with the volunteers. National groups already signed up for the project include: Habitat for Humanity, Christmas in April, the Enterprise Foundation, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, and YouthBuild USA.

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