community buildersCommunity Builders on the Front Line

January 2001   


Training participants learn about rating and ranking strategies


Throughout the 1990’s, the Washington State Office was very successful in helping local communities apply for and receive McKinney Grants. Under the Continuum of Care model, local entitlements with a role in evaluating renewal applications found they needed evaluation criteria and ways of prioritizing homeless projects .

Gary Barnett, a CB in the Washington State Office and a former CPDer, has been working with CPD staff to help communities develop techniques for homeless program evaluation under the Continuum of Care. By using a HUD homeless technical assistance provider to help them develop planning models to address the local concerns, Gary and the CPD staff created a "logic model" for local communities to use in ranking applications based on five performance criteria: "Need", "Program Integrity", "Program Fidelity", "Efficiency", and "Effectiveness." As a CB, Gary conducts training on this model throughout Washington state, and assists communities struggling with the problem of too many projects and inadequate funding. Gary will conduct his next training session in Sonohomish County, January 6 and January 24, 2001 with additional sessions in the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2001 in Seattle and Spokane. For information on this model, please contact Gary Barnett at (206) 220-5104, ext. 3532.

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