HUD Archives: News Releases

Lee Jones
(206) 220-5356 (work)
(804) 363-7018 (cell)
For Release
July 13, 2010

Wrangell is One of Just Six Communities to Win Total of $5.5 Million Under HUD's "Main Street" Revitalization Program

SEATTLE - A historic building in downtown Wrangell, Alaska will get a housing makeover due to an $869,000 Main Street Revitalization grant announced today by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD's Main Street funding is designed to expand the production of affordable housing to the rural community's historic central business district or "Main Street" area.

HUD Northwest Regional Administrator Mary McBride said that Wrangell is among six communities with populations
less than 50,000 that will receive funding under HUD's HOPE VI Main Street program to encourage affordable housing production in their city centers.

"Raising capital these days to build affordable housing or revitalize a downtown is a challenge these days for cities of all sizes," said McBride. "This funding will provide Wrangell the tools it needs to create affordable housing for lower income families and help move Wrangell's downtown revitalization forward."

As part of its $7 million Downtown Revitalization Plan, the City and Borough of Wrangell will use the funds to rehabilitate and remodel eight units in the Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority's historic SNO Building that was built in 1932 in downtown Wrangell and originally owned by the Stikine Native Organization. The building, which has been serving low-income families, says the City, "is badly in need rehabilitation" that will include new roof, rot repair, fire-safety improvements, ventilation improvements, weatherization and façade restoration. The City estimates that up to 40 full- and part-time jobs will be created by the renovation.

These grants are issued through HUD's HOPE VI Main Street program that allows small towns include affordable housing in their ongoing effort to revitalize older, downtown business districts. A portion of HOPE VI funds are set aside to create the Main Street program for small communities that does not have a local housing authority nor has one that manages less than 100 public housing units. The funds are used to rehabilitate or construct affordable housing in the area where rejuvenation has already begun.

Also receiving 2009-2010 Main Street funding are Coamo, Puerto Rico; Hawkinsville, Georgia; Martin, South Dakota;
Kit Carson, Colorado and Marshalltown, Iowa.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and



Content Archived: March 30, 2012