HUD Archives: News Releases

Lee Jones
(206) 220-5356 (work)
(804) 363-7018 (cell)
For Release
October 5, 2010

Zero-interest "bridge" loans of up to $50,000 to help Alaska homeowners
at-risk because of job loss or medical conditions

SEATTLE - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Northwest Regional Administrator Mary
McBride announced today that HUD will provide $3,890,898 for zero-interest "bridge" loans to help struggling homeowners in Alaska through its Emergency Homeowners Loan Program (EHLP).

EHLP will provide assistance for up to 24 months to homeowners who have experienced a substantial reduction in income due to involuntary unemployment, underemployment or a medical condition and are at-risk of foreclosure. Eligible EHLP homeowners will receive a forgivable, deferred payment "bridge loan" - zero percent interest, non-recourse, subordinate loans - for up to $50,000 to assist eligible borrowers with their mortgage arrearages and payments on their for mortgage principal, interest, mortgage insurance premiums, taxes and hazard insurance for up to 24 months

EHLP was authorized by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Consumer Protection Act, signed into law by President Obama in July to assist at-risk homeowners b in 32 states and Puerto Rico not otherwise funded by Treasury's
Hardest Hit Housing Fund program. A state's EHLP allocations is based on its relative share of unemployed homeowners. It is HUD's intention for the program to begin taking applications from eligible homeowners by the end
of the year.

"The Emergency Homeowner Loan Program will provide limited and targeted assistance to help working families get back on their feet and keep their home while they look for work." said HUD Regional Administrator McBride. "In
crafting this new loan program, HUD built on the lessons learned from Treasury's Hardest Hit initiative to design and implement a program to assist struggling unemployed homeowners avoid preventable foreclosures, Together these
two initiatives represent a combined $8.6 billion investment to help struggling borrowers and in doing so further contribute to the Obama Administration's efforts to stabilize housing markets and communities across the country."

Who Will Be Helped

The program will complement existing Administration efforts to assist struggling homeowners – including the Home Affordable Modification and Hardest Hit Fund initiative administered by the U.S. Treasury Department. Under the

  1. the borrower must be at least three month delinquent in their payments and have a reasonable likelihood of
    being able to resume repayment of their mortgage payments and related housing expenses within two years.

  2. the property must be the principle residence of the borrower, and eligible borrowers may not own a second

  3. the borrower must have suffered at least a 15 percent reduction in income and have been able to afford
    their mortgage payments prior to the event that triggered the loss income.

How They Will Be Helped

The HUD Emergency Homeowners Loan Program will offer a forgivable, deferred payment "bridge loan" (zero percent interest, non-recourse, subordinate loans) for up to $50,000 to assist eligible borrowers with their mortgage arrearages and payments on their for mortgage principal, interest, mortgage insurance premiums, taxes and hazard insurance for up to 24 months.

There will be a dual delivery approach for program administration. The first approach will delegate some of the program's administrative functions to a designated third party. The second approach will enable state housing
finance agencies (HFAs) that operate substantially similar programs to engage in relief efforts on behalf of residents
of their state:

  • Delegated approach: HUD will delegate key program administration functions to NeighborWorks® America
    – an experienced and highly regarded national network of affiliated housing counseling agencies. Under the
    program, nonprofit housing counselors who are part of the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program
    administered by NeighborWorks® America will coordinate intake counseling, document preparation and
    outreach functions. HUD will also use it delegation authority to contract with an experienced entity to
    provide loan servicing and fiscal control functions such as collecting payments from homeowners, distributing
    payments to servicers, and managing loan balances.

  • Substantially similar state law approach: State HFAs that operate loan assistance programs that are
    determined by HUD to be substantially similar to the EHLP will receive allocations to fund emergency loans for
    borrowers in their states as well as payments to cover the administrative costs of performing the intake and
    housing counseling and fiscal agent functions (described above) directly or indirectly through subcontracts
    with third parties.

HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and



Content Archived: March 30, 2012