HUD to Donate Excess Computers

The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Birmingham, AL Office, has excess computers/computer related equipment available for donation. Section 2(B) of Executive Order 12999, �Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for All Children In the Next Century�, dated April 17, 1996, states that agencies shall attempt to give particular preference for computer donations in the following priority:

  • To schools and non-profit organizations in the federal empowerment zones on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • To schools, eligible non-profit organizations and community based organizations who do not fall within the priorities listed in paragraph (1) on a first-come, first-served basis.

All non-profits, including churches, are required to submit a copy of their 501(c)(3) ruling from the Internal Revenue Service as well as a copy of their by-laws showing their primary mission focus is education. Requests must be in writing, postmarked no later than February 8, 2006, and be accompanied by a statement of need. Requested equipment must be identified by type, description and quantity needed and submitted to Marilyn Garner, Administrative Officer, Birmingham HUD Office, 950 22nd Street North, Birmingham, Al 35203. All requests will be acknowledged no later than March 10, 2006.

Questions can be referred to Marilyn Garner, Administrative Officer, (205) 731-2630 extension 1007.

Items available for donation are as follows:

Make/Model Quantity
Tectronix Phaser 560 color printer
TTY telecom system
Toshiba 8100 Laptop
NEC 1Ghz Laptop
Dell GX110/w Monitor

Content Archived: July 11, 2011