Birmingham Field Office Partners
with Local YWCA to Expand Affordable Housing Opportunities

The YWCA of Central Alabama held a press event recently to celebrate the completion of phase one of their capital campaign to raise funds to provide affordable housing, homeless services, and low
[Photo 1: YWCA Executive Director, Suzanne Durham]
Brenda Hackney of YWCA addresses participants in press event for YWCA Capital Campaign. Ms. Hackney noted that the first phase of the campaign had raised over $9 million out of the campaign goal of $10.5 million.
[Photo 2: Birmingham Field Office Director, Cindy Yarbrough]
Birmingham Field Office Director, Cindy Yarbrough expresses support for goals of YWCA Capital Campaign. HUD funding represents over $2.9 million of the $10.5 million total goal for the YWCA Capital Campaign.
cost day care for low-income children. The goal of the campaign is to raise $10.5 million dollars to expand housing and social service programs targeted to low-income residents of the area. During the press event it was announced that over $9 million had been raised in the first phase of the campaign that focused on seeking donations from corporate, business and government sources. The goal of the second phase that is targeted toward individual private donations is to raise the balance of the funding needed to get the targeted projects implemented.

YWCA Executive Director, Suzanne Durham spoke to attendees about the importance of the mission that the YWCA was taking on with its partners. She noted that, "For 105 years the YWCA has been meeting vital needs of Central Alabama to create a more caring community. Working together we can create communities where all families have a safe, stable place to live and adults and children can develop skills for success."

The funding being raised during the Capital Campaign will fund; a new Hospitality House for homeless persons; the acquisition and rehabilitation of 70 units of affordable housing; the expansion of domestic violence service programs in St. Clair County; and the expansion of homeless services already provided by the YWCA of Central Alabama. HUD funding in the project included $320,000 in Community Development Block Grant funding as well as over $2.6 million in HOME funds.

[Photo 3: Press conference]
Fox 6 TV News and reporter for the Birmingham News join an enthusiastic crowd of service providers at media event to announce results of phase one of YWCA of Central Alabama Capital Campaign.

Content Archived: July 11, 2011