HUD Archives: News Releases

Bob Young
(404) 331-5001 ext. 2008
For Release
September 20, 2007

Bush Administration awards 14 historically Black colleges and universities over $8.4 million in grants

TUSKEGEE - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Atlanta Regional Director Bob Young, at a ceremony today presented Tuskegee University a check for $600,000. Tuskegee University is one of 14 historically Black colleges and universities recently awarded by President Bush, $8.4 million to help revitalize neighborhoods near their campuses. The HBCU grants, administered by HUD's Office of University Partnerships, range from $584,600 to $600,000.

"HBCUs are the training ground of our future leaders. They are outstanding centers of learning and culture. They are unifying communities of learning in our communities and states throughout the nation. Using this funding, HBCUs will continue to promote economic and community development activities to benefit many low-and-moderate income residents around the college," said HUD Atlanta Regional Director Bob Young, who presented the check to Dr.
Benjamin Payton, President of Tuskegee University. Dr. Utan Baharany, Director, HBCU Grant Program was also at
the event held in Kellogg Center at Tuskegee University in Tuskegee University, Alabama.

HUD's HBCU program funds grantees to carry out projects designed primarily to benefit low- and moderate-income residents by helping prevent or eliminate slums or blight, or meet urgent community development needs in their localities. The grants can be used for activities such as: acquiring real estate; demolition; homeownership
assistance to low- and moderate income persons; special economic development activities; and rehabilitation of residential, commercial or industrial buildings to correct code violations.

Tuskegee University intends to use its Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) grant to strengthen the Tuskegee-Macon County Community Development Corporation (CDC) to address ongoing community and economic development needs in the campus neighborhood, including commercial and residential property improvements, landscaping, and signage improvements along the Old Montgomery Road/Franklin Road Corridor. The CDC will: acquire and/or renovate existing unoccupied, dilapidated residential structures for sale and occupancy to low- to moderate-income homebuyers; assist business and property owners with façade and landscape improvements; and provide continued support of business development-related activities, including the revolving loan fund program, and homeownership/first-time homebuyer training/counseling programs by providing regular entrepreneurial and homeownership workshops, and counseling for Macon County's youth, adults and students of Tuskegee University
and Macon County.

Since 1991, HUD has awarded more than $67 million to HBCUs to stimulate economic and community development activities.

Recipients of this year's grants are:

LeMoyne-Owens College $600,000
Winston-Salem State University $600,000
Clinton Junior College $600,000
Benedict College $600,000
South Carolina State University $600,000
Texas Southern University $600,000
Tennessee State University $584,119
Tuskegee University $600,000
Johnson C. Smith University $600,000
Coppin State University $599.522
Hinds Community College-Utica campus $592,382
Southern University at Shreveport $600,000
Dillard University $600,000
Rust College $598,577

The HBCU Program is one of several initiatives administered by HUD's Office of University Partnerships (OUP). Established in 1994, OUP is a catalyst for partnering colleges and universities with their communities in a shared search for answers to pressing urban problems. More information about OUP and its programs is available on the Internet.


HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development, and enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet

For further information contact Hollis Wormsby, HUD Birmingham Public Affairs, (205) 731-2617 ext. 1129.

Content Archived: March 8, 2011