�Rock'n in the Good Health Diner�

The Good Shepherd Retirement Center, along with local organizations and businesses, recently celebrated the 13th annual National Senior Health & Fitness Day This year's theme was, "Rock'n in the Good Health Diner!" The focus was on keeping older Americans healthy and fit.
[Photo 1:  Seniors at party]
A 1950's party theme was a huge hit for these seniors

The Wellness Center is on the campus of Good Shepherd Ecumenical Retirement Center in Little Rock. Good Shepherd is a 501(c) (3) private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide quality, affordable housing for the elderly in a faith-based community.

The Center provides housing for 525 senior residents with future plans to expand to 1500 seniors. The purpose of the Wellness Center is to promote health & fitness and improve the quality of life of older adults. Each year, the Wellness Center of Good Shepherd hosts the National Senior Health and Fitness Day

[Photo 2: Elvis performs]
The afternoon was filled with events, including an Elvis concert

Local organizations hosted a variety of health and fitness related activities for the morning, based on the interests of the older adults in their communities.

Good Morning Arkansas celebrities Craig O'Neil, Becky Ditchfield and Jason Harper broadcast from the event. They interviewed resident Murphy Keathley who is 103 years young. Ms. Keathley works out on the treadmill twice a day for 10 minutes and does resistance training 3 times a week. She also has a personal trainer she works with three times a week.

One of the biggest events was Lunch with Elvis! Elvis sang over an hour and they loved every minute! The afternoon was filled with fun events such as; "Learn to Jitterbug" with Jim & Virginia Stanton of Hot Springs. The fun included a Greatest 50's Costume contest.

After 5 p.m., the energy level remained high with fifties music from Bob Boyd Sounds Band as they danced the night away.

Content Archived: July 14, 2011