HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD Reg. VI 09-14
Patricia Campbell
(817) 978-5974
For Release
February 17, 2009


LITTLE ROCK - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan today announced that the Obama Administration is awarding $5,347,222 in grants to 23 homeless programs throughout Arkansas. These grants offer homeless individuals and families a wide range of housing and support services, and nationally, nearly $1.6 was awarded. A complete list of the Arkansas grantee organizations and amounts of funding follows.

"With the foreclosure and unemployment crisis looming, millions of families - both homeowners and renters - are in danger of losing their homes, so we must focus substantial resources to help those families find stable housing," said Donovan. "The grants being awarded today, along with the additional $1.5 billion that is contained in the American Recovery and Revitalization Act, will offer a critical lifeline to those persons and families who, after a foreclosure or job loss, might otherwise be faced with homelessness."

HUD's funding is provided in two ways:

  • Continuum of Care Grants provide permanent and transitional housing to homeless persons. In addition, Continuum grants fund important services including job training, health care, mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment and child care. Continuum of Care grants are awarded competitively to local programs to meet the needs of their homeless clients. Continuum grants fund a wide variety of programs from street outreach and assessment programs to transitional and permanent housing for homeless persons and families.

    Continuums of Care are State and local planning agencies that coordinate their area's response to homelessness. They prioritize their area's needs and submit funding applications to HUD on behalf of the
    housing and service projects in their area.

  • Emergency Shelter Grants provide funds for the operation of local shelters and fund-related social service and homeless prevention programs. Emergency Shelter Grants are allocated to State and local governments, based on a formula, to create, improve and operate emergency shelters for homeless persons. These funds may also support essential services including job training, health care, drug/alcohol treatment, childcare and homelessness prevention activities. By helping to support emergency shelter, transitional housing and needed support services, Emergency Shelter Grants are designed to move homeless persons away from a life on the street toward permanent housing.

The Arkansas grantees are as follows:

AR-500 - Little Rock/Central Arkansas Continuum of Care
13th Street Supportive Housing Program $110,125
Arkansas Management Information System $99,210
Arkansas Supportive Housing Network, Inc. Shelter Plus Care Project $371,856
Beyond Shelter Supportive Housing Program $40,306
Little Rock Community Mental Health Center Heart Program $96,088
Little Rock Community Mental Health Center Joseph Supportive Housing Program $287,729
Little Rock Community Mental Health Center Portage House Single Room Occupancy Program $38,688
Little Rock Community Mental Health Center Shelter+Care Program #2 $194,460
Little Rock Community Mental Health Center Shelter+Care Program #1 $164,112
Little Rock Community Mental Health Center Shelter+Care Program #3 $917,688
Little Rock Community Mental Health Center Transitional Housing at Gaines House $45,896
Little Rock Community Mental Health Outreach, Assessment and Treatment Program $36,311
Supportive Housing Program $36,371
Supportive Housing Program $162,568
The Jericho Coalition $562,993
Transitional Housing $93,113
Total: $3,257,514
AR-501 - Fayetteville/Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care
Transitional Living Program $93,485
Total: $93,485
AR-502 - Conway/Arkansas River Valley Continuum of Care
Bethlehem House Transitional Housing Program $21,600
Total: $21,600
AR-504 - Delta Hills Continuum of Care
Delta Hills Supportive Services Only SHP Program $170,224
Mills Center SHP Permanent Housing $133,596
Total: $303,820
AR-505 - Southeast Arkansas Continuum of Care
City of Pine Bluff Supportive Housing Program $237,426
Transitional Housing for Victims of Domestic Violence $31,307
Total: $268,733
AR-506 - Johnson, Pope, Yell Counties Continuum of Care
Russellville Transitional Units $200,000
Total: $200,000
Emergency Shelter Grants
Arkansas State Program $1,202,070
Total: $1,202,070
Total for all Grants: $5,347,222


Content Archived: March 8, 2011