"Healthy Homes For Healthy Kids"

Photo 1: Secretary Jackson speaks
Secretary Jackson speaks

Photo 2: Dignataries seated during event
Left to right: Mayor Simonian, Congressman Miller, Secretary Jackson, and Ms. Iyanla Vanzant.

Photo 3: Los Angeles HUD Staff pose for a picture
Los Angeles HUD staff left to right: Pennie Acevedo, Bob Cook, Beverly Kendrick, and Pauline Louie.

"We're here for one reason and one reason only and that is safety. If our children are not safe, then we're not safe," Secretary Jackson said. He was talking about safety in the home, especially for children.

The event was held at the Children's Museum in La Habra. It drew over 100 people as well as about 150 kids from a local Child Development Center. The children took part in various fun activities including face-painting and balloon art. They were also invited to play in a huge model house, and tour the Children's Museum with their parents.

HUD is on a national campaign to raise awareness. Mr. Jackson came to California to speak and share information. On April 19, 2006; Secretary Alphonso Jackson joined Congressman Gary Miller and special guest Iyanla Vanzant of NBC's "Starting Over." Together they launched a national campaign aimed at informing parents about how to protect their kids from a variety of health and safety hazards in the home.

Participants visited exhibit booths staffed with representatives from the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, the County of Orange Public Health Care Agency Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, the Los Angeles Housing Department, and Esperanza Community Housing Development Corporation.

The event was a cooperative effort. The Headquarters' Public Affairs Office and Voices Inc organized it. They worked together with the HUD Los Angeles Field Office, the Santa Ana Field Office, and other governmental agencies and non-profits.

Iyanla Vanzant opened the program and introduced the various speakers. The La Habra Mayor, Steve Simonian, welcomed the dignitaries and guests. Congressman Gary Miller stated he was thrilled to be in La Habra to launch HUD's Healthy Homes for Healthy Kids Campaign. He talked about the importance of the Healthy Homes Initiative stating: "Too often, hazards inside the home cause health effects that impair children's ability to concentrate and learn. For example, lead based paint exposure and the effects of asthma." He commended Secretary Jackson and HUD for taking on the cause to protect children. He also commended the Secretary for his work to promote homeownership particularly in high cost areas of the country such as Southern California.

Secretary Jackson introduced HUD's new television public service announcements. The Mayor and Congressman presented the Secretary with a key to the City. There was a ribbon cutting in front of the HUD model house by Secretary Jackson, Congressman Miller, Mayor Simonian, and Iyanla Vanzant. They also took some time to tour the Museum. They spoke to the children and the Museum staff.

Content Archived: August 17, 2011