Deputy Secretary Jones Speaks at "Home Matters for Health" Conference in San Francisco

[Photo 1: Deputy Secretary Jones meeting San Francisco Mayor Lee]
Deputy Secretary Jones (right) meeting San Francisco Mayor Lee

HUD Deputy Secretary Maurice Jones visited San Francisco on November 5 as an invited guest speaker at the Home Matters for Health conference. It was hosted by the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee welcomed the attendees and warmly introduced Deputy Secretary Jones.

Jones spoke about the value of stable and affordable housing for ensuring the well-being of individuals and families. He said that a child's future should not be determined by the zip code where they live-that all children should have a fair chance at securing a good and healthy future. That is the power of stable and affordable housing.

After the Home Matters for Health conference, Deputy Secretary Jones and HUD Regional Administrator Ophelia Basgal participated in a Promise Zones roundtable with partners and business leaders. Deputy Secretary Jones provided an overview of Promise Zones.

[Photo 2: Deputy Secretary Jones speaks to San Francisco HUD staff]
Deputy Secretary Jones speaks to San Francisco HUD staff

He then visited with HUD staff at the San Francisco HUD regional office where he gave a briefing on a variety of topics, including the government shut down, ongoing budgetary issues, sequestration and succession planning. He opened up his discussion for an informative "question and answer" session.

Deputy Secretary Maurice Jones keynote address and roundtable participation helped inform his San Francisco audience about HUD's commitment to Promise Zones and to providing stable, affordable housing for individuals and families.


Content Archived: February 18, 2014