Western Housing Conference: FHA Commissioner Carol Galante Speaks in San Francisco

[Photo: Carol Galante addressing audience at podium with lights in background]
Carol Galante addressing audience at podium with lights in background

On March 28, FHA Commissioner/Assistant Secretary of Housing Carol Galante was the keynote speaker at the 4th Annual Western Housing Conference in San Francisco. Ms. Galante spoke about the need to address housing affordability from a national perspective. She spoke regarding the tools the Obama Administration and HUD are already using such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) initiative, Choice Neighborhoods and Promise Zones.

Additionally, Galante emphasized the critical need for housing finance reform and discussed the Johnson-Crapo bill before Congress. "We can't subject our housing market to another crisis like the one we are still recovering from," said Galante. "And, we cannot let this opportunity for real, meaningful reform pass us by."

She highlighted Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) as an existing tool to preserve and expand opportunities for affordable housing.

She also expressed hope that Congress would include President Obama's 2015 budget proposal to lift the 60,000 unit cap. There are over 120,000 units on the HUD waiting list—that is above and beyond the current cap.

Galante said, "Now, more than ever before, we need to come together, find common ground and form partnerships." She added that the world of affordable housing is changing and we all must be prepared to change with it.

Contact the FHA Resource Center.


Content Archived: January 7, 2016