HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 10-055
Brian Sullivan
(202) 708-0685
For Release
March 25, 2010

Two additional studies look at life after transitional housing and access to mainstream benefits

WASHINGTON - When an individual or a family becomes homeless for the first time, the cost of providing them
housing and services can vary widely, from $581 a month for an individual's stay in an emergency shelter in Des Moines, Iowa to as much as $3,530 for a family's monthly stay in emergency shelter in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development today released three studies on the cost of 'first-time'
homelessness; life after transitional housing for homeless families; and strategies for improving access to
mainstream benefits programs.

HUD's cost study is the most comprehensive research on the price tag associated with first-time homelessness and creates a foundation to compare the costs of various homeless interventions. Taken together, HUD's three studies released today will inform policy discussions on what are the most effective strategies for assisting homeless
persons and families in the future.

"These studies expand our knowledge of the true costs of homelessness and raises other questions that go far
beyond dollars and cents," said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. "Now we need to have a serious discussion over
what strategies are not only most cost effective, but how we can help individuals and families from falling into homelessness in the first place."

HUD's study, Costs Associated with First-Time Homelessness for Families and Individuals (, examines how much it
costs to house and serve nearly 9,000 individuals and families in six areas of the country. The report studies the
cost of first-time homelessness among individuals in Des Moines, Iowa; Houston, Texas; and Jacksonville, Florida. In addition, the Department looked at the cost of first-time family homelessness in Washington, DC; Houston, Texas; Kalamazoo, Michigan; and a large area of upstate South Carolina.

HUD is currently investing $1.5 billion in funding through the Recovery Act's Homeless Prevention and Rapid
Re-Housing Program (HPRP)
, to prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless and help those who are experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized.

This report reveals that most of those individuals and families studied experience homelessness only once or twice
and use emergency shelter for a limited period of time at fairly low cost. However, HUD also found that some of
these households experience longer periods of homelessness and use more expensive programs. While overnight emergency shelter for individuals have the lowest costs, these shelters offer the fewest services in the least
private settings and are often open only during evening hours. By contrast, transitional housing is the most
expensive model for individuals, frequently offering more privacy and a comprehensive range of on-site services.

HUD's cost study found:

  • Average costs for individuals are much lower than for families, with overnight stays at an emergency
    shelter for individuals having the lowest daily costs;

  • For individuals, transitional housing proves more expensive than permanent supportive housing largely
    because services for transitional housing were usually offered directly by on-site staff than by
    mainstream service providers;

  • For families, emergency shelters are usually equally or more expensive than transitional and permanent
    supportive housing because family shelters often offer 24-hour access and private units;

  • In the three sample areas studied, first-time homeless individuals were predominantly male averaging
    between 39-41 years old; and

  • Female individuals had fewer stays, but used homeless programs 74 percent longer than their male

Average Monthly Cost by Homeless Program Type

Individual Sites Emergency Shelter Transitional Housing Permanent Supportive Housing
Des Moines $581 $1,386 $537
Jacksonville $799 $870 $882
Houston $968 $1,654 $966
Family Sites
Houston $1,391 $3,340 $799
Kalamazoo $1,614 $813 $881
Upstate S.C. $2,269 $1,209 $661
Washington, DC $3,530 $2,170 $1,251

HUD also released two additional homeless studies today:

Life after Transitional Housing for Homeless Families

This study follows 195 families in 36 transitional housing programs in five communities for three, six and 12 months after leaving the program. Given the significant investment HUD makes in transitional housing programs, and in light
of the program's costs mentioned above, it is important to understand the effectiveness of these programs. The
five study communities were Cleveland/Cuyahoga County, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Houston and Harris and Benton Counties, Texas; San Diego City and County, California; and Seattle/King County, Washington. Among the study's findings:

  • Participants in smaller transitional housing programs were more likely to have their own place to live after
    moveout and more likely to live with the same household members at the beginning and end of the follow-
    up year. Participants in larger programs experience higher levels of educational attainment at moveout.

  • In some respects, longer stays in transitional housing produced important benefits including higher levels of
    educational attainment and employment and a greater likelihood of continued employment during the follow-
    up year. Families spending more months in transitional housing were significantly more likely to have a place
    of their own for an entire year after leaving the program.

  • While transitional housing programs produced increasingly positive outcomes for families with longer stays,
    HUD found the number of barriers facing families did not impact outcomes. Given the significant costs
    associated with service-intensive transitional housing programs, HUD's report brings into question whether
    this housing model is the most appropriate intervention for those families who do not have significant barriers
    to housing.

Strategies for Improving Homeless People's Access to Mainstream Benefits and Services

HUD studied seven communities (Albany/Albany Co., NY; Albuquerque, NM; Metropolitan Denver; Miami-Dade
Co., FL; Norfolk, VA; Portland, ME; and Pittsburgh/Allegheny Co., PA) to document how communities mobilized to improve homeless people's access to mainstream benefits and services in light of HUD's goal of dedicating a larger portion of HUD homeless assistance funding to housing.

Communities that experienced the greatest success had a strong central organization intent upon improving access
of homeless individuals and families to mainstream service. Typically, communities were successful at reducing structural barriers to benefits, such as physical access, complexity and length of application processes, and rules
for documenting eligibility. In addition, the study finds evidence that people exiting HUD-funded programs were likely to be connected to mainstream benefits at rates that exceeded national rates for 2007. These communities had the most success enrolling persons and families for food stamps and General Assistance. However, communities
struggled with overcoming barriers that were beyond their control, such as eligibility requirements of programs,
such as TANF and Medicaid, and capacity barriers, such as an insufficient number of slots available in mainstream treatment programs for substance abuse or mental health services.


HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to sustaining homeownership; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development ad enforces the nation's
fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and


Content Archived: January 25, 2012