HUD Archives: News Releases

Larry Bush
(415) 489-6414
For Release
September 8, 2010

Third round of NSP grants to build on efforts to confront abandonment and blight

WASHINGTON - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan today awarded an additional $149 million in funding to California communities struggling to reverse the effects of the foreclosure crisis. The grants announced today represent a third round of funding through HUD's Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) and
will provide targeted emergency assistance to help local California communities acquire, redevelop or demolish foreclosed properties.

"These grants will support local efforts to reverse the effects these foreclosed properties have on their surrounding neighborhoods," said Donovan. "We want to make certain that we target these funds to those places with especially high foreclosure activity so we can help turn the tide in our battle against abandonment and blight. As a direct
result of the leadership provided by Senator Chris Dodd and Congressman Barney Frank, who played key roles in winning approval for these funds, we will be able to make investments that will reduce blight, bolster neighboring
home values, create jobs and produce affordable housing."

"I thank the Obama Administration and Secretary Donovan for allocating this vital Neighborhood Stabilization funding
in such an expedient manner," said Rep. Joe Baca. "The additional federal assistance provided in these grants will
help to rehabilitate distressed housing markets, and remove housing blight from our struggling neighborhoods in the Inland Empire and across all of California."

"The funds announced today through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Neighborhood Stabilization Program will help communities in Los Angeles rebound from the devastating foreclosure crisis," said Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34). "The $9.8 million awarded to Los Angeles and $9.5 million awarded to Los Angeles County will help provide invaluable relief to homeowners suffering through a freefall in the value of their homes throughout my district. I want to thank U.S Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan for
his leadership on this issue."

The funding announced today is provided under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
To date, there have been two other rounds of NSP funding: the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008
(HERA) provided $3.92 billion and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)
appropriated an additional $2 billion.

Like those earlier rounds of NSP grants, these targeted funds will be used to purchase foreclosed homes at a
discount and to rehabilitate or redevelop them in order to respond to rising foreclosures and falling home values. Today, 92 cents of every dollar from the first round of NSP funding is obligated - and is in use by communities,
buying up and renovating homes, and creating jobs.

State and local governments can use their neighborhood stabilization grants to acquire land and property; to
demolish or rehabilitate abandoned properties; and/or to offer downpayment and closing cost assistance to low-
to moderate-income homebuyers (household incomes not exceed 120 percent of area median income). In addition, these grantees can create "land banks" to assemble, temporarily manage, and dispose of vacant land for the
purpose of stabilizing neighborhoods and encouraging re-use or redevelopment of urban property. HUD will issue an NSP3 guidance notice in the next few weeks to assist grantees in designing their programs and applying for funds.

NSP 3 will take full advantage of the historic First Look partnership Secretary Donovan announced with the National Community Stabilization Trust last week. First Look gives NSP grantees an exclusive 12-14 day window to evaluate and bid on properties before others can do so. By giving every NSP grantee the first crack at buying foreclosed and abandoned properties in these targeted neighborhoods, First Look will maximize the impact of NSP dollars in the hardest-hit neighborhoods - making it more likely the properties communities want to buy are strategically chosen
and cutting in half the traditional 75-to-85 day process it takes to re-sell foreclosed properties.

NSP also seeks to prevent future foreclosures by requiring housing counseling for families receiving homebuyer assistance. HUD seeks to protect future homebuyers by requiring States and local grantees to ensure that new homebuyers under NSP receive homeownership counseling and obtain a mortgage loan from a lender who agrees
to comply with sound lending practices.

In determining the allocations announced today, HUD, as it did with NSP1, followed key indicators for the distribution formula outlined by Congress. HUD is using the latest data to implement the Congressional formula. The formula
weighs several factors to match funding to need in the 20 percent most distressed neighborhoods as determined based on the number and percentage of home foreclosures, the number and percentage of homes financed by a subprime mortgage related loan, and the number and percentage of homes in delinquency. To estimate the level of need down to the neighborhood level, HUD uses a model that takes into account causes of foreclosures and delinquencies, which include housing price declines from peak levels, and increases in unemployment, and rate of
high cost and highly leveraged loans. HUD also considers vacancy problems in neighborhoods with severe
foreclosure related problems.

In addition to a third round of NSP funding, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
creates a $1 billion Emergency Homeowners Loan Program to be administered by HUD. This loan program will provide up to 24 months in mortgage assistance to homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure and have experienced a substantial reduction in income due to involuntary unemployment, underemployment, or a medical condition. HUD
will announce additional details, including the targeted areas and other program specifics when the program is
officially launched in the coming weeks.

Grantee NSP3 Grant
Apple Valley $1,463,014
Bakersfield $3,320,927
State Of California $7,777,019
Compton $1,436,300
Contra Costa County $1,871,294
Corona $1,317,310
Fontana $2,695,735
Fresno $3,547,219
Fresno County $2,739,766
Hemet $1,360,197
Hesperia $1,785,047
Imperial County $1,708,780
Indio City $1,092,071
Kern County $5,202,037
Lancaster $2,364,566
Long Beach $1,567,935
Los Angeles $9,875,577
Los Angeles County $9,532,569
Madera County $1,659,017
Merced $1,196,182
Merced County $2,705,877
Modesto $2,951,549
Monterey County $1,284,794
Moreno Valley $3,687,789
Oakland $2,070,087
Ontario $1,872,853
Orange County $1,004,948
Palmdale $2,310,023
Perris City $1,342,449
Pomona $1,235,629
Rialto $1,936,370
Richmond $1,153,172
Riverside $3,202,152
Riverside County $14,272,400
Sacramento $3,762,329
Sacramento County $4,595,671
San Bernardino $3,277,401
San Bernardino County $10,438,181
San Joaquin County $4,398,543
Santa Ana $1,464,113
Solano County $1,622,757
Stanislaus County $4,175,947
Stockton $4,280,994
Tulare County $2,845,529
Vallejo $1,744,593
Victorville $2,159,937
California Total $149,308,651


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and


Content Archived: May 14, 2012