
Quarterly Newsletter of the Los Angeles Multifamily Hub
Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2004
Questions/Comments: email
or call 1 (800) 568-2651, Extension 3854

The Privilege Was Mine


Joe L. Hirsch

[Photo: Director Joe L. Hirsch]
Joe L. Hirsch, Director

In 1974, after knocking around the Bureau of Mines, the Bureau of Reclamation and the Department of Defense as an Engineering Technician, an Engineer and a Chief Engineer for about 14 years, I made a very wise decision and accepted a position with HUD in San Francisco. Twenty years later, in 1994, I elected to take a beneficial retirement package and leave HUD behind. In 2000, after six years of "retirement" during which I founded my own consulting firm and then sold it, I returned to HUD to again try to make a difference. Today, thirty years after I moved to HUD and forty-four years after I took my first federal job, I have decided to retire, again. It is well known that I am retiring because I no longer have the physical strength to continue the "good fight" to improve and expand the federally subsidized and affordable housing programs in Southern California, and it is equally well-known that health and strength are unpredictable and subject to change. In other words, I cannot guarantee that you will never hear from me again.

In any event, I want to express my sincere appreciation to each of you whom I have touched in some way and who have touched me over the years. To my fellow employees at HUD I say you have chosen to align your career with the most effective government organization in the history of the nation. What other organization has improved the quality of life for so many of our fellow citizens as HUD? You have taken a lot of undeserved flak over the years for not being more vital than you have been but that is most often fallout from one failed Political agenda or another. The fact is that you have been part of an agency that has built neighborhoods, communities, towns and cities. You have provided safe, decent and sanitary housing to millions of people who would have otherwise been more limited. You have provided jobs and income, housing and shelter, equal opportunities for housing and for employment building HUD homes and apartments; you have done the "good" work that government is capable of accomplishing. But, you have not done it in a vacuum. Alongside of you, and helping to pull the load, have been numerous private citizens and non-profit and profit motivated businesses. I am equally appreciative for the role these people have played in making HUD's mission successful. I cannot go into names because I would certainly slight someone by omission, but I have had the good fortune to work with outstanding attorneys, architects, appraisers, general contractors, title officers, inspectors, management agents, industry representatives and organizations, local government housing officials, owners and developers on thousands of important and different housing efforts.

To all of you who I have worked with, known and respected for so many years, I want you to know that TRULY the PRIVILEGE WAS MINE.

Please keep up the torch aflame and continue to build the great society that Presidents' have dreamt of and only you can deliver.

Tributes to Outgoing Director Joe L. Hirsch From Former and Current HUD Employees

"Your high quality of leadership, combined with programmatic expertise, and unmatched professionalism have contributed greatly to our office, industry, and clients. Best wishes to you in your well-earned retirement." Reagan (Scott) Reed, Senior Project Manager in Multifamily/NFFE Local 1450 Principal Office Representative

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�It has been a pleasure knowing you and working with you over the last thirteen years and I certainly wish you the best of luck, happiness and health - and best wishes to your wonderful family!� Leslie Macchiarella, Enforcement Center Attorney/AFGE Local 476 Steward

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"Best wishes to you in the 2nd phase of your retirement - stay in touch" Robert King, MAP Coordinator in Multifamily

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"I cannot recall the specific date that I interviewed with Joe Hirsch, but it was around January/February 1987. I had taken the OPM Clerical Exam and had scored extremely well. At the time I interviewed with Joe, I was unemployed and my clerical experience did not reflect my potential. The one thing I will never forget is that Joe (no one else at that time) gave me an opportunity. I don't know if it was my interview, my test scores or my begging (lol). Needless to say I was hired. My first official day started on March 15, 1987 (Sunday), my first day of reporting to work was March 16, 1987 (my birthday). I am very thankful for my job and for the person who gave me the opportunity. Saying 'Thank You' does not seem like enough, but I am very thankful for the past 17 years and counting." Ruperto Lawson, Public Housing Revitalization Specialist.

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"When I first came to HUD five years ago Joe was one of the first people to offer a big smile and extend his hand of friendship to me. That one greeting made me feel comfortable with my new place of employment." Ray Richardson, Community Planning & Development Economic Development Specialist

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"Some Hub Directors are known especially for their keen knowledge of either Development or Asset Management. Some are known for being compassionate no matter what the obstacles. Some are just plain good problem solvers and managers. Joe Hirsch was all of these. I've had the pleasure of working with Joe since he came to LA in 1984 and my then high opinion of him has only increased over time. He combines honesty and capability with a fair yet considerate treatment of LA staff and HUD clients alike. To me he will always be one of the best teachers I've ever had and one of the finest people I will ever know." Bill Christiansen, Operations Officer in Multifamily

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"After the Northridge Earthquake, I was dispatched to Los Angeles with $100,000,000 dollars of Congressionally appropriated federal funds to help restore the Multifamily inventory that was damaged as a result of that earthquake. We had money, but no program. Working with Joe Hirsch and others, we were able to fashion a financial relief program that assisted approximately 200 properties. We did this in relatively short order. The tenants were able to quickly start returning to their homes. The Multifamily properties that suffered damage were once again viable. My career with HUD began in 1973 after the Agnes Disaster. I worked exclusively with disaster recovery for the first five years and as called upon from time to time since then. Because of the leadership of Joe Hirsch and other local HUD staff, the Northridge recovery effort turned out to be the most efficient and effective that I personally experienced. It was one that HUD continues to point to as an example of an effective disaster Multifamily recovery program. Thanks to Joe for his years of service, his work on disaster recovery and his leadership most recently as the HUB Director. In all respects, Joe has been a leader and a true housing professional." Ken Hannon, Director, Business Relationships and Special Initiatives Division, HQ.

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"Please accept my best wishes for your upcoming retirement. I have kept somewhat of a tab on you during your tenure as the Director of The Los Angeles Office Multifamily HUB, since you were appointed to that office. I know that you have done an outstanding job, again, like you have always done. You and I worked together for over five years from January 1990, until you retired the first time while I was there. We had some interesting times then discussing with Region about resources, and other things, that they would never give us enough of to fulfill our mission even better than we did. We did a darn good job of it anyway thanks in a major way to your commitment, ability, and dedication. I remember your efforts in Los Angeles' recovery from the 1992 riots which took place all around our office location on Olympic Boulevard. I also remember well your commitment and dedication during the recovery from the Northridge Earthquake in 1994. You worked tirelessly around the clock staffing and maintaining our offices and staff in our many area assistance offices around the basin. You did an outstanding job while I was there, Joe, as I know you had done before I got to Los Angeles. You were a great help to me as Manager of the office. You were an asset to our government then and agin now during your present tenure. I will never forget your first retirement. It was really a fun, meaningful event, and experience. I wish I could be with you now as you leave government service after another meaningful career. Congratulations on another job well cone, Joe, and best of wishes for your future." Charles Ming, Manager of the Los Angeles HUD Office from January 1990 to January 1995.

Los Angeles Multifamily Hub Proclamation

Presented to

Charles Ming

April 23, 2004

[Photo: Joe L. Hirsch, Charles Ming, and William Christiansen]
L to R: Joe L. Hirsch, Director, Los Angeles Multifamily Hub; Charles Ming, former Manager for HUD in Los Angeles from 1990 to 1995; and William Christiansen, Operations Officer and the newly named Acting Director of the Los Angeles Multifamily Hub effective as of April 25, 2004.

Whereas, Charles Ming who has honored us today in the Los Angeles Multifamily Hub by generously scheduling his time to visit the office for our opportunity to interact with him and to hear firsthand about his activities following retirement from HUD and his viewpoints on different matters.

Whereas, Charles Ming who had served the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the position of Manager in Oklahoma from 1984 to 1990 and in the position of Manager in Los Angeles from 1990 to 1995 with experience and background as follows:

  • Born in Okmulgee, Oklahoma

  • Graduated from Oklahoma University with a B.A., and Oklahoma City University with an LLB (Law)

  • Captain, U. S. Army/Artillery (previously enlisted)

  • Professional experience before HUD: Oil and Gas exploration with Landman Real Estate and Continental Oil Company in Denver and Durango, Colorado as well as in Oklahoma City; Law practice in Oklahoma City; Municipal Judge in Edmond, OK; Associate Municipal Judge; Senior VP of Real Estate with United Founders Life Insurance Company in Oklahoma City; taught at the University of Central Oklahoma

  • HUD Office Manager positions in Oklahoma City and Los Angeles

  • Last HUD position before retirement was as Assistant to the Secretary for Administration

  • Present Professional Associations: Oklahoma Bar Association and the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission, Licensed Real Estate Broker

Now, therefore, all of the valued employees who carry out the important multifamily mission of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Los Angeles and San Diego, do hereby proclaim April 23, 2004, as the Charles Ming day at the Los Angeles Multifamily Hub with all rights and honors conveyed.

Joe L. Hirsch


"Awesome" HUD Activities in the San Fernando Valley

[Photo: William Christiansen]
William Christiansen

By William Christiansen, Acting Director Los Angeles Multifamily Hub

For this issue, we're back again in my community of the San Fernando Valley to visit five more complexes that serve the needs of a very diverse population. "The Valley", as it is known locally and even internationally, is part of the City of Los Angeles and is representative of the City in just about every way.

[Photo: Fountain Park Cooperative]
Fountain Park Cooperative

First we go to Fountain Park Cooperative which is a non-subsidized complex incorporated as a cooperative jointly owned by 221 shareholders. A cooperative differs from a condominium in that the shareholders hold a share of stock in the total building(s) and land, and each share carries with it a right to occupy a specific unit. Fountain Park is located in the Woodlands Hills neighborhood of the Valley in a beautiful residential area that is also close to shopping and public transportation. There are 20 one-bedroom, 191 two-bedroom, and 10 three-bedroom units in both the garden and townhouse-type. The existing mortgage expires in two years although there is also a HUD Earthquake Loan (HELP) on the complex. The last REAC physical inspection score was 93b in 2003.

[Photo: Parthenia Townhomes in the Canoga Park]
Parthenia Townhomes in the Canoga Park

[Photo: Canoga Park]
Canoga Park

Next we go to Parthenia Townhomes in the Canoga Park neighborhood of the Valley. This complex for families has 16 two-bedroom, and 8 three-bedroom apartments. It's owned and managed by G & K. It has a HUD insured mortgage under Section 221(d)(3) as well as an equity 241 housing preservation loan. The project received a 99a score on its REAC physical inspection in 2002.

Now we go to Canoga Park, a family complex insured under Section 221(d)(4) of the National Housing Act. The complex contains 12 two-bedroom and two three-bedroom apartments. It received a REAC physical inspection score of 98c in 2003. It's owned by Young Israel, a profit motivated owner, and managed by AIMCO.

[Photo: White Oak Group Home]
White Oak Group Home

[Photo: Plummer Park]
Plummer Parke


Our next stop is White Oak Group Home in the Northridge neighborhood of the Valley. This facility looks like any other single family home on this quiet residential street and provides housing for 3 wholly developmental disabled persons under Section 811. The sponsor is United Cerebral Palsy of the San Fernando Valley. It is actually seeing a project like this that makes one realize how creative and important HUD can be in addressing housing needs in our community.

Finally, we go to Plummer Park in a North Hills neighborhood. This complex for elderly persons contains 36 one-bedroom and four two-bedroom apartments. It received a 90b at its 2001 REAC physical inspection. It is owned by St. Nicholas Housing Development and managed by Apex Management.

Successful Loan Sale

By Audrey Hinton, HQ Housing Project Manager

Business Relationships and Special Initiatives Division

The Department held a successful sale of mortgages in its March 30, 2004, Multifamily and Healthcare Loan Sale 2004-1. Closings took place on April 16. Some important statistics were as follows:

[Photo: Audrey Hinton]
Audrey Hinton, HQ Project Manager, Business Relationships and Special Initiatives Division

  • Number of Loans Offered:
    • 43 - Unpaid Portfolio Balance of
    • $252,874,844
    • 22 on Multifamily Projects
    • 21 on Healthcare Projects
      (including one hospital)
  • Number Sold: 43
  • Total Gross Proceeds: $138,766,608
  • Overall Sales Price: 54.9%
  • Price for Multifamily Loans: 70.57%
  • Price for Healthcare Loans: 32.59%
  • Total Bidders: 16 (including one owner)
  • Total Successful Bidders: 5
The Department sells both multifamily and single family mortgages to the private sector to liquidate its inventory of HUD-held mortgage loans and to generate budget savings. In addition, reducing the HUD-held mortgage inventory reduces the burden on staff. As the burden is lifted, multifamily asset management staff can better focus on their primary function of overseeing the physical, financial, and operating condition of the privately-held multifamily projects with FHA-insured mortgages and on meeting HUD's core mission of providing affordable housing. Our goal is to hold two sales each year. The next sale of unsubsidized loans is planned for September 2004.

Visit HUD's Multifamily and Healthcare Loan Sale website for further information and sale results at the following:

HUD Multifamily Housing Tenant Eligibility and the Department of Homeland Security

As derived from existing material by Harvey Friedberg, Senior Project Manager

[Photo: Harvey Friedberg]
Harvey Friedberg, Senior Project Manager

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has three primary missions. These DHS missions are to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is in complete accord with all of these. HUD multifamily housing tenant eligibility requirements take the DHS mandate into account. By law, only U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens, who have eligible immigration status as determined by the HUD, may receive assistance under Section 8, Section 236, Rent Supplement, Rental Assistance Payment (RAP), and Section 202/811 programs. Applicants must disclose social security numbers for all family members at least 6 years of age and older and provide proof of the numbers reported. Owners determine the applicant's citizenship or immigration status during the initial eligibility determination, prior to move-in. Owners are required to verify with the DHS the validity of documents provided by applicants. The owner must obtain from U.S. citizens a signed declaration of citizenship for each family member regardless of age. Owners may require verification of the declaration by requiring presentation of a U.S. birth certificate or U.S. passport.

All information reported by the family is subject to verification. Various subsidy or insurance programs may impose additional occupancy restrictions.
Applicants must provide documentation of social security numbers (SSN). Adequate
documentation means a social security card issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or other acceptable evidence of the SSN. There are provisions for accepting applicants without documentation of SSN such as the following:

  1. When an applicant has a SSN but does not have the required documentation, the applicant may submit the SSN and certify that the number is accurate but that acceptable documentation could not be provided.

  2. Individuals who have applied for legalization under the Immigration and Reform Control Act of 1986 will be able to disclose the SSN, but unable to supply the cards for documentation. SSNs are assigned to these persons when they apply for amnesty. The cards go to the DHS until the persons are granted temporary lawful resident status. Until that time, their acceptable documentation is a letter from the DHS indicating SSNs have been assigned.

  3. Owners must accept the certification and continue to process the individual's application.

As stated earlier, only U.S. citizens and eligible noncitizens may benefit from federal rental assistance. Compliance with these rules ensures that only eligible families receive subsidy. These requirements apply to families making application to the property, families on the waiting list, and tenants. Some of the key requirements and procedures, owners must use to determine applicant eligibility based on citizenship/immigration status, are as follows:

  1. Assistance in subsidized housing is restricted to the following:
    a. U.S. citizens or nationals; and
    b. Noncitizens who have eligible immigration status as determined by HUD.

  2. All applicants for assistance must be given notice of the requirement to submit evidence of citizenship or eligible immigration status at the time of application. The entity responsible for receiving the documentation, where possible, must arrange to provide the notice in a language that is understood by the individual if the person is not proficient in English.

  3. All family members, regardless of age, must declare their citizenship or immigration status

  4. Noncitizens (except those age 62 and older) must sign a Verification Consent Form and submit documentation of their status or sign a declaration that they do not claim to have eligible status. Noncitizens age 62 and older must sign a declaration of eligible immigration status and provide a proof of age document. U.S. citizens must sign a declaration of citizenship. Owners may establish a policy of requiring additional proof of citizenship for those declaring to be U.S. citizens or nationals.

Owners are required to verify with the DHS the validity of documents provided by applicants. To do so, owners must:

  1. Obtain computer software to install on the owner's personal computer, an access code and user ID by calling the Office of Multifamily Housing at HUD headquarters. HUD will record the required information and notify DHS to provide the computer software and access to the verification system to the owner. If more than one personal computer is used, it is necessary to request computer software and user IDs for each computer. Multiple users can use a single computer but a unique user ID is needed for each computer user.

  2. Upon receipt of the software, access code and user ID, the owner is able to use the automated system to obtain primary and in many instances, secondary verification.

  3. If the owner does not have a personal computer or a CD drive and Windows on their personal computer, it will be necessary to verify immigration status using the paper process. A completed Document Verification Request, Form G-845S, and photocopies of the immigration documentation must be mailed to the local immigration office to receive verification of validity of the documents.

Owners must conduct primary verification through the SAVE ASVI database, the DHS automated system. After obtaining computer software, access code and user ID by contacting the Office of Multifamily Housing, owners can access SAVE with a personal computer. Owners may not delay the family's assistance if the family submitted its immigration information in a timely manner but the DHS verification or appeals process has not been completed. Within 10 days of receiving an "Institute Secondary Verification" response, the owner must prepare DHS Form G-845S (, Document Verification Request. The owner must send DHS Form G-845S and photocopies of the DHS documents submitted by the applicant to the DHS office serving the property's jurisdiction. The DHS will return to the owner a copy of DHS Form G-845S indicating the results of the automated and manual search.

The owner must notify the family in writing as soon as possible if the secondary verification process returns a negative result. The family has 30 days from receipt of the notice to choose which option to follow. The family may appeal the owner's decision directly to the DHS. The family must send a copy of the appeal directly to the owner. The DHS should respond to the appeal within 30 days. If the DHS decision results in a positive determination of eligibility, the owner can provide the family with housing assistance. If the DHS decision results in a negative determination of eligibility, the family has 30 days to request a hearing with the owner.

Both the HUD and the DHS continue to bring their own specialized sets of skills and services to full mutual utilization in order to accomplish our nation's goal of keeping our housing, and homeland, safe from terrorism. If you have any questions about this material, please call me at (800) 568-2651, extension 3819.

[Photo: Joe L. Hirsch and James Sam]
Program Manager James Sam receives recognition for his completion of 35 years of Federal Civil Service.
[Photo: Joe L. Hirsch and Dave Solis]
Program Assistant Dave Solis is presented a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of his outstanding support for the Fall 2003 Combined Federal Campaign effort by Los Angeles area Federal Employees.

[Photo: Robert King]
Robert King, Map Coordinator


MAP Marketing (see PDF chart)

Homeownership Classes for HUD-Assisted Residents

By Myrna B. Pascual, Field Operations Specialist

[Photo: Myrna B. Pascual]
Myrna B. Pascual, Field Operations Specialist, San Diego HUD Office
[Photo: Angela Harris addressing the residents]
Angela Harris, Housing Consultant to the Urban Housing Corporation, and Craig Warren, Mortgage Broker with First Global Finance, all addressed the residents at Meadowbrook Apartments as referenced in the article

On March 20, 2004 and April 1, 2004, the Urban Housing Corporation, a local affiliate of the National Urban League that is a HUD approved housing counseling agency, presented two sessions of Homebuyer Learning Program to the residents of Meadowbrook Apartments in San Diego. Those sessions featured Craig Warren, a Mortgage Broker with First Global Finance, and attracted residents from Meadowbrook Apartments and from other nearby HUD-assisted housing complexes. Angela Harris, Housing Consultant to the Urban Housing Corporation, discussed the importance of being knowledgeable about the various local resources available to first-time homebuyers. Myrna Pascual, Field Operations Specialist with the San Diego HUD Office, gave the residents handouts listing various city jurisdictions in San Diego County that give down payment and closing cost assistance to low income home buyers. The Management Agent, WGID Enterprises, Inc., offered the community room for the classes and assisted in distributing the flyers to all the residents. Meadowbrook Apartments I and II is a 448 -unit housing complex in the diverse community of Paradise Valley in San Diego County. They are financed by the Section 236 and 221(d)(3) BMIR housing loan programs. The owners of Meadowbrook Apartments have preserved rent affordability under the Title II Housing Preservation Program.

The 5th Annual Western HUD Lenders Conference

Beyond the Basics of MAP

Golden Nugget Hotel - Las Vegas, Nevada

March 29 - 31, 2004

Sponsored by

The Western Mortgagee Advisory Council

By Stephen J. Brusca, Senior Appraiser, Los Angeles Multifamily Hub

Todd Marans, Senior Vice President/Chief Underwriter with PNC Multi-family Capital
[Photo: Todd Marans] [Photo: Stillman Knight]

Mr. Stillman Knight, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing, HUD

He spoke at the conference regarding updated information from HUD HQ

The first evening of registration began on Monday, March 29th at 3:00 p.m. The welcoming reception began at 6:00 p.m. on that day.

The first morning of the conference was on Tuesday, March 30th. Registration and a continental breakfast began at 8:00 a.m. followed at 8:30 a.m. by introductory remarks by Todd Marans, Senior Vice President/Chief Underwriter with PNC Multi-family Capital.

One of the morning panels discussed the state of the Hubs nationwide. The Moderator was Jayne Hulbert, Regional Vice President with Berkshire Mortgage Finance.

[Photo: Janet Browder]
Janet Browder, HUB Director - San Francisco

[Photo: Joe Hirsch]
Joe Hirsch, HUB Director - Los Angeles

Panel members were as follows:

  • Janet Browder, HUB Director - San Francisco
  • Renee' Greenman, HUB Director - Seattle
  • Joe Hirsch, HUB Director - Los Angeles
  • Marcie La Porte, HUB Director - Denver

Topics during the discussions were of Projection Levels, Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) Processing Times, Development Application Processing (DAP) and Improvements to MAP, and What can Lenders do to Assist?

A late morning topic was Section 232 Healthcare, the Moderator was Tom Peters, Senior Vice President/Regional Manager, CWCapital.

[Photo: Jeff Lehman and Scott Reese]
Left: Jeff Lehman   Right: Scott Reese

Panel Members were as follows:

  • Jeff Lehman, President with Philip Lehman Company, Ltd.

  • Scott Reese, Vice President, Willis Healthcare Practice


Topics during our discussions were Insurance and Current Issues.

After a luncheon, MAP Challenges was the topic of our discussion. The Moderator was Donna M. Switzer, Vice President and Chief Underwriter with GMAC Commercial Mortgage.

Panel Members were as follows:

  • Tom Azumbrado, Director, Multifamily Programs, HUD San Francisco
  • Cameron Eldredge, Director, Portland HUD Multifamily Program Center
  • James Sam, Supervisory Project Manager, (Team Coordinator), HUD Los Angeles
  • Dan Gomez, Project Manager, HUD Denver
  • Linda Cheatham, Senior Vice President, Berkshire Mortgage Finance
  • Leslie Duchene, Senior Underwriter, Prudential
  • Susana Araoz, Vice President, PNC Multifamily Capital
  • Jennifer Shurbet, Assistant Vice President and Underwriter with GMAC Commercial Mortgage

Topics during our discussions were Inconsistencies among HUD Offices, Unclear and/or Contradictions of Policies or Processes, and MAP time frames as well as Reviews vs. Re-do.

[Photo: Mike McCullough]
Mike McCullough, Director of the Multifamily Development Programs, HUD

After a late lunch and before adjournment, Mr. Mike McCullough, Director of the Multifamily Development Programs, HUD Headquarters, spoke about HUD's expectations with lenders, their responsibilities in reviewing management companies, and evaluating health care operators. Also discussed were subsidy layering, tax exempt bonds, Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), and tax abatement.

The second morning of the conference began on Wednesday, March 31st. The morning panels discussed environmental concerns. The Moderator was Todd Marans, Senior Vice President with PNC Multifamily Capital.

Panel members were as follows:

  • Paul Fujii, PNC Multifamily Capital
  • Dave Bierman, AllWest
  • Bob Drake, Western Environmental
  • William J. Warren, Environmental Education Foundation

Topics during our discussions were Mold (as a growing problem), State of the Industry to include Insurance, Lending and Testing, Pragmatic solutions including Assessments as well as Management and Prevention.

The late morning topic was Survey and Title Issues. The Moderator was John Vihstadt, Partner, Krooth and Altman LLP.

Panel Members were as follows:

  • James J. Brown, National Manager, Boch & Clark Land Title Surveys
  • Rob Tidd, Officer, First American Title Insurance Company
  • Rosemary Fernandez-Pifer, Assistant Counsel, HUD / San Francisco
  • Mark Levy, Partner, Levy, Levy & Levy

Topics during the discussions were Getting Stared before a Commitment is Issued, Why Coordination of Title and Survey Work is Essential, How to Avoid a New Survey, Health Care Nuances, Construction Loans, Tax Credits, and Bond Financing Features. Also discussed were the Three E's, Encroachments, Easements and Endorsements.

After lunch, Appraisal was the topic of discussion. The Moderator was Thom Cooley, National Vice President and Chief FHA Multifamily Underwriting, ARCS Commercial Mortgage.

Panel Members were as follows:

  • Tracy Taplin, Senior Underwriter, Berkshire Mortgage Finance
  • Jean-Pierre LoMonaco, MAI, Valuation & Information Group
  • Stephen L. Rudow, Senior Vice President, AGM Financial Services, Inc.
  • Stephen J. Brusca, Senior Multifamily Appraiser, Los Angeles, HUD
[Photo: Stephen J. Brusca]
Stephen J. Brusca, Senior Multifamily Appraiser, Los Angeles, HUD

Topics during our discussions were Using the HUD 92273 Forms, the HUD 92274 Forms and Sales Grids, the Difficulties in making Adjustments, Choosing and Using Comparables, and Coordination of data flows within MAP.

After a break, a late afternoon panel was put together focusing on Affordable Housing. The Moderator was John Taylor, Senior Vice President with Prudential Huntoon Paige Associates.

Panel Members were as follows:

  • William Widmam
  • Michael Schanz
  • Tony Perez, HUD/Phoenix
  • Roger Lewis, HUD/N/W Alaska

Topics during the discussions were Best Practices, Timing Issues, Policy Clarifications, Subsidy Layering, Closing and Post Closing Issues, Market, Appraisal, Property Capital Needs Assessment (PCNA) and other technical problems.

This was the last panel for the day and also ended the three-day conference. Todd Marans, Senior Vice President and Chief Underwriter with PNC Multifamily Capital thanked everyone for attending the conference, and indicated that he was looking forward to next year and the 6th Annual Western HUD Lenders Conference.

The representatives from the Los Angeles Multifamily HUB who attended the 5th Western HUD Lenders Conference 2004 were as follows:

Stephen J. Brusca
Dana Hendrix
Thelma Herndon
Joe Hirsch
Robert King
Rebecca Miranda
Lorna Pope
John Radcliff
James Sam
Hermie Samoy
Dorothy Timmons
Shanon Timmons

Many conference participants agreed that the question and answer sessions following the different panels as well as the networking opportunities during the conference were very informative and beneficial. Many individuals are now able to place a face to whom they talked with on the phone. It was a great conference!

Content Archived: September 28, 2011