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HUD Challenges Denver-area Federal
and State Employees to Donate Life

[Photo 1: Judge Matsch is interviewed by reporter]
Judge Matsch is interviewed by reporter.

[Photo 2: Regional Director John Carson gives blood]
Regional Director John Carson gives blood.
[Photo 3: Regional Director John Carson and Lt. Governor Jane Norton discuss issues while giving blood]
Regional Director John Carson and Lt. Governor Jane Norton discuss issues while giving blood

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) employees held their first-ever blood drive with the help of the Belle Bonfils Blood Center in early March. HUD's Regional Director John Carson then challenged all Federal and State employees to not only join in Health and Human Services initiative, "Donate Life," but to surpass HUD's contribution.

U.S. Health and Human Services Regional Administrator Joe Nunez recognized HUD when Colorado and Federal officials kicked-off the community blood drive announcing 47 HUD employees responded to the "Donate Life" initiative and replenished Colorado's blood supply with 41 units of blood.

Lt. Governor Jane Norton and Senior U.S. District Judge Matsch described the need for blood and encouraged all employees, media, and the public to donate blood.

Judge Matsch personalized the discussion when he described his post-surgery experience and said there was no one more thankful to blood donors then he. After he received his life-saving liver transplant, the Judge said he looked at the units or bags of blood hanging on the pole. In a rare public appearance, Judge Matsch admitted he watched for hours as the blood trickled through the see-through tube down into his vein. The Judge said he pondered in deep-thought as the blood pumped life into his body.

"I was never so grateful to the human who had given his or her blood so I could live. I was at the mercy of the blood donor-who ever it was-male or female. The red, rich blood was a gift. It didn't matter if the person was black, white, red or brown." Judge Matsch pronounced a non-selfish person had generously given the ultimate gift of her/himself. Judge Matsch emphatically urged every person who qualifies to give blood as frequently as possible.

RD Carson thanked HUD employees for answering the call and unselfishly contributing to the Denver-area blood supply. Mr. Carson said at least 4,200 units of blood are collected each week to meet the health care needs in Denver and surrounding communities. "Your gift provides blood and blood products to more than 115 hospitals and health care facilities across the state. The bottom line is . . . your gift saves lives," said RD Carson.

Content Archived: April 5, 2011

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