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Denver Housing Authority Receives $20,000,000 Grant

[Symbolic check presented to Denver Housing Authority.]
HUD Assistant Secretary Michael Liu presents check to Denver Housing Authority.

In Friday, March 14, HUD Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing Michael Liu was in Denver to present a check for $20,000,000 in HOPE VI funding to the Denver Housing Authority (DHA). DHA Executive Director Sal Carpio and Board Chairperson Marge Johnson accepted the award that will be used to replace aged public housing at the former East Village Apartments in the downtown Five Points neighborhood for 1,063 families.

Regional Director John Carson was master of ceremonies for an event that attracted some 150 residents, community leaders and government representatives. Speakers also included Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Senator Wayne Allard, Congresswoman Diana DeGette, and City Councilwoman Elbra Wedgeworth.

[Regional Director John Carson introduces guests.]
Regional Director John Carson introduces guests.

This grant will replace 249 units of obsolete low-income housing at the former East Village complex, including 50 units of public housing known as Arrowhead. It will also provide funds to rehabilitate 200 other units of public housing at Thomas Bean Towers, and eventually provide housing for 1,064 families.The revitalization will create a stable mixed-income community with rental and homeownership opportunities, reconnect the neighborhood to the surrounding area by restoring the original street grid, strengthen links to schools and other educational resources, and provide health and wellness services to area residents in conjunction with the Cleo Parker Robinson Center for the Healing Arts.

Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell said, "Winning this grant is an enormous honor, but the work is not done. We still need the support and commitment of all those involved to make this revitalization project a reality."


Content Archived: April 5, 2011

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