Promise Zone YES!

[Photo: Thomas Phillips speaks to youth participants]
Thomas Phillips, President/CEO of Capital Workforce Partners, speaks to youth participants

On June 17, 2016, Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin announced the award of a federal two-year U. S. Department of Labor grant of $2 million to the Promise Zone Youth Employment for Success (YES!), which will provide 275 youth residents of the Promise Zone ( with summer and year-round job opportunities and exposure to career pathways for in-demand job sectors. Congressman John Larson and Superintendent of Schools for the city of Hartford, Beth Schiavino-Narvaez, also spoke on the importance of the award for Promise Zone residents and Hartford as a whole.

Hartford, CT's Promise Zone was one of 11 communities to receive the Department of Labor grant. Capital Workforce Partners is partnering with the city of Hartford, Hartford Public Schools, Connecticut States Colleges and Universities and regional employers to offer Promise Zone YES!

Mayor Bronin noted that the award was one small step toward addressing the long term needs of the North Hartford Promise Zone and that it is part of a larger strategy that will lead to Hartford becoming a thriving city.


Content Archived: January 3, 2018