Lead Safe Washington

[Photo: Jose Amaya with DHCD Director John E. Hall]
Jose Amaya with DHCD Director John E. Hall

It can be very difficult for first-time homeowners to find help to ensure their homes are safe from potential hazards. Fortunately, the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), with the support of a $2.99 million grant from HUD, has made it possible for homeowners to receive free lead-based paint hazards testing through the Lead Safe Washington (http://dhcd.dc.gov/service/lead-safe-washington-program) program.

Jose Amaya, pictured with DHCD Director John E. Hall, was unaware of the potential hazards in the home he purchased two years ago in the Woodridge neighborhood, resulting in high levels of lead for two young children who lived there. On May 31, after the remediation was complete, Mr. Amaya commented that he "can't find the words" to express his appreciation for the work done at his home. "I am happy," he repeatedly said. Adding to his happiness is the fact that his children's once elevated blood levels have returned to normal range within a month's time.

In keeping with HUD's mission, safety and health outcomes for homeowners and their families are improved, greatly enhancing the quality of their lives.


Content Archived: January 21, 2014