Jacksonville's YouthBuild Program is Helping Transform Lives

Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton and other local elected officials joined HUD Field Office Director, CPD Director and CPD Representative, along with leaders from the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office and the City of Jacksonville's Department of Community Services, at the combined Fall Graduation Ceremony of the YouthBuild and DAWN Programs.

[Photo 1: graduation ceremony]
[Photo 2: Mayor Peyton]

This event, held at the Sheriff's Community Corrections Facility, celebrated the graduation of thirteen (13) young men, aged 19-23, who completed Florida State Department of Education requirements to earn their high school diplomas. These students, while serving jail sentences, received concentrated GED instruction, coupled with transitional counseling and vocational training.

Because of their commitment to this program, these individuals will transition back into the community better prepared to assume the responsibilities of positive and productive citizenship.

YouthBuild is a HUD-sponsored comprehensive youth and community development grant program that simultaneously addresses several core issue facing low-income communities: education, housing, jobs and leadership development.

The DAWN (Developing Adults with Necessary Skills) Program, designed to reduce recidivism, provides GED preparation, life skills training and transitional counseling classes necessary for the adult to male, ages 18 to 23, sentenced by the county to successfully integrate into society. Students leave the program with a respect for self and the community.

Content Archived: July 11, 2011