HUD Regional Administrator Ophelia Basgal and HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan in Honolulu

[Photo: Ophelia Basgal with a local father and son make the traditional Hawaiian Shaka gesture]
Regional Administrator Basgal with a local father and son "hang loose" together.

HUD Regional Administrator Ophelia Basgal conducted meetings in Hawaii with the Honolulu HUD Field Office and local officials. She accompanied HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan at his scheduled meetings throughout Honolulu. Regional Administrator Basgal was at the Kaiao Center event and met with a local father and son. There were all smiles as Regional Administrator Basgal made the traditional Hawaiian Shaka gesture for "hang loose."

HUD Secretary Donovan joined U.S. Senators Daniel Inouye, and Daniel Akaka, and U.S. Representative Colleen Hanabusa to speak at the grand opening of the Kānehili Home-stead in Kapolei, Hawaii. The distinguished group joined a happy family as they toured their new home. It was built with HUD funding. He later joined the Reyes family for a traditional Hawaiian blessing of their new home. Secretary Donovan and Regional Administrator Basgal also visited a veterans' homeless center and two public housing developments.


Content Archived: February 20, 2014