American Job Center Hawaii in O'ahu Designated as an EnVision Center

[T.E.A.M. Work Hawaii, holding banner, provides next job outreach services in response to COVID-19.]
T.E.A.M. Work Hawaii, holding banner, provides next job outreach services in response to COVID-19.

Located in the Kalihi-Downtown Opportunity Zone, the vision of the AJCH is for all job seekers to have the skills needed for sustainable employment and self-sufficiency now and in the future, and for all employers who sustain, grow, and diversify the local economy to have competitively skilled employees.

To implement its mission, AJCH provides a full array of employment and training-related services for adults, youth, displaced workers, people with disabilities, veterans and the homeless. The integrated partners' programs on-site provide adult education and literacy, vocational rehabilitation, apprenticeships, native Hawaiian programs, and re-entry assistance. The EnVision Center has several federal partnerships in place including with Veterans Affairs and Labor, which are both on-site, and with the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Additional supportive services provided include financial literacy, rent-to-work, housing assistance for seniors, and community service-cultural enrichment projects for youth.

AJCH has proven that it delivers through customized hiring events and a broad range of diverse business partnerships with such businesses as Amazon, Four Seasons Resorts and through apprenticeships with The Queen's Medical Center and Finance Factors.

The EnVision Center's leadership has a nimble service delivery model and was able to pivot quickly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. AJCH created the Teach, Encourage, Advocate and Motivate (T.E.A.M.) program and accessed much needed Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus response funds through the CARES Act. T.E.A.M provides critical outreach to the newly unemployed, early released detainees and those enduring homelessness.

More about EnVision Centers

Regarding establishing an EnVision Center in Arizona, California, Hawaii or Nevada: please contact us (


Content Archived: January 23, 2023