Iowa Apartment Makes Complex
Accessible for the Disabled
with Fair Housing Staff Guidance

Violations of fair housing laws can lead to very costly fines, lawsuits and negative publicity. However, HUD's staff in the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity is available to help housing developers avoid these problems.

The importance of designing and constructing properties in full compliance with fair housing laws, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, recently became obvious to the stakeholders at Horizon Homes, Ecumenical Housing Development Group/Horizon Homes Associates LP, of Davenport, Iowa. Recently, the property had to undergo renovations and other improvements that will cost approximately $4,937,138.

On June 10, 2008, HUD's Director of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) in HUD's Region VII, Myrtle Wilson, signed a Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) with the owner of Horizon Homes based on a finding that Horizon Homes was not in compliance with Section 504 because it did not have accessible apartments and common use areas that met the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS). The purpose of the VCA is to make the apartment complex accessible to and useable by persons with disabilities, as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. As a part of this VCA, Ms. Wilson also assigned HUD's staff to meet with the managers of Horizon Homes, and to offer the managers guidance on implementing the Agreement.

On December 10, 2008, Connie Radcliff, Equal Opportunity Specialist from HUD's Omaha office, conducted an on-site monitoring visit with Horizon Homes' Section 504 Coordinator and Property Manager to assess the progress made by Horizon Homes. Ms. Radcliff reviewed the complex's revised policies and procedures, and answered questions posed by the property's management team. Ms. Radcliff also viewed the construction and renovations underway at the property.

Based on the state of the renovations and information provided by Horizon Homes' personnel, Ms. Radcliff concluded that it is likely the owner will complete the accessibility renovations within the one year time frame established in the VCA. When the VCA is fully implemented the complex will have six accessible apartments available to persons with mobility disabilities and three for persons with hearing or visual disabilities.

Content Archived: August 19, 2011