HUD Green Academy
Pursuing Green Initiatives

[Photo 1: Group photo of participants]
Group photo of participants at the HUD Green Academy held in Des Moines, IA February 11-15, 2013.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Des Moines, IA Field Office recently hosted a week-long, no-cost Green Academy. This workshop covered five different topics:

Course 1: Introduction to Green Building (
Course 2: Executive Decision Making (
Course 3: Best Practices for Building Operations and Maintenance (
Course 4: Financing Green Building (
Course 5: Energy Performance Contracting for Small PHAs (

Participants gained knowledge of ways to make housing more sustainable; reduce operating expenses while preserving water and energy; implement practical, low-cost measures to save energy & money; finance green and energy efficient improvements; and achieve healthier, safer and more efficient buildings. 132 participants from across eight states attended the workshop. It was at the Neal Smith Federal Building in Des Moines. They represented affordable housing organizations, public housing authorities, state/local government and nonprofit organizations.

[Photo 2: Franklin Cownie providing welcoming comments to the participants]
Des Moines Mayor, Franklin Cownie providing welcoming comments to the participants of the HUD Green Academy held in Des Moines, IA.

The focus was on HUD properties. The principles taught were applicable to any housing complex or home. The training provided relevant information for everyone, whether they were experienced in green initiatives or new to the process and trying to find a starting place.

Des Moines Mayor, Franklin Cownie, and HUD Field Office Director, Steve Eggleston, both thanked participants for attending the workshop. They welcomed them to the City of Des Moines.

HUD Green Academy workshops were sponsored by HUD's Office of Public and Indian Housing, the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, and the Office of Multifamily Housing and Community Planning Division.The workshops are held at various locations across the country.


Further information on the HUD Green Academy (


Content Archived: January 29, 2015