Des Moines' Inner City - Homes On The Move

Des Moines' inner city is the scene of an exciting movement to restore older homes and build new, affordable homes on close-in, infill sites. In the forefront of this trend is the Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDC), a community-based non-profit organization dedicated to betterment of the neighborhoods and quality of life of Des Moines' inner city residents.

In recent years, CHDC has spearheaded redevelopment activities around Moulton Elementary School, located in the heart of the Enterprise Community. CHDC has successfully completed construction of several new, affordable single family homes in the Moulton neighborhood. This has helped influence the Des Moines School Board to make a community investment in improvements to Moulton School. HUD CBDG and HOME funds have been used for part of the neighborhood and housing improvements.

Following close behind the neighborhood and school improvements is construction of a new, 35,000 square foot grocery store, located at 7th and University. Development of the store followed award by HUD of a $3million Section 108 loan and grant combination. Again, CHDC helped "make it happen" by removing, relocating and restoring six older homes that were on the grocery store site. The homes have been moved to infill vacant lots nearby. CHDC moved the homes in the middle of the night in order to minimize disruption of traffic and inconvenience to neighbors. The homes are now all in place and undergoing various repairs and improvements and will soon be available for sale at affordable prices with favorable financing.

Content Archived: August 19, 2011