HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 02-X-09
Cori Senechal
(206) 220-5101 ext. 3510
For Release
July 8, 2002


SEATTLE - Housing and Urban Development Regional Director John Meyers today announced Brian Dale will serve as the Department's principle liaison to community and faith-based organizations in Idaho.

Brian Dale will act as HUD's primary point of contact with faith-based and community groups seeking information, technical assistance and funding opportunities in Idaho. He has a solid background in HUD's programs, having
served as a community liaison for several years and has previous experience with nonprofits, accessibility organizations, and state government.

"Brian will be an indispensable resource to these organizations as we seek to facilitate their participation in HUD's mission of providing critically needed housing and other services to people in need," said John Meyers. "This is just
one more way we can level the playing field for smaller faith-based and community groups who are doing so much good at the grassroots level."

Brian Dale said, "I'm excited to be HUD's liaison to these community and faith-based groups. I'm hopeful I can help continue to break down the barriers that may prevent the full inclusion of these important organizations in the Department's work in their neighborhoods."

Shortly after taking office, President Bush established Centers for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives in five
major cabinet agencies, including HUD, to evaluate policies, funding programs, and agency outreach efforts to
ensure that they emphasize effectiveness and hospitality to faith-based and community-based organizations.
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez directed a top-to-bottom review of all HUD programs to identify barriers to the participation of community- and faith-based organizations. As a result, HUD is working to remove these barriers and reach out to the faith community and other grassroots organizations that are uniquely positioned to more effectively provide social services to low-income Americans.

Last month, Martinez released a bilingual "how-to guide" to help faith-based organizations encourage
homeownership opportunities, particularly among minority families who continue to lag behind historic
homeownership rates. Ten Things Your Faith Community Can Do To Encourage Homeownership offers faith-based grassroots organizations an easy-to-read guide to promoting homeownership in their communities. Earlier this year, HUD Secretary Mel Martinez also issued guidance to approximately 3,200 local public housing agencies granting
them the authority to institute "an open door policy" for faith-based organizations to provide social services to
public housing residents.

HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities, creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans, supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development as well as
enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet.


Content Archived: March 11, 2011