Homeownership Express Rolls into Chicago

[Photo: Joseph P. Galvan and Carolyn Peoples standing along side of the bus]
Joseph P. Galvan and Carolyn Peoples standing along side of the bus.

HUD's Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing, Carolyn Peoples, and Regional Director Joseph P. Galvan were on hand at the Chicago Urban League on June 9 as the Homeownership express rolled in. They were present for the unveiling of a new Homeownership program offered by the Urban League in support of the Bush Administration's goal of adding 5.5 million new minority homeowners by 2010. Congressmen Danny Davis and Bobby Rush joined the Assistant Secretary at the podium, among other dignitaries. She said the word needs to get out, "that ownership of a home by minority families, "is affordable and attainable." She said the special homeownership bus is helping to spread that word across America.

Content Archived: August 3, 2011