On the Road to Self Sufficiency in Illinois

On December 17, 2004, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson announced $1,027,011.00 in funding to eight Illinois public housing agencies to help low-income people get job training, employment and homeownership counseling.

"This funding helps individuals find employment to eventually become economically independent," said Jackson. "In fact, many families who take advantage of the support services and escrow-accounts provided under this program have become first time homeowners." In all, $44,492,511 was awarded housing authorities in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Illinois housing authorities are:

Housing Authority of the City of East St. Louis
Chicago Housing Authority
Peoria Housing Authority
Springfield Housing Authority
Madison County Housing Authority
Rockford Housing Authority
Housing Authority of the County of Cook
DuPage County Housing Authority

HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Sufficiency (HCV/FSS) program provides funds to public housing agencies to hire family self-sufficiency coordinators. FSS coordinators assist adults who receive rental assistance through the HCV program with job training, childcare, counseling, transportation and job placement programs. Some of the awardees received funding to hire an additional coordinator to assist families who are ready to purchase their first home.

Participants in the HCV/FSS program sign a contract that stipulates the head of the household will get a job and the family will become self-sufficient within five years. While enrolled in the program, as the family's income rises, a portion of that income goes to an interest-bearing escrow account. The resulting savings can be used for down payment on a home purchase, paying educational expenses, starting a business or paying back debts.


Content Archived: August 3, 2011