Oak Park, IL Receives Nearly $3 Million

Midwest Regional Administrator Antonio R. Riley spoke to media and recipients at the Oak Park, IL., press conference. He was there to announce a Community Challenge Grant Award to Oak Park and the West Cook County Housing Collaborative. Regional Administrator Antonio Riley presented a Community Challenge Grant Award ceremonial check
for nearly $3 million to the West Cook County Housing Collaborative mayors and Illinois state senators and representatives. The Village of Oak Park, as part of a coalition of suburban communities, will be awarded $2,916,272 for the West Cook County Transit Oriented Development Strategy.

The West Cook County Housing Collaborative (The "Collaborative") is in its third year of existence. It consists of five West Cook suburban communities immediately adjacent to the City of Chicago. The Collaborative's efforts will create or update existing comprehensive plans for the five communities. This will assist in allowing them to revisit outdated zoning and infrastructure plans that are impediments to transit-oriented, affordable housing development. The Collaborative will also create an acquisition/ predevelopment fund to support affordable housing, preservation and development near transit stops in the five communities.

Read the news release.

[Photo 1: Antonio Riley presents a Community Challenge Grant Award ceremonial check]
Regional Administrator Antonio Riley presents
a Community Challenge Grant Award ceremonial check.
[Photo 2: Antonio R. Riley speaks from podium]
Midwest Regional Administrator Antonio R. Riley
addresses audience


Content Archived: October 29, 2013