HUD Louisville Office Celebrates Customer Service Successes

The HUD Louisville Office recently held its third "Customer Service Person of the Quarter" celebration. Jenna Schmidt, Public Housing Clerk, was selected as the "Customer Service Person of the Quarter" for her outstanding service to HUD's external customers and public housing authorities. Jinger Coffelt, Computer Specialist, was selected as the internal "Customer Service Person of the Quarter" for being both a supporter and leader in customer service.

[Photo: Left to right are Jenna Schmidt, Ben Cook, and Jinger Coffelt]
Field Office Director Ben A. Cook expanded the Louisville "Customer Service Person of the Quarter" to provide an award for both internal and external customer service provided by the staff of the Louisville Office. Everyone in the office has the opportunity to nominate individuals and teams for the awards. Louisville's Customer Service Committee reviews the nominations and selects the winners. Pictured left to right are Jenna Schmidt, Ben Cook, and Jinger Coffelt.

The Louisville Office launched the "Customer Service Person of the Quarter" recognition program during its first Customer Service Week. During that week, Louisville staff participated in various activities designed to improve morale, encourage teamwork, and to generate a stronger commitment to customer service excellence. Regional Director Brian E. Noyes was the featured speaker during the Customer Service Week kick-off.

Prior to Customer Service Week and the implementation of the recognition program, the Louisville Office surveyed Kentucky mayors, community development agencies, public housing/Section 8 agencies, multifamily housing agents/owners, non-profit organizations, and fair housing organizations to determine their satisfaction with the service provided by the staff of the Louisville Office.

Eight months later, the same partners were surveyed using the same survey. The survey results overwhelmingly reflected that customer satisfaction has significantly increased. There were increases in the highest rating possible in 16 of 17 questions. There was at least a 10% increase in the highest rating possible for 9 of the 17 questions. See the table below for result samples.

2003 Louisville Office Survey 2002 Louisville Office Survey
64% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the quality of information received from HUD 53% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the quality of information received from HUD.
60% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the timeliness of information received from HUD. 51% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the timeliness of information received from HUD.
64% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the quality of guidance received from HUD. 55% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the quality of guidance received from HUD.
75% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the responsiveness of the people with whom they deal at HUD. 66% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the responsiveness of the people with whom they deal at HUD.
71% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the competence of the people with whom they deal at HUD. 61% of those surveyed were "Very Satisfied" with the competence of the people with whom they deal at HUD.

Content Archived: July 5, 2011