Bowling Green Housing Authority Hosts Father's Day Event

[Photo: HUD Kentucky Field Office Director Christopher Taylor spends quality time with the youth from the Bowling Green Learning Center for the Dads for a Day Friends for Life housing authority Father's Day event]
HUD Kentucky Field Office Director Christopher Taylor spends quality time with the youth from the Bowling Green Learning Center for the Dads for a Day Friends for Life housing authority Father's Day event

Dads for a Day Friends for Life, brought kids from the Housing Authority of Bowling Green's Learning Center and mentors from Black Men United to learn from one another. Also participating was HUD Kentucky Field Office Director Christopher Taylor.

"Children need positive male role models who believe in them to succeed in life," said Christopher Taylor. "It was a pleasure to spend time with the kids from the Bowling Green Learning Center for this Father's Day event. It is also touching to see the ongoing mentorship provided to the youth by Abraham Williams who is the Bowling Green Housing Authority's Executive Director. You can really see the mutual care and respect that they have for one another."

HUD has encouraged housing authorities and other HUD rent assisted property managers to sponsor Father's Day events since 2011 to strengthen and empower families.


Content Archived: February 2, 2017