Kentucky's New Lieutenant Governor Interacts with Learning Center Youth at the Housing Authority of Bowling Green

[Photo 1: Nnamdi Igwe, BGHA Learning Center student, presented a speech about reaching for the stars.]
Nnamdi Igwe, BGHA Learning Center student, presented a speech about reaching for the stars.
Photo Credits: Bowling Green Housing Authority (BGHA)

[Photo 2: Left to right - HUD Kentucky Field Office Director Christopher Taylor, Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton, and BGHA Executive Director Abraham Williams]
Left to right: HUD Kentucky Field Office Director Christopher Taylor, Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton, and BGHA Executive Director Abraham Williams.
Photo Credits: Bowling Green Housing Authority (BGHA)

Written by: Deborah Knight/Bowling Green Housing Authority Staff

Recently, Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton, a resident of Bowling Green, arrived at the Housing Authority of Bowling Green (HABG) Learning Center to the cheers and applause of approximately 50 students in grades K - 12, who participate daily in the After-School Tutoring Program.

The students in the Learning Center Choir then provided a patriotic medley of songs in honor of their prestigious guest.

A very moving student testimonial speech was given by Nnamdi Igwe, an 11th grade student at the Learning Center, who is originally from Nigeria and aspires to be a pediatrician.

"In 2013, I stepped into this building knowing no one and not sure of what I was doing here. But 3 years later, here I am standing before the Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky, thanks to the Learning Center and the Housing Authority of Bowling Green," began Nnamdi.  "Reach for the stars. The Learning Center has shown me the true meaning of this phrase in so many ways. To reach for the stars means to set one's goals or ambitions very high. I personally believe that there are three things required to achieve ambitions that can seem impossible: character, intelligence, and resources." [Read the rest of the speech.]

The new Lieutenant Governor, who has been in office since December 2015, was invited to come and share her remarkable story of her journey to the Kentucky State Capitol and tour the Learning Center with Executive Director Abraham Williams, his staff, and HUD Kentucky Field Office Director Christopher Taylor. 

Lieutenant Governor Hampton addressed the students on her childhood in Detroit, her service in the U.S. Air Force, her career in manufacturing, and ultimately her election to the position of Kentucky Lieutenant Governor. 

"I am so impressed with the youth here at the Learning Center.  I remember how important reading was to me because through reading I could see the possibilities out there," said Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton. She explained that while growing up it was her mother who was her greatest mentor and who would tell her something often that she shared with the students, "The right thing is not always easy and the easy thing is not always right."  She said her mother led by example and the Lieutenant Governor encouraged them to think about this and to do the right thing even when it might be difficult.

As a supporter of constitutionally limited government, and a devotee of improving the lives of those around her, Lieutenant Governor Hampton serves as a strong conservative voice in Kentucky, inspiring others to political action and community service. 

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Content Archived: February 21, 2018