HUD Southeast Regional Administrator Visits Louisville Family Scholar House

[Tiffany and Regional Administrator Leggett in Princeton's room.]
Tiffany and Regional Administrator Leggett in Princeton's room.

[The Family Scholar House Learning Center playroom.]
The Family Scholar House Learning Center playroom.

During her recent trip to Kentucky, HUD Southeast Regional Administrator Denise Cleveland-Leggett stopped by one of the five Louisville Family Scholar House locations. Cathe Dyskstra, Chief Possibility Officer, President, and CEO of Family Scholar House, spoke of the life changing benefits that the program offers the participants and their children. Giving someone a chance at a college education when, in virtually every case, that person is the first one in their family to attend college, may seem like a daunting task. But not for Cathe and the others running this highly successful self-sufficiency program that offers HUD Housing Choice Vouchers and after school care while the participants earn a college degree and take other life skills courses.

Once she met Tiffany, Leggett saw firsthand how the program touches lives. Tiffany and her son, Princeton, have lived at the Family Scholar House for six months and she just beamed as she showed Leggett and others her apartment and Princeton's toys and his learning table with blocks. "Even though I don't look like it, I am 26-years-old and this is the first time that I have ever been on my own," said Tiffany. "I love having my own place to live with my son and we are so happy. And I know that I am getting an education that will last me a lifetime."

"I am so impressed with the Family Scholar House and with Tiffany," said Leggett. "This holistic program gives the participants the support, education, and skills that they need to succeed. It is quite empowering and I have no doubt that Tiffany and her son, Princeton, will attain all of their goals."

The mission of Family Scholar House: To end the cycle of poverty and transform our community by empowering families and youth to succeed in education and achieve life-long self-sufficiency. Learn more about Family Scholar House ( and how to apply ( See all Kentucky Scholar House ( locations.


Content Archived: January 16, 2019