HUD Choice Neighborhood grant recipients host film debut of Louisville's historic Beecher Terrace Apartments

[Hundreds of Louisville residents and community stakeholders attend the film debut of The Beecher Terrace Story.]
Hundreds of Louisville residents and community stakeholders attend the film debut of The Beecher Terrace Story.

More than 200 people gathered in Louisville, Kentucky to view The Beecher Terrace Story (, a documentary which was filmed, produced and developed at the request of the Louisville Metro Housing Authority (LMHA) to ensure that Beecher Terrace Apartment's historic and important role in shaping the Russell neighborhood and the city is not forgotten.

Over the last several years, Louisville Metro Government (LMHA), Russell area stakeholders and numerous other partners have been working to transform the Russell neighborhood following the award of three HUD Choice Neighborhood Grants. As part of this work, Beecher's historic housing complex is being redeveloped to provide for a new energy-efficient, mixed-income community.

"LMHA is proud to partner with local filmmaker Lavel White on the documentary The Beecher Terrace Story. We champion the opportunity to preserve the history of Beecher, as well as its people, on the horizon of unprecedented revitalization to the Russell neighborhood," said Lisa Osanka, LMHA Executive Director. "The Beecher Terrace Story demonstrates the power of strong communities in action. We look forward to our neighbors in Louisville and outside the Commonwealth using The Beecher Terrace Story as a tool to engage with community members and learn more about the role that public housing plays in the history our city."

"Although one of HUD's largest investments can be seen from our office, the impact of the development on the surrounding community and the displaced families are not as clear to the eye," said Peter Jackson, HUD Kentucky Field Office Director. "By experiencing these types of events with those affected, it strengthens our relationship with local partners while simultaneously serving as an informative resource that should lead to improvements in the delivery of HUD programs."

"The turnout of recent and former residents, as well as partners in the revitalization was really something," said Anice Chenault, HUD Public Housing Revitalization Specialist who was also in attendance from the HUD Kentucky Field Office. "The community pride was palpable."

Since opening in 1939, Beecher Terrace has been home to thousands of families who were influenced by its strong sense of community. The Beecher Terrace Story ( includes interviews with several former residents and neighborhood stakeholders who remember the community's rich history through their personal stories and anecdotes. The film also highlights the changes that have taken place at the site over the decades, and the important role the Beecher Terrace development will play in the future of both the Russell neighborhood and for changing Louisville's historic housing disparities overall.

Find out more about Vision Russell ( and their revitalization plan.


Content Archived: January 31, 2022